Max Blaxill and Barbara Loe Fisher are committed anti-vaccination activists. They have written an outstanding document based on their study of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and its dismal failure to protect our children from the ravages of the preventable health crisis into which toxic and unnecessary vaccines have thrust them. Instead the CDC has chosen to protect the enormous profits of the illness industry and its most financially productive segment, the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Their Atlanta Manifesto is reproduced here in its entirety. (Atlanta is the home of the CDC.)
Please share this starkly (and darkly) vital document widely knowing that the same lack of science and scruples is not being used to create the climate of belief and behavior among the adult population to create the psychological and legal setting for universal compulsory vaccination for everyone, not just children. Remember, the Patriot Act and other legislation passed by the US Congress makes compulsory vaccination something that the Federal Government can initiate. All who refuse can be quarantined indefinitely. None of us would have any assurance that what is said to be the vaccine’s purpose (e.g., “protecting” us from Bird Flu, for example), would be the real purpose of the vaccine. Once injected, how would it be removed? The adjuvants, components, contaminants, foreign proteins, viruses and hidden purposes for the vaccine (like a sterility-causing vaccine mixed in with the real vaccine and given ONLY to women and girls between 15 and 45 in South and Central America despite the fact that men and boys had at least equal chances of stepping on rusty nails) would not be open to discussion. Accept the vaccine or wind up in a detention camp on US soil – of which there are apparently about 800 at the present moment with room for at least 30 million Americans.
The Natural Solutions Foundation endorses the Atlanta Manifesto and supports it fully.
Please be sure to add your name and that of your organization (large or small, formal or informal) to the Tiburon Declaration demanding an end to compulsory vaccination and drugging. PART 1. Spread the word widely and ask everyone you know to join the Natural Solutions Foundation Health Freedom eAlerts at ( and take the actions required to keep us vaccine free – and free!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
The Atlanta Manifesto: Safety Last to Children First
By Mark Blaxill and Barbara Loe Fisher
Safe Minds and the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) are pleased to have an opportunity to present a case for change in our nation’s public health strategy. We are grateful to Dr. Julie Gerberding and her staff for reaching out for a range of views on this subject. As parents and citizens, we have joined this discussion feeling the weight of great responsibility on our shoulders, because we see an urgent need for change in public health policy and practice. The health of the children of our country is deteriorating. Yet rather than facing this reality, our public health leadership has turned away from the challenge in order to defend entrenched practices and controversial policies, some of which may have contributed to these adverse trends. Accordingly,we want to make a strong and clear statement: the public health agenda in our country requires comprehensive reform.
The authors represented our respective organizations — National Vaccine Information Center and Safe Minds — as invited participants to the Blue Ribbon Panel on Vaccine Safety on June 3-4, 2004, in Atlanta. We appreciated receiving our invitations to attend. We also respect and acknowledge the efforts of the chair, Dr. Louis Cooper, to summarize the discussion in his Summary Report. Given the mix of the participants, many of whom have close ties to the past CDC leadership and/or personal involvement in setting the recent course of U.S. public health policy and practice, we did not expect that the Summary Report would convey our sense of urgency and concern. Although the Summary Report represented a good faith effort to report on the Blue Ribbon Panel’s proceedings, it did not provide a coherent reporting of the case for comprehensive change. Accordingly, our two organizations have joined together to author this White Paper on Vaccine Safety, entitled, “From Safety Last to Children First.”
We should note at the outset that our most fundamental dissent from the larger group is the framing of the agenda itself. We are far less concerned with focusing on vaccination than we are concerned with focusing on better health outcomes for America’s children. Although our organizations have frequently (and unfairly) been described as “anti-vaccine,” we share the view that vaccine programs to manage infectious diseases can be a valuable part of strategies to advance the mission of childhood health. These diseases, however, reflect only a fraction of the adverse health outcomes facing children today and a decreasing fraction of these. So although the focus of the agenda for the Blue Ribbon Panel reflects the misplaced emphasis on infectious diseases, we choose not to restrict our Response to the Summary Report to the agenda as defined. Instead we will address the case for change based on some core principles and a hopeful vision of the future.
We share a sense of hope that America’s public health focus can be reformed to serve the health needs of children and families in the 21st century. A forward-looking focus for public health practice would embrace:
1) A mission of securing positive health outcomes for children and families;
2) A commitment to a total health perspective, including chronic as well as infectious disease, developmental disability as well as episodic illness, and quality of life as well as the absence of disease;
3) A recognition of the crisis of the chronic disease epidemics among children, including autism, learning disabilities, attention deficits and other neuro-developmental disorders as well as asthma, allergy, juvenile-onset diabetes and other autoimmune disorders;
4) A vaccine policy that treats all citizens, including parents, as intelligent participants in the health choices they make for themselves, their children and their communities and requires true informed consent for participation in vaccine programs;
5) An operating philosophy that sets a goal of zero vaccine adverse reactions and treats each reaction respectfully, indeed as a resource for diagnosis and prevention of future vaccine adverse reactions, especially those that lead to chronic adverse health outcomes;
6) A governance model for vaccine policy-making based on true public accountability, characterized by public inclusion, openness to scientific criticism and a willingness to accept past shortfalls as an opportunity for learning, growth and change.
We believe that this positive focus is notably absent in public health policy and practice today. Consequently, we share a grave concern that the past approach of public health authorities requires comprehensive and fundamental reform. In contrast to our vision of hope, we see a current approach that is fixated on:
1) A mission of fighting a war on disease that disregards the secondary and tertiary consequences of war and views innocent children as inevitable casualties;
2) A commitment to an unprecedented expansion in the childhood vaccine program , with inadequate, if any, consideration given to the cumulative and interactive effects of this strategy;
3) A consistent posture of hyping the risk of infectious disease, a communication model that relies on fear, hyperbole and incomplete information;
4) A vaccine program concerned largely with herding “the public” into a state of compliance, reflecting a view of citizens as a monolithic entity in need of instruction rather than engagement;
5) An operating ethos in vaccine safety management of utilitarianism, one that allows for “acceptable losses”, based on an approach that places “safety last” in funding priorities;
6) A pattern of governance in which many decision-makers have direct financial and/or career conflicts of interest that produce biases to program expansion and the defense of past policy decisions.
The continued pursuit of the current approach has created an adversarial environment that jeopardizes the health of America’s children and the long-term well-being of our nation. Within the CDC, a defensive bureaucracy finds it increasingly difficult to reconcile past ideological and policy commitments with the emerging realities. Parent organizations, faced by institutional complacency (with respect to epidemic childhood illnesses like autism) and defensiveness (with respect to the examination of plausible environmental and biological hypotheses), are forced into confrontations they do not enjoy, consuming time they do not have. Pediatric organizations, long resigned to becoming instruments of state policy by allowing their members to become a toll gate for vaccine administration in well child visits, have come adrift from the service mission that motivates most pediatricians, securing positive health outcomes for children, not maximizing their office visits. Vaccine manufacturers, prisoners of their extraordinary corporate profit rates, pursue short term profit enhancement with too little regard for the adverse effects to which inappropriate usage of their products may contribute. In the meantime, as a nation we have too many sick children and no shared view about how they got that way.
This all must change.
THE ATLANTA MANIFESTO:From Waging a War on Disease to Securing Childhood Health
For those who join high level discussions of vaccine policy for the first time, it is quite surprising to see many CDC officials wearing uniforms. By embracing a military identity, these officials emphasize their unique prerogatives. That they possess the authority: to deploy the coercive powers of the state as they see fit; to deprive citizens of their liberty in the name of the greater good; and to enforce what they consider to be necessary human sacrifices as they do battle with dangerous microbes and viruses. The language of conflict — the “war on disease,” “combating the causes of epidemic,” “fighting emerging infections” — is closely connected to the language of military power and, of course, “Disease Control.” History teaches us that when government officials are determined to fight a war, any war, truth can be the first casualty.
Nurse Although the CDC hosts multiple centers for disease prevention, a clear organizational focus on chronic childhood disease and disability and on overall childhood health is absent. The Center for Chronic Disease Prevention focuses almost exclusively on adult conditions, while the Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) focuses its attention on a selective set of childhood conditions, a set that excludes autoimmune conditions. The NCBDDD has meanwhile demonstrated puzzling complacency in its approach to developmental disorders such as autism. Effectively, the CDC’s largest institutional commitment to childhood health lies within the National Immunization Program, a group with an exclusive focus on preventing infectious diseases through mandated mass vaccinations. For most American families, the childhood immunization program represents the public face of the CDC and its most concrete intervention in our everyday lives. We exaggerate only a bit when we say the war on infectious disease as implemented by the NIP is America ‘s primary childhood health initiative.
In the war on infectious disease, the CDC measures progress by its surveillance of “notifiable diseases.” There are now more than 60 such notifiable infectious diseases and the CDC reports these diseases on a weekly basis for each state and territory, with annual breakdowns that itemize case counts by age group, including children. By contrast, no such chronic disease and disability surveillance exists for children, with the sole exception of some rudimentary asthma data. As to clear childhood health crises such as the epidemic of autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs), the CDC only says, “We do not know if ASDs are becoming more common in the United States .”
Clearly, our public health officials possess asymmetric information with respect to the total health of children and how it is changing. This asymmetry results in part from institutional inertia, in part from limited funding and in part from different perceived relevance of such timely reporting for intervention purposes. Whether or not this asymmetry was ever deliberate, it has resulted in clear ignorance regarding chronic disease. And although one might attempt to excuse such ignorance as an historical legacy, at some point such ignorance becomes willful: a conscious choice to forego the acquisition of unwelcome knowledge; an attempt to preserve plausible deniability in the face of disturbing news. In a parent, such denials would amount to negligence. Indeed, diligent, concerned parents have become the most vocal critics of our public health officials’ performance in the area of childhood health.
Yet while parents may know a great deal about their own children, they inevitably possess a limited view of populations, enhanced perhaps, but quite possibly distorted, by shared group experiences in advocacy groups. Scientists typically rely on more rigorous surveillance and research to provide reliable trend and incidence data. Yet scientists and other “experts” will only know what basic surveillance tells them or what they seek to know through sponsored research. When basic surveillance and critical research is lacking, scientists become less reliable sources than parents, absent primary information sources of any kind.
As parents, we therefore often look to front line health professionals such as therapists and nurses for their perspective. These professionals have a broader perspective on childhood health than either parents or scientists. Among such health care professionals, the message is clear: something new and terrible is happening to America ‘s children. Consider, for example, a quote from a representative of school nurses in Missouri, testifying before Congress in 2000.
“The elementary grades are overwhelmed with children who have symptoms of neurological and/or immune system damage: epilepsy, seizure disorders, various kinds of palsies, autism, mental retardation, learning disabilities, juvenile-onset diabetes, asthma, vision /hearing loss, and a multitude of new conduct/behavior disorders …
We (nurses, principals and teachers) have talked many times about the possible cause(s) of the continuing increase in pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), such as autism. From the literature we have found, we should expect a rate for PDD of about 2-5 in 10,000. In our community the rate in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade is more like 1 in 150. The teaching staff is overwhelmed ….
We are all now faced with a moral dilemma: will we protect the “sacred cow of conventional vaccine philosophy” or will we stand up and speak out for the “health and well being of innocent children”? We choose children. We wonder, which will our government choose?
-Patti White, RN Missouri Central District School Nurse Association. Statement to the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human. Resources of the Committee on Government Reform U.S. House of Representatives
In the year 2000, there were 122 cases of AIDS reported in children under five years of age, 37 cases of measles, 57 cases of mumps, 10 cases of rubella, 43 cases of hepatitis B, less than 3,000 cases of pertussis, and zero cases of tetanus, diphtheria and 9 other notifiable diseases. By contrast, California — with over 10% of the U.S. population — reported over 6,700 new cases of PDD/autistic disorder, by extrapolation a national reporting rate of 70,000 children annually. Over 800,000 children under five reported an episode of asthma. New juvenile-onset diabetes cases probably numbered in the thousands (unfortunately, no reliable surveillance exists).
We do not presume to judge the relative significance of these diseases to childhood health, however we do submit that chronic diseases are in no way less harmful to children. We would also note that the vast majority of children recover from a case of childhood infectious disease (as parents looking back on our childhood, most of us remember uneventful recoveries from these diseases as children).
We represent a growing constituency of parents of children who developed normally and then acquired a chronic developmental disorder early in childhood. Our children will never fully recover. Although we recognize the risk of childhood disease, we would gladly trade a few episodes of vaccine-preventable, infectious disease in our children for the disabilities they will live with for the rest of their lives. Tragically, our ranks have swelled dramatically. Indeed, the numbers suggest that the weight of the modern public health agenda should revolve around families like ours. The problem we represent therefore is new. It has, moreover, emerged and grown in parallel with the growth in the number of required childhood vaccines. So although we recognize the risk of jumping to premature conclusions regarding causality, we also deplore complacency and defensiveness in any form. It is time, indeed long past time, for our public health officials to reset their priorities and turn their attention to the health issues of greatest consequence for children in the 21 st century.
The Blue Ribbon Panel was convened to consider a proposal to separate vaccine risk management from risk assessment [at the CDC]. We concur with the spirit of this proposal and believe that independence in vaccine safety assessment is overdue. The National Immunization Program has long confused vaccine safety with vaccine promotion. But we also see a deeper force driving the problems with vaccine safety, a force that goes beyond simple questions of organization and governance. The longstanding commitment of our public health leadership to expansion of the mandatory vaccination programs places pressure on the watchdogs of safety to make vaccine risk assessment friendly not just for current programs, but also for new vaccines. Dr. Robert Chen, the official most responsible for vaccine safety over the last decade has openly confessed to this bias in print.
“Given the current increasingly “anti-vaccine” milieu, it is hard to imagine that the full potential of new vaccines will be harnessed. To avoid this impending tragedy, we need to critically examine the factors influencing this change in public sentiments.”
– Dr. Robert Chen, Vaccine Safety and Development Branch, National Immunization Program, CDC, “Vaccine Risks: real, perceived and unknown”, Vaccine, 1999.
Dr. Chen sets forth here the central fallacy of modern vaccine policy: if some vaccine interventions have done some good, then more interventions will do more good. His conclusion that the failure to expand the vaccine program would be a “tragedy” reflects this a priori assumption, shared by so many, that we have only just begun to harness the potential for strategies of increased intervention. Numerous careers, major research programs and large-scale commercial investments have been bet on the promise of public acceptance of unlimited vaccine interventions. Much is at stake.
In just a few short years, we have seen the effects of this strategy. Through the 1970s, the childhood immunization schedule consisted of interventions against a short list of diseases: smallpox, polio, diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. Today, the CDC’s “universal use” list for children has expanded to include vaccines against measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, haemophilus influenza B, varicella, pneumococcal and influenza. Before they reach their second birthday, a child born today will receive 32 separate vaccine doses when following the CDC’s recommended schedule. With these additions, we have embarked on a public health strategy that constitutes a radical shift in the way our species experiences its environment and a radical shift in the way the human immune and neurological systems develop during the first critical months of life. In a quite literal sense, we have entered unexplored territory.
As the childhood vaccine program has expanded, it has also changed character. The earliest vaccines—polio, diphtheria, smallpox—protected against highly infectious and frequently fatal diseases, diseases to which infants were also highly vulnerable. The new additions to the vaccine program have not targeted similar attributes or shared the same benefits. These new targets are often less dangerous to children (chickenpox or rubella), less infectious (haemophilus influenza B or pneumococcal) or otherwise less prevalent among children (hepatitis B).
Although the original vaccines had demonstrable preventive benefits, their risks were also meaningful. Dramatic, sometimes fatal, adverse events associated with neurological damage have been documented, most notably with whole cell pertussis vaccine, but also with oral polio vaccines. The re-introduction of smallpox vaccine after September 11, 2001 was curtailed due to unacceptable rates of adverse events, including cardiac events that led to death. One distinguishing feature of these events, however, was their clear cause-and-effect relationship with single vaccine exposures.
As the vaccine program has expanded, we face new safety concerns. In addition to the ongoing risk of single vaccine adverse events, we need to recognize new exposure risks, either from the cumulative effect of vaccine ingredients or from the unintended consequence of interactions between vaccine and other environmental antigens and the potential for accidents in a complex, closely-coupled system like the developing immune system.
Vaccine mercury exposure provides a dramatic example of the cumulative effect risk. Exposing the developing brain to mercury was never a good idea, but the introduction of two new vaccines in the early 1990s (not to mention the increasing practice of antenatal Rho D immunization) tripled the earliest exposure rates. These additions effectively compounded acknowledged mercury risks to pregnant mothers from seafood consumption and dental amalgams. In the case of mercury, we see the dark side of the “more is better”, expansionist bias: if some mercury exposure is bad, then more is unquestionably worse. Yet now the CDC has recommended new childhood mercury exposures via influenza vaccines, when evidence continues to accumulate underscoring the danger of these exposures.
More complex, but no less concerning, is the issue of interactive effects. We simply do not know what the risks of these 39 doses of 12 vaccines might be for human health when combined together in developing infants. In the face of this recent escalation in intervention, common sense would suggest a testing discipline involving more than assessments of each new vaccine, or even combination vaccine, on its own, but rather involving comprehensive assessments of the old strategy vs. the new strategy in their entirety. Such comprehensive testing has been dismissed as too expensive, or even absurd. But it has never been attempted.
So as parents, we are faced with a puzzling paradox. We want our children to be healthy, but they are not, even though we have done what we have been told to do by public health officials and pediatricians. We see families around us in similar distress, with asthma inhalers and epi pens as common in schools today as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were in our day. We are concerned about a radical strategy of intervention that has never been tested for safety and yet we watch as responsible government officials behave defensively and with more regard for their beliefs and careers than for the future of our children. We want to believe in the integrity of our public health system, yet we cannot, because we fear that excessive specialization and bureaucratic inertia has led us away from the only focus that matters: the overall health and well-being of our children. We believe it is time to call a halt to the expansionist momentum and revisit basic strategic premises. We strongly encourage the CDC to move away from strategies focused on the parts to a strategy focused on a total health perspective. This may be difficult, but it is necessary if we are going to answer the question: why are so many children chronically ill today?
THE ATLANTA MANIFESTO, From Hyping The Risk Of Infectious Disease, To Facing The Reality Of Chronic Disease Epidemics
As the vaccine program expands and the complex assessment of marginal cost and benefits becomes more critical, the integrity of the analysis surrounding these assessments matters even more. A prior commitment to a strategy of program expansion casts suspicion on the CDC’s internal analysis when the institutional proponents of the expansion strategy control the interpretation and dissemination of information and analysis. The obvious concern is that benefits may be overstated and that risks will be suppressed.
We see pervasive evidence of bias among CDC’s analysts that lends credence to such concerns. Hepatitis B vaccine policy serves as useful first case in point.
CDC officials display a bias toward vaccine interventions. When the mandatory hepatitis B vaccination was added to the childhood immunization schedule in 1991, this new initiative was the outcome of years of policy discussions. CDC infectious disease specialists took a public advocacy stance in favor of “worldwide elimination of hepatitis B transmission,” claiming “we have the way, we need the will.” Oddly, for a disease transmitted primarily through promiscuous sexual activity and intravenous drug use, the strategy they chose was universal infant immunization, including a first dose immediately at birth. Yet claims supporting the wisdom of this “way” have been called into question by recent research showing that infant hepatitis B immunization provides protection for five years at most.
CDC models exaggerate the incidence of infectious disease. Promoting a short-lived intervention in populations far removed from the main source of the infection is odd enough, but the CDC felt obliged to defend the urgency of such an unusual choice by overstating the overall risks of this (largely adult) disease. Until the late 1990s, annual infections by hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the U.S. were routinely quoted at more than 300,000 despite the fact that CDC’s own surveillance numbers showed far fewer cases, less than 10% of the quoted cases, and these case counts fell rapidly through the 1990s
CDC models overstate childhood disease risk to justify vaccine interventions. Defenders of the universal hepatitis B vaccine birth dose policy estimated that 25,000 HBV infections occurred annually in children prior to the introduction of the vaccine. These calculations have not been challenged but are full of holes: surveillance reports of childhood infections have never reached even 1% of these modeled levels; the models that produce high infection estimates require large rates of horizontal transmission, transmissions that have never been reliably described; and distinctions between peri-natal transmission (where mothers could reasonably be offered a choice between vaccine exposure and maternal HBV testing) and childhood transmission (where vaccines provide unique benefits) have never been established. In evaluating a policy that requires annual immunizations of millions of newborns, rigor and accuracy in making such distinctions are critical, but such scrutiny has been forsaken in favor of salesmanship and hype.
We have by now become familiar with the fear-mongering that makes infectious disease a reliable news item. From the infamous swine flu to the West Nile virus, we have grown accustomed to seeing the threat of deadly infection on the front page and the evening news. Even with more legitimate threats like SARS, the reality of these threats consistently fails to meet the hype, yet spreading the fear of infection remains a reliable tactic. By contrast, chronic diseases–perhaps because they are judged to be less preventable, a matter for families to accept rather than a prevention opportunity — receive nowhere near the same attention or priority. Autism rates have increase tenfold but the CDC has not yet declared a public health crisis. Similar to the case of hepatitis B, autism provides a second case example of CDC policy bias.
CDC surveillance designs fail to specify chronic disease variants. The featured activity in CDC’s autism surveillance activities is the Metropolitan Atlanta Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (MADDSP). Although only a single publication has been produced so far as an output of this effort, this publication revealed the manifold weaknesses of the program. The MADDSP approach fails to distinguish between the sub-categories of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs) — autistic disorder, PDD not otherwise specified and Asperger’s syndrome — an approach that makes it impossible to compare results of MADDSP with other studies around the world. MADDSP researchers place children in diagnostic categories based only on a records review and do not require standardized diagnostic interviews. Diagnostic precision is essential to effective surveillance (can you imagine hepatitis reports that fail to distinguish between viruses A, B and C?) yet the MADDSP program has abandoned any effort to institute such precision. Even so, the CDC now offers their approach as the model for other states to follow. Lack of diagnostic precision may provide a deliberate refuge for analysts who are not interested in obtaining good facts, but makes for poor health policy in the long run.
CDC studies avoid the assessment of chronic disease trends. When CDC studies have embraced a more rigorous approach to PDD classifications, they have still failed to report accurately on time trends. The autism prevalence researchers in Brick Township, NJ provided accurate estimates of autism rates in a well-defined study population. Yet they suppressed important evidence on changes in autism rates over time, reporting rates by only two large age groups. More disturbing, these authors failed to publish autism rates by birth year, rates that would have demonstrated clear and compelling evidence of an increasing time trend in autism rates. Safe Minds has obtained these rates, and they contradict the CDC authors’ claims that “prevalence rates for the two [time periods] were not different.” We cannot help but wonder how the surveillance disciplines, so well developed in infectious diseases, break down so completely in chronic diseases like autism. Yet they do.
When increasing trends are acknowledged they are dismissed with speculation. When discussing the undeniable increases in reported autism rates, CDC officials profess little concern and offer unsupported hypotheses that attempt to play down the likelihood of any real increase. The NCBDD web site on autism offers the following account.
“The studies that have looked at how common ASDs are often used different ways to identify children with ASDs, and it is possible that researchers have just gotten better at identifying these children. It is also possible that professionals know more about ASDs now and are therefore more likely to diagnose them correctly. Also, a wider range of people are now being classified as having ASDs, including people with very good language and thinking skills in some areas who have unusual ways of interacting or behaving.”
In the face of the spectacular rise in reported autism rates, speculations like these cry out for scientific support. Yet there is no scientific evidence of any kind that supports a single one of these speculations. How is such carelessness allowed?
Taken together, these tendencies form a pernicious pattern of misinformation and deception. The favored diseases and interventions are supported, while the inconvenient trends and anomalies are suppressed. Responsible public health management demands a clear-eyed view of the current health reality, one based on high-quality data, sound analysis and rigorous logic. It is time to start facing this reality without further delay.
Editor’s Note: This is the fifth of eight installments of a “white paper” on vaccine safety written by Mark Blaxill, Age of Autism’s Editor at Large, and Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center. Titled “From Herding the Public to Informed Consent,” it charts a path from the current coercive immunization mandates to a more balanced and rational approach. Given new efforts to compel vaccination in a Maryland school district, and to add four more required vaccines to the schedule in New Jersey, their alternative vision is especially timely.
The rising complexity of vaccine risks and benefits makes the assessment of risk far more sensitive to the assessment of such complex trade-offs. But when the guardians of vaccine safety [at the CDC] play a dual role as advocates of program expansion, the potential for bias, conflict of interest and bureaucratic error in these assessments rise when there are no mechanisms in place for self-correction. When advocates of vaccine programs can also exercise the coercive power of the state to enforce their decisions through vaccine mandates, the risks of catastrophic failure multiply.
In an open society, we typically rely on the free choices of informed citizens as the corrective mechanism for dealing with complex trade-offs. We express our freedom in two ways, through the free market (for economic trade-offs) or free elections (for policy making). In either domain, we know from long experience that assigning decision rights to centralized state authorities can produce lasting inefficiencies and/or inappropriate concentrations of power. Checks and balances on such power are essential to prevent the abuse of power by the state and secure improved outcomes for society.
Vaccine programs introduce special problems in an open society. Mass vaccination programs for infectious disease prevention are based on the premise that herd immunity is the only way to manage infectious diseases. Achieving herd immunity requires widespread compliance, indeed significantly greater compliance than either free markets or free elections require for success. Vaccination coverage rates sufficient to provide herd immunity have been estimated to be in the 80-95% range depending on the disease. Achieving such high compliance rates in large populations demands extraordinary efforts. Compounding this difficulty, public health officials have increasingly defined success as compliance rates approaching 100%, a shift from a goal of herd immunity to a goal of local elimination, even global eradication, of most diseases for which vaccines have been developed. With such aggressive targets the exercise of economic choice (“I don’t want to receive that service”) or the declaration of dissent (“I don’t support that policy”) runs in direct opposition to the interests of the bureaucracy in meeting its performance goals.
In order to reach these rising compliance targets, vaccine program sponsors ask for and typically receive exemptions from normal checks and balances on state power. These exemptions are justified because the prevention of disease is seen as an area in which the interests of the collective override the rights of the individual. Consequently, manufacturers receive exemptions from product liability laws. Citizens face powerful sanctions if they fail to comply with state recommendations — children can be denied entry to school, parents can be declared negligent, and pediatricians can deny service to families when they choose not to vaccinate. Program managers are protected from accountability to external parties in numerous ways.
These exemptions can end up producing an unhealthy relationship between citizens and central authorities. In the eyes of the officials, a diverse and autonomous citizenry becomes a monolithic and (ideally) submissive “public.” The public must be convinced of the virtues of compliance so that the herd can maintain its immunity and remain safe from disease. The more submissive the herd, the greater the opportunity for heroic achievements in disease elimination and the less the need to apply coercive measures to dissenting citizens.
Yet the childhood immunization program is the only medical intervention capable of producing injury or death that the state imposes on healthy children. Vaccines are also the only privately manufactured product whose universal consumption is made a prerequisite for participation in public services. These extraordinary exemptions from our normal democratic system of checks and balances and free markets demand extraordinary, and constant, scrutiny. Vaccine program management must not only work when safety is secured, it must also be robust in the face of safety failures.
But how robust can our system of vaccine safety management ever be? If one assumes that program managers are always diligent, competent and correct in their assessments and that the programs themselves unambiguously and universally safe, then these exemptions from our standards of openness are a small price to pay for results. But when there is a possibility of negligence, incompetence, or even well-intentioned error, these protections run the risk of perpetuating and exacerbating truly catastrophic failures. In their book, The Virus and the Vaccine, Deborah Bookchin and Jim Schumacher elaborated the dangers:
“The decisions of our health policy makers, even when well intentioned are not always well informed. And sometimes those decisions are not even well intentioned. Sometimes they are based on bias or inadequate scientific evidence. Sometimes they are biased by the close relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and the government health officials who are charged with regulating that industry. Moreover, sometimes even the best scientists can make mistakes. The safest medical products can have unforeseen side effects. Things do occasionally go wrong, sometimes dreadfully wrong, during even the most noble of scientific endeavors .”
And when things do go wrong, the inevitably defensive reactions can creep down a slippery slope from the prevention of unnecessary panic to the dissemination of propaganda and the suppression of dissent. The resources available to health officials to mount defenses in the face of failure are extensive. Prestigious journals can relax their standards in support of questionable research; at-risk constituencies can mobilize resources to attack discomforting facts; funding agencies can deny resources for investigations into possible failures; and conscientious scientists can face disincentives (even sanctions) when they pursue unpopular investigations.
One powerful bulwark against such breakdowns is the right of informed consent. Informed consent requires and empowers each citizen to make choices for themselves and their families based on their independent assessment of risks and benefits. Informed consent thereby provides a counterbalancing force against overreaching activities of the state and provides incentives for manufacturers to improve the safety and effectiveness of their products:
• In the absence of an ability to choose between vaccine formulations, combinations and producers, citizens can at least exercise choice with respect to timing and receipt of specific vaccinations;
• In the absence of meaningful product guarantees or warranties, citizens can request and expect the provision of scientific information regarding attributed risks and benefits of vaccines;
• In the absence of clear scientific knowledge regarding the immunological mechanisms, failure modes and adverse exposure consequences, citizens can seek, consider and act on information from multiple sources, reserving the right to critically review official interpretations of vaccine benefits and risks and freely act upon the information they have obtained.
Today, parents who wish to make a different choice with respect to their children’s vaccinations face numerous obstacles. They can claim a medical exemption if their child has suffered a “severe vaccine reaction” that must meet restrictive CDC standards as a contraindication to further vaccination and are able to find a doctor willing to write a medical exemption to vaccination. They can, in most states, claim exemption based on sincerely held religious beliefs. In eighteen states, they can exercise their right to a philosophical or conscientious belief exemption to vaccination. But everywhere these rights might be exercised, they are, practically speaking, nearly impossible to obtain (in the case of medical exemptions), under challenge (religious exemptions) or available only to a small number of parents who are aware of their rights.
In real life, when parents resist their pediatrician’s advice, they risk sanctions of varying severity, up to and including loss of medical care, health insurance and even custody. Pediatricians or nurses can and do notify Child Welfare authorities when parents resist vaccination and the parents can be charged with child medical neglect. Parents can postpone the age at vaccination, but in doing so they forego access to most child-care and educational services. Indeed, with respect to the universal hepatitis B birth dose, they often find that vaccination takes place in hospital nurseries without their knowledge, preceding consent. The provision of true informed consent, which has defined the ethical practice of modern medicine and is so essential as a counterweight to state power, remains a distant promise for most American parents.
THE ATLANTA MANIFESTO: From Safety Last to a Quest for Zero Vaccine Adverse Events
Members of our organizations (SafeMinds and the National Vaccine Information Center) recall private conversations during which National Immunization Program officials revealed their underlying utilitarian philosophy: parents of vaccine injured children, calling for reform of the vaccination system, were described as “selfish”; adverse events were described as “acceptable losses”; while adverse events resulting in injuries and death were dismissed as either coincidences or the inevitable by-products of the pursuit of the “greater good.” Dr. Robert Chen, the man most responsible for setting the tone and direction of NIP safety practices for over a decade, described the end result of a utilitarianism mindset on safety management at NIP in 1999:
“[W]e have been relatively slow in appreciating the importance the public now places on vaccines safety. In fact, much of our resource allocations still unfortunately reflect safety last rather than safety first…Furthermore…we have not been as interested in preventing vaccine-induced illnesses as we are with vaccine-preventable diseases.”
The fact that Chen would make this concession in print suggests strongly that not only does this “safety last” mindset exist, but that it is more severe and pervasive than he and others acknowledge. Indeed, it affects all aspects of safety management in the childhood immunization program. A partial list of “safety last” examples would include the following.
• The CDC has long acknowledged the central problem with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systems (VAERS): that the reporting of vaccine adverse events will necessarily be reduced under a passive reporting system. Estimates of the underreporting vary (a common estimate is that only 5-10% of adverse events are reported), yet there are only limited efforts in place to promote and encourage the reporting of these events as mandated by Congress (under PL 99-5500).
• When observed, adverse events are routinely dismissed by pediatricians as unrelated to vaccination, with the tacit support and encouragement of NIP officials. Adverse event reports are frequently met with the assertion that the timing of onset of seizure disorders, sudden infant death syndrome, hospitalizations and other vaccine injuries are only coincidentally related to vaccination.
• When faced with adverse event claims, families of vaccine injured children in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) often find themselves the target of active suppression of those claims, as even straightforward events are routinely opposed in an adversarial process. Expert witnesses for the CDC called to testify in VICP award proceedings routinely deny the very existence of vaccine adverse events.
• More broadly, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, originally conceived as a means for rapid compensation for families suffering from vaccine injury, has approached the management of compensation with a stubborn reluctance to grant awards. The result of this reluctance is that only a fraction of the hundreds of millions of dollars set aside in the vaccine injury trust fund has ever been paid out.
• In the meantime, vaccine manufacturers have received widespread protection from product liability claims, an exemption that substantially reduces the normal marketplace incentives on manufacturers to ensure the safety of their products.
• This unusual liability exemption stands in stark contrast to disturbing examples of longstanding product contamination, including the recent discoveries of connections between contaminated polio vaccines and highly carcinogenic simian virus (SV40) detected in many human cancers.
• More complex safety concerns have faced even greater neglect, as safety testing of the new expanded-program strategies, e.g., comparing exposed populations to zero exposure populations, has never been attempted.
• When high profile safety investigations have taken place, these investigations have been carried out by interested parties. In the case of three thimerosal studies in Denmark, for example, the primary authors for all of them were directly employed by a vaccine manufacturer (or its affiliates) that held direct profit interests in the products involved
These problems have all been compounded as the safety management agenda has shifted from evaluating narrowly defined events, such as a seizure response to a dose of whole cell pertussis in DPT vaccines, to assessing adverse effects rooted in cumulative exposures to vaccine elements ( e.g., thimerosal exposure from three separate childhood vaccines in combination with prenatal mercury exposures from maternal dental amalgams or seafood ingestion) or the interactive effects of multiple antigen vaccines and/or multiple vaccines given in close succession. Co-factors, which could also play a role in vaccine adverse events suffered by an individual, such as coinciding viral or bacterial infection at the time of vaccination; simultaneous exposure to environmental toxins, such as pesticides or toxic mold; or predisposing genetic factors due to biodiversity in an ethnically diverse population, are never factored in. Vaccine safety administrators are ill prepared even to acknowledge the possibility of such effects, let alone evaluate them.
One consequence of combining mandatory vaccination policies with exempting manufacturers from product liability has been the absence of free market competitive pressures to raise quality performance. As the quality revolution in management swept through the business world in the latter part of the 20th century, most competitive industries have embraced quality disciplines that have not yet penetrated the NIP. One of the leading quality management experts, Philip Crosby, in his influential book, Quality is Free (1980), succinctly described one of the core lessons of quality management.
“The first step is to examine and adopt the attitude of defect prevention. This attitude is called symbolically, Zero Defects. Zero Defects is…a standard that management can convey to employees to help them decide to do the job right the first time…Most people talk about an AQL, an acceptable quality level. An AQL really means a commitment before the job to produce imperfect material…Consider the AQL you would accept on the products you buy. Would you accept in advance an automobile that you knew in advance was 15% defective?…How about the nurses that care for newborn babies? Would an AQL of 3% on mishandling be too rigid?…The only proper performance standard is Zero Defects. Why settle for less? People accept the performance standards you give them.”
The pursuit of zero defects in vaccine safety would demand a performance standard of zero adverse reactions. Such a goal need not be immediately attainable, but the relentless focus on continuous improvement toward that goal would mean that no disabling injuries or deaths would be viewed as acceptable. Instead, every adverse reaction would be managed as an opportunity for analysis of the root causes of vaccine failures. Instead of encouraging reclassification of adverse events as coincidental events, severe reactions would be treated with respect, compassion and curiosity. And instead of fighting injured families as greedy opportunists, compensation programs would be restored to their original role, as an occasion to provide justice and deserved financial support. But as Philip Crosby describes it, embracing Zero Defects (Zero Adverse Reactions in this context) requires adopting a new attitude, one that several panel participants noted would require sweeping cultural changes in all aspects of vaccine safety management. Culture change can only come from the top. This brings us to the conditions and context for leadership on vaccine programs and safety, in other words, vaccine governance.
THE ATLANTA MANIFESTO: Conflicts of Interest to True Public Accountability
Public institutions have the responsibility to carry out public affairs with governance mechanisms that keep decisions free of conflicts of interest and resultant self-dealing by interested parties. As our society has evolved, the influence of well-organized and well-funded interest groups has made avoiding such conflicts of interest progressively more difficult. In the area of vaccine safety, we see serious conflicts between the promotion and management of the childhood immunization program and the exercise of diligence and care in the safety monitoring of the program.
These conflicts play out in numerous ways. Indeed, despite many years of effort by dedicated consumer advocates, we fear that vaccine program governance has deteriorated to a point where the most economically interested parties have effectively collaborated to dominate decision-making in ways that maximize their direct benefits, while marginalizing the legitimate concerns and life-altering experiences of dissatisfied customers of the vaccine programs. These parties—vaccine manufacturers, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), pediatrician groups and government public health officials–have demonstrable interests in favor of expanding vaccine administration and mandates while constraining vaccine safety initiatives and in some cases suppressing unwelcome vaccine risk findings. To illustrate this governance dilemma, we review the interlocking interests of these four parties briefly.
Vaccine manufacturers. Maintaining a successful vaccine program requires the participation of a viable base of vaccine suppliers. These suppliers deserve the opportunity to make competitive, market returns, consistent with their risks and investments. Increasingly, however, the “market” for vaccine suppliers has become a regulated state oligopoly, not really a market at all, but rather a highly managed public-private partnership with guaranteed returns and minimal financial risks. Large, stable and growing markets are guaranteed by official decree. Product liability is more limited than for any other manufactured product. New firm entry is highly constrained and only a small set of competitors share the market, with only a small set of competitive formulations granted market access at any point in time. Public health officials, in their quest to serve their suppliers, have effectively become supplier advocates, consistently acquiescing in decisions that benefit vaccine manufacturers and disadvantage consumers.
The extraordinary profitability of pharmaceutical manufacturing (the 2001 profits of the top 10 pharmaceutical manufacturers exceeded the profits of the rest of the Fortune 500 combined) can make vaccines appear unattractive as a business: indeed drug manufacturers have long complained about the poor relative profitability of their vaccine divisions. But as the vaccine program has expanded and most childhood vaccines produced by manufacturers have been added to the CDC’s “universal use” and state mandatory vaccination requirements, this performance profile has shifted. New, patent protected products with high prices and healthy margins have replaced older vaccine formulations in the product mix. While decisions to endorse and promote the strategic expansion of childhood vaccines (vaccines with increasingly small incremental consumer benefits) have provided large financial benefits to these companies, the management of safety concerns has consistently placed manufacturers’ interests ahead of those of consumers.
Despite demonstrable health threats, recalls of dangerous vaccine products are a rare event. Remarkably, polio vaccines contaminated with highly carcinogenic viruses were never recalled and have now been associated with widespread cancer incidence. Similarly, longstanding calls to recall vaccines containing the highly neurotoxic element, mercury, have gone unheeded, with unknown developmental consequences in the millions of children exposed after the risks of mercury exposure were first identified. Even now, new flu vaccine formulations containing mercury have received CDC endorsement. Meanwhile, sensitive safety investigations into vaccine failures have been entrusted, in some cases, to vaccine manufacturers themselves and, in others, to researchers with close financial ties to manufacturing companies. Not surprisingly, the research results of such investigations routinely find no adverse consequences of vaccine exposure.
Health maintenance organizations. HMOs face the unique challenge of maintaining profitability in the face of skyrocketing health care costs and pressure from their own customers, primarily private companies seeking to minimize the cost of providing health care benefits. In pursuit of their profit goals, these insurers have clear interests in minimizing the cost of their service obligations and reducing the variability of their patient risk profiles, while also projecting an image of responsive service and high quality care to their patients. Because of the known turnover in their patient bases, HMO investments in health and prevention require relatively short payback periods; by extension, long-term risk reduction and chronic disease prevention is unlikely to receive HMO financial support.
By contrast, childhood vaccinations provide a strong economic benefit to HMOs: they provide visible services to young families; the unit of service delivery (the well child visit) is highly predictable, routinized and therefore low cost at the delivery level; and they prevent less structured (and potentially higher cost) care delivery in the case of children infected with a childhood disease. Another economic goal of HMOs lies in restricting the cumulative number of well child visits, one reason why combination vaccines have proven popular. The potential adverse consequences of an expanded childhood vaccine program (and expanded vaccine combinations) are either out of their services scope ( e.g., autism and other developmental disabilities) or beyond their preventive planning horizon (e.g., asthma, diabetes, cancer).
With respect to vaccine safety, HMOs can, and in some cases do, provide important information resources for safety management. Given the value of their patient data, HMOs have an interest in maintaining control over their private databases. Pooled databases like the Vaccine Safety Datalink provide information resources of extraordinary potential societal value; yet by increasing the transparency around health outcomes across different participating HMOs, information sharing also threatens the autonomy of these organizations. The public interest lies clearly in full and prompt reporting of health outcomes, especially as they relate to vaccine safety, but HMOs have resisted the expansion of public health claims on their data resources. They typically fall back on claims of patient confidentiality to restrict outside access, but these claims are rarely in the interests of their patients, instead they are largely a mechanism to retain autonomy and control. As a consequence, resources for vaccine safety reporting have remained highly restricted, non-standardized, inaccessible and unreliable for assessing health outcomes.
Pediatricians. One consequence of the cost squeeze in health insurance has been that pediatricians, like most primary care physicians, have become captives of a new economic model of primary care delivery: high volume, low touch, and increasingly structured around compensation rules for specific diagnosis codes rather than time spent with children. Most pediatricians enter the field of pediatric medicine out of a desire to serve children. Increasingly, they are becoming captives of the compensation rules regarding allowable services. One of these allowable routines is the well child visit, a repeatable and tightly defined procedure that is little more than a tollgate for vaccine administration. The economics of pediatric practice have become increasingly dependent on these tolls, and the well child toll has become a critical component of a pediatrician’s annual income.
By contrast, as the front line of vaccine adverse effect reporting, pediatricians have incentives to avoid adverse event reporting. When faced with a possible vaccine adverse event, each pediatrician has discretion in associating the event with the vaccine, although the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act obligated the pediatrician simply to report the event and not make a causation determination at the provider level. Pediatricians have a personal stake in the success of the vaccine program and, more important, an emotional stake in the absence of causal relationship between vaccination and injured children. No pediatrician wants to believe that their personal interventions have caused harm to their young patients.
At the same time, the report of an adverse event takes time and effort while also causing the pediatrician to fear litigious behavior on the part of parents, even though the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act protected pediatricians from most vaccine injury lawsuits. For all these reasons, pediatricians view reporting vaccine reactions as a risk rather than a benefit. Not surprisingly, the groups that represent pediatricians seek to minimize the concerns over adverse events and preserve the confidence of parents in the childhood immunization program and its associated well child visit.
Public health officials. Public health officials in positions of vaccine policy leadership typically have sustained long careers in the field and have participated in the long trail of policy choices that has produced the current expansive strategy. These career officials draw meaning from this legacy of work and often reveal their search for meaning by seeking other ways to expand their mission, either through heroic efforts at disease eradication (“Worldwide elimination of hepatitis B transmission: we have the way we need the will”) or global collaborations to spread vaccine successes to new countries. They certainly have little appetite for seeking evidence that might constrain this mission or, what would be far worse, to demonstrate that it might have inflicted more harm than good.
As the regulatory hub for the field vaccine development, these officials interact regularly with interested parties in the vaccine program: the vaccine manufacturers, the HMO industry representatives and pediatrician groups. After many years of collaboration in this community (what Eisenhower might have called the vaccine development complex), public health officials can easily lose their objectivity as they are caught in the web of their connections with industry professionals: they may become friends with their industry colleagues–certainly they often develop mutual respect as colleagues–as they also maintain a range of professional and social contacts across the community. Those who may question or criticize their mission are threatening and unwelcome. Frequently, these outsiders are dismissed with epithets: they (indeed we) are derided as “anti-vaccine”, “not scholarly” or “junk scientists and charlatans.”
Effective dismissal, however, requires a larger scale denial of resources for which these officials serve as gate-keeper: they deny funding for legitimate vaccine injury hypotheses; they deny independent access to vaccine safety data resources; they forgo deep investigations into adverse consequences; they work to deny exemptions and informed consent provisions in vaccine laws; and they effectively deny meaningful access and participation in vaccine research-setting priorities and policy-making to the interested and injured parties
Missing from this governance system are the only parties without a real conflict of interest, the real customers of the childhood immunization program: parents and children. As parent organizations, we represent a part of that most vital constituency, not the whole constituency, but a vital part nevertheless. And we are calling for a clear break from the practice of business as usual. It is time that the public health officials became more accountable to the parents, whose children’s lives are on the line, than to the industry, which profits from government mandates and protections.
We conclude this white paper with a distress call, not because we are alarmist by natures, but because we share a concern that the default path of vaccine development and safety management will not lead us closer to the hopeful future we described at the beginning of this report. Instead, we fear that the more likely direction will turn sharply toward an even more extreme approach to childhood public health strategy.
• The mission will continue to creep, away from mere overemphasis on infectious disease prevention and management to a pursuit of disease eradication, a far more radical and quixotic goal;
• The strategy will continue to overreach, from a step-wise expansion of the U.S. vaccine program expansion to a global escalation of vaccine interventions across diseases and geographies;
• The communication approach will grow increasingly strident, shifting from the mere hyping of infectious disease risk to promoting an ambience of fear, hijacking the threat of terrorism to lend legitimacy to the creeping mission;
• The style of engagement with families will become more coercive, moving from an emphasis on herding the public with public relations to imposing forced vaccination with all the necessary suppression of dissent and infringement on civil liberties that would be required to institute such coercive measures;
• The operational oversight of vaccine safety will degenerate, from the current utilitarian stance, which merely devalues adverse reactions, to a more Orwellian posture in which adverse event denial becomes the prevailing mode of management;
• The program governance standards will decline further, from a half-hearted attempt to manage conflict of interest to a full embrace of governance by and for the vaccine development complex, as continued engagement with increasingly restive (and non-compliant) parent groups becomes less and less appealing.
We believe you have an historic opportunity to signal a new day in childhood public health management. To do this, we suggest you take the following ten simple steps.
1. Declare autism a national emergency. It is the proverbial “canary in a coal mine” for a host of chronic neurological and immune system disorders.
2. Launch a full-scale investigation into all potential environmental causes of autism and related disorders, including mercury and vaccines.
3. Extend the investigation to address the broader increases in immune and neurological dysfunction in children, including learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, asthma and diabetes.
4. Design and launch a comprehensive surveillance system aimed at quantifying the incidence rates, trends and costs to society for chronic diseases and disabilities in American children.
5. Re-structure CDC vaccine program funding priorities to commit funds for independent research into the biological mechanisms of vaccine injury and death, including research into genetic and other biological factors which put some individuals at greater risk than others for suffering vaccine adverse events.
6. Launch a comprehensive audit of the safety of the newly expanded vaccine program, comparing the incidence of chronic disease and disability in high, low and zero vaccine exposure populations.
7. Maintain and expand independent researcher access to government vaccine risk assessment data resources such as the Vaccine Safety Datalink and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
8. Remove vaccine risk assessment and vaccine safety oversight responsibilities from CDC and FDA and place them in a separate federal agency, with accountability to the general public, including parent groups.
9. Charge the new federal agency with responsibility to investigate vaccine adverse reactions and provide necessary resources for a comprehensive re-assessment of long-term health outcomes of alternative childhood vaccination strategies.
10. Reconstitute the current leadership of the NIP to include outside scientists with no previous involvement in vaccine development, regulation, policy-making or promotion.
We appreciate the opportunity to submit this report and hope that we will have an occasion to review it with you in person in the near future.
(Editor’s note: To date — more than three years later — there has been no response from Gerberding or anyone else at the CDC.)
Mark Blaxill is Editor at Large for Age of Autism. Barbara Loe Fisher is co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center.
This extremely important document about the mercury vaccine cover up knowingly being carried out by the FDA, CDC, Institute of Medicine, scientists and the pharmaceutical industry is extremely important to you whether you have a child or not.
Since compulsory vaccination is becoming the order of the day in an increasing number of contexts (University of Maine students were locked out of their dormitories and dining halls, classes and libraries if they refused to submit to vaccination with the measles/mumps/rubella vaccine on December 10, 2007: 2300 children in Prince George’s County MD were vaccinated at gun point – or re-vaccinated because the school lost their records! – with vaccines that the lead States Attorney on the case, Glen Ivey, said were too toxic to give to his own children on December 11, 2007, New Jersey pre-schoolers must receive additional mercury containing flu vaccines as of December 11, 2007, for example). But more and more adult and pediatric compulsory vaccinations are in the offing: adults and children will be confronted with these assaults in the days and weeks to come as the population is “softened up” for mass vaccination with who knows what for who knows what.
The Natural Solutions Foundation believes that information is power. We believe that you need this information. Please read it and ask each of the people you forward it to to take the following actions:
1. Join the secure Natural Solutions Health Freedom eAlert list (
2. Tell your Congressional and State legislators that you and your family want to be protected from any form of compulsory drugging or vaccination. Click here ( to send an email to your elected representatives demanding this protection.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Back to Deadly Immunity
June 20, 2005
In June 2000, a group of top government scientists and health officials gathered for a meeting at the isolated Simpsonwood conference center in Norcross, Georgia. Convened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the meeting was held at this Methodist retreat center, nestled in wooded farmland next to the Chattahoochee River, to ensure complete secrecy. The agency had issued no public announcement of the session — only private invitations to fifty-two attendees. There were high-level officials from the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration, the top vaccine specialist from the World Health Organization in Geneva and representatives of every major vaccine manufacturer, including GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Wyeth and Aventis Pasteur. All of the scientific data under discussion, CDC officials repeatedly reminded the participants, was strictly “embargoed.” There would be no making photocopies of documents, no taking papers with them when they left.
The federal officials and industry representatives had assembled to discuss a disturbing new study that raised alarming questions about the safety of a host of common childhood vaccines administered to infants and young children. According to a CDC epidemiologist named Tom Verstraeten, who had analyzed the agency’s massive database containing the medical records of 100,000 children, a mercury-based preservative in the vaccines — thimerosal — appeared to be responsible for a dramatic increase in autism and a host of other neurological disorders among children. “I was actually stunned by what I saw,” Verstraeten told those assembled at Simpsonwood, citing the staggering number of earlier studies that indicate a link between thimerosal and speech delays, attention-deficit disorder, hyperactivity and autism. Since 1991, when the CDC and the FDA had recommended that three additional vaccines laced with the preservative be given to extremely young infants — in one case, within hours of birth — the estimated number of cases of autism had increased fifteenfold, from one in every 2,500 children to one in 166 children.
Even for scientists and doctors accustomed to confronting issues of life and death, the findings were frightening. “You can play with this all you want,” Dr. Bill Weil, a consultant for the American Academy of Pediatrics, told the group. The results “are statistically significant.” Dr. Richard Johnston, an immunologist and pediatrician from the University of Colorado whose grandson had been born early on the morning of the meeting’s first day, was even more alarmed. “My gut feeling?” he said. “Forgive this personal comment — I do not want my grandson to get a thimerosal-containing vaccine until we know better what is going on.”
But instead of taking immediate steps to alert the public and rid the vaccine supply of thimerosal, the officials and executives at Simpsonwood spent most of the next two days discussing how to cover up the damaging data. According to transcripts obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, many at the meeting were concerned about how the damaging revelations about thimerosal would affect the vaccine industry’s bottom line. “We are in a bad position from the standpoint of defending any lawsuits,” said Dr. Robert Brent, a pediatrician at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Delaware. “This will be a resource to our very busy plaintiff attorneys in this country.” Dr. Bob Chen, head of vaccine safety for the CDC, expressed relief that “given the sensitivity of the information, we have been able to keep it out of the hands of, let’s say, less responsible hands.” Dr. John Clements, vaccines adviser at the World Health Organization, declared that “perhaps this study should not have been done at all.” He added that “the research results have to be handled,” warning that the study “will be taken by others and will be used in other ways beyond the control of this group.”
In fact, the government has proved to be far more adept at handling the damage than at protecting children’s health. The CDC paid the Institute of Medicine to conduct a new study to whitewash the risks of thimerosal, ordering researchers to “rule out” the chemical’s link to autism. It withheld Verstraeten’s findings, even though they had been slated for immediate publication, and told other scientists that his original data had been “lost” and could not be replicated. And to thwart the Freedom of Information Act, it handed its giant database of vaccine records over to a private company, declaring it off-limits to researchers. By the time Verstraeten finally published his study in 2003, he had gone to work for GlaxoSmithKline and reworked his data to bury the link between thimerosal and autism.
Vaccine manufacturers had already begun to phase thimerosal out of injections given to American infants — but they continued to sell off their mercury-based supplies of vaccines until last year. The CDC and FDA gave them a hand, buying up the tainted vaccines for export to developing countries and allowing drug companies to continue using the preservative in some American vaccines — including several pediatric flu shots as well as tetanus boosters routinely given to eleven-year-olds.
The drug companies are also getting help from powerful lawmakers in Washington. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who has received $873,000 in contributions from the pharmaceutical industry, has been working to immunize vaccine makers from liability in 4,200 lawsuits that have been filed by the parents of injured children. On five separate occasions, Frist has tried to seal all of the government’s vaccine-related documents — including the Simpsonwood transcripts — and shield Eli Lilly, the developer of thimerosal, from subpoenas. In 2002, the day after Frist quietly slipped a rider known as the “Eli Lilly Protection Act” into a homeland security bill, the company contributed $10,000 to his campaign and bought 5,000 copies of his book on bioterrorism. The measure was repealed by Congress in 2003 — but earlier this year, Frist slipped another provision into an anti-terrorism bill that would deny compensation to children suffering from vaccine-related brain disorders. “The lawsuits are of such magnitude that they could put vaccine producers out of business and limit our capacity to deal with a biological attack by terrorists,” says Dean Rosen, health policy adviser to Frist.
Even many conservatives are shocked by the government’s effort to cover up the dangers of thimerosal. Rep. Dan Burton, a Republican from Indiana, oversaw a three-year investigation of thimerosal after his grandson was diagnosed with autism. “Thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is directly related to the autism epidemic,” his House Government Reform Committee concluded in its final report. “This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding a lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal, a known neurotoxin.” The FDA and other public-health agencies failed to act, the committee added, out of “institutional malfeasance for self protection” and “misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry.”
The story of how government health agencies colluded with Big Pharma to hide the risks of thimerosal from the public is a chilling case study of institutional arrogance, power and greed. I was drawn into the controversy only reluctantly. As an attorney and environmentalist who has spent years working on issues of mercury toxicity, I frequently met mothers of autistic children who were absolutely convinced that their kids had been injured by vaccines. Privately, I was skeptical.
I doubted that autism could be blamed on a single source, and I certainly understood the government’s need to reassure parents that vaccinations are safe; the eradication of deadly childhood diseases depends on it. I tended to agree with skeptics like Rep. Henry Waxman, a Democrat from California, who criticized his colleagues on the House Government Reform Committee for leaping to conclusions about autism and vaccinations. “Why should we scare people about immunization,” Waxman pointed out at one hearing, “until we know the facts?”
It was only after reading the Simpsonwood transcripts, studying the leading scientific research and talking with many of the nation’s pre-eminent authorities on mercury that I became convinced that the link between thimerosal and the epidemic of childhood neurological disorders is real. Five of my own children are members of the Thimerosal Generation — those born between 1989 and 2003 — who received heavy doses of mercury from vaccines. “The elementary grades are overwhelmed with children who have symptoms of neurological or immune-system damage,” Patti White, a school nurse, told the House Government Reform Committee in 1999. “Vaccines are supposed to be making us healthier; however, in twenty-five years of nursing I have never seen so many damaged, sick kids. Something very, very wrong is happening to our children.”
More than 500,000 kids currently suffer from autism, and pediatricians diagnose more than 40,000 new cases every year. The disease was unknown until 1943, when it was identified and diagnosed among eleven children born in the months after thimerosal was first added to baby vaccines in 1931.
Some skeptics dispute that the rise in autism is caused by thimerosal-tainted vaccinations. They argue that the increase is a result of better diagnosis — a theory that seems questionable at best, given that most of the new cases of autism are clustered within a single generation of children. “If the epidemic is truly an artifact of poor diagnosis,” scoffs Dr. Boyd Haley, one of the world’s authorities on mercury toxicity, “then where are all the twenty-year-old autistics?” Other researchers point out that Americans are exposed to a greater cumulative “load” of mercury than ever before, from contaminated fish to dental fillings, and suggest that thimerosal in vaccines may be only part of a much larger problem. It’s a concern that certainly deserves far more attention than it has received — but it overlooks the fact that the mercury concentrations in vaccines dwarf other sources of exposure to our children.
What is most striking is the lengths to which many of the leading detectives have gone to ignore — and cover up — the evidence against thimerosal. From the very beginning, the scientific case against the mercury additive has been overwhelming. The preservative, which is used to stem fungi and bacterial growth in vaccines, contains ethylmercury, a potent neurotoxin. Truckloads of studies have shown that mercury tends to accumulate in the brains of primates and other animals after they are injected with vaccines — and that the developing brains of infants are particularly susceptible. In 1977, a Russian study found that adults exposed to much lower concentrations of ethylmercury than those given to American children still suffered brain damage years later. Russia banned thimerosal from children’s vaccines twenty years ago, and Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have since followed suit.
“You couldn’t even construct a study that shows thimerosal is safe,” says Haley, who heads the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky. “It’s just too darn toxic. If you inject thimerosal into an animal, its brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die. If you put it in a petri dish, the culture dies. Knowing these things, it would be shocking if one could inject it into an infant without causing damage.”
Internal documents reveal that Eli Lilly, which first developed thimerosal, knew from the start that its product could cause damage — and even death — in both animals and humans. In 1930, the company tested thimerosal by administering it to twenty-two patients with terminal meningitis, all of whom died within weeks of being injected — a fact Lilly didn’t bother to report in its study declaring thimerosal safe. In 1935, researchers at another vaccine manufacturer, Pittman-Moore, warned Lilly that its claims about thimerosal’s safety “did not check with ours.” Half the dogs Pittman injected with thimerosal-based vaccines became sick, leading researchers there to declare the preservative “unsatisfactory as a serum intended for use on dogs.”
In the decades that followed, the evidence against thimerosal continued to mount. During the Second World War, when the Department of Defense used the preservative in vaccines on soldiers, it required Lilly to label it “poison.” In 1967, a study in Applied Microbiology found that thimerosal killed mice when added to injected vaccines. Four years later, Lilly’s own studies discerned that thimerosal was “toxic to tissue cells” in concentrations as low as one part per million — 100 times weaker than the concentration in a typical vaccine. Even so, the company continued to promote thimerosal as “nontoxic” and also incorporated it into topical disinfectants. In 1977, ten babies at a Toronto hospital died when an antiseptic preserved with thimerosal was dabbed onto their umbilical cords.
In 1982, the FDA proposed a ban on over-the-counter products that contained thimerosal, and in 1991 the agency considered banning it from animal vaccines. But tragically, that same year, the CDC recommended that infants be injected with a series of mercury-laced vaccines. Newborns would be vaccinated for hepatitis B within twenty-four hours of birth, and two-month-old infants would be immunized for haemophilus influenzae B and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis.
The drug industry knew the additional vaccines posed a danger. The same year that the CDC approved the new vaccines, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, one of the fathers of Merck’s vaccine programs, warned the company that six-month-olds who were administered the shots would suffer dangerous exposure to mercury. He recommended that thimerosal be discontinued, “especially when used on infants and children,” noting that the industry knew of nontoxic alternatives. “The best way to go,” he added, “is to switch to dispensing the actual vaccines without adding preservatives.”
For Merck and other drug companies, however, the obstacle was money. Thimerosal enables the pharmaceutical industry to package vaccines in vials that contain multiple doses, which require additional protection because they are more easily contaminated by multiple needle entries. The larger vials cost half as much to produce as smaller, single-dose vials, making it cheaper for international agencies to distribute them to impoverished regions at risk of epidemics. Faced with this “cost consideration,” Merck ignored Hilleman’s warnings, and government officials continued to push more and more thimerosal-based vaccines for children. Before 1989, American preschoolers received eleven vaccinations — for polio, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles-mumps-rubella. A decade later, thanks to federal recommendations, children were receiving a total of twenty-two immunizations by the time they reached first grade.
As the number of vaccines increased, the rate of autism among children exploded. During the 1990s, 40 million children were injected with thimerosal-based vaccines, receiving unprecedented levels of mercury during a period critical for brain development. Despite the well-documented dangers of thimerosal, it appears that no one bothered to add up the cumulative dose of mercury that children would receive from the mandated vaccines. “What took the FDA so long to do the calculations?” Peter Patriarca, director of viral products for the agency, asked in an e-mail to the CDC in 1999. “Why didn’t CDC and the advisory bodies do these calculations when they rapidly expanded the childhood immunization schedule?”
But by that time, the damage was done. At two months, when the infant brain is still at a critical stage of development, infants routinely received three inoculations that contained a total of 62.5 micrograms of ethylmercury — a level 99 times greater than the EPA’s limit for daily exposure to methylmercury, a related neurotoxin. Although the vaccine industry insists that ethylmercury poses little danger because it breaks down rapidly and is removed by the body, several studies — including one published in April by the National Institutes of Health — suggest that ethylmercury is actually more toxic to developing brains and stays in the brain longer than methylmercury.
Officials responsible for childhood immunizations insist that the additional vaccines were necessary to protect infants from disease and that thimerosal is still essential in developing nations, which, they often claim, cannot afford the single-dose vials that don’t require a preservative. Dr. Paul Offit, one of CDC’s top vaccine advisers, told me, “I think if we really have an influenza pandemic — and certainly we will in the next twenty years, because we always do — there’s no way on God’s earth that we immunize 280 million people with single-dose vials. There has to be multidose vials.”
But while public-health officials may have been well-intentioned, many of those on the CDC advisory committee who backed the additional vaccines had close ties to the industry. Dr. Sam Katz, the committee’s chair, was a paid consultant for most of the major vaccine makers and was part of a team that developed the measles vaccine and brought it to licensure in 1963. Dr. Neal Halsey, another committee member, worked as a researcher for the vaccine companies and received honoraria from Abbott Labs for his research on the hepatitis B vaccine.
Indeed, in the tight circle of scientists who work on vaccines, such conflicts of interest are common. Rep. Burton says that the CDC “routinely allows scientists with blatant conflicts of interest to serve on intellectual advisory committees that make recommendations on new vaccines,” even though they have “interests in the products and companies for which they are supposed to be providing unbiased oversight.” The House Government Reform Committee discovered that four of the eight CDC advisers who approved guidelines for a rotavirus vaccine “had financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies that were developing different versions of the vaccine.”
Offit, who shares a patent on one of the vaccines, acknowledged to me that he “would make money” if his vote eventually leads to a marketable product. But he dismissed my suggestion that a scientist’s direct financial stake in CDC approval might bias his judgment. “It provides no conflict for me,” he insists. “I have simply been informed by the process, not corrupted by it. When I sat around that table, my sole intent was trying to make recommendations that best benefited the children in this country. It’s offensive to say that physicians and public-health people are in the pocket of industry and thus are making decisions that they know are unsafe for children. It’s just not the way it works.”
Other vaccine scientists and regulators gave me similar assurances. Like Offit, they view themselves as enlightened guardians of children’s health, proud of their “partnerships” with pharmaceutical companies, immune to the seductions of personal profit, besieged by irrational activists whose anti-vaccine campaigns are endangering children’s health. They are often resentful of questioning. “Science,” says Offit, “is best left to scientists.”
Still, some government officials were alarmed by the apparent conflicts of interest. In his e-mail to CDC administrators in 1999, Paul Patriarca of the FDA blasted federal regulators for failing to adequately scrutinize the danger posed by the added baby vaccines. “I’m not sure there will be an easy way out of the potential perception that the FDA, CDC and immunization-policy bodies may have been asleep at the switch re: thimerosal until now,” Patriarca wrote. The close ties between regulatory officials and the pharmaceutical industry, he added, “will also raise questions about various advisory bodies regarding aggressive recommendations for use” of thimerosal in child vaccines.
If federal regulators and government scientists failed to grasp the potential risks of thimerosal over the years, no one could claim ignorance after the secret meeting at Simpsonwood. But rather than conduct more studies to test the link to autism and other forms of brain damage, the CDC placed politics over science. The agency turned its database on childhood vaccines — which had been developed largely at taxpayer expense — over to a private agency, America’s Health Insurance Plans, ensuring that it could not be used for additional research. It also instructed the Institute of Medicine, an advisory organization that is part of the National Academy of Sciences, to produce a study debunking the link between thimerosal and brain disorders. The CDC “wants us to declare, well, that these things are pretty safe,” Dr. Marie McCormick, who chaired the IOM’s Immunization Safety Review Committee, told her fellow researchers when they first met in January 2001. “We are not ever going to come down that [autism] is a true side effect” of thimerosal exposure. According to transcripts of the meeting, the committee’s chief staffer, Kathleen Stratton, predicted that the IOM would conclude that the evidence was “inadequate to accept or reject a causal relation” between thimerosal and autism. That, she added, was the result “Walt wants” — a reference to Dr. Walter Orenstein, director of the National Immunization Program for the CDC.
For those who had devoted their lives to promoting vaccination, the revelations about thimerosal threatened to undermine everything they had worked for. “We’ve got a dragon by the tail here,” said Dr. Michael Kaback, another committee member. “The more negative that [our] presentation is, the less likely people are to use vaccination, immunization — and we know what the results of that will be. We are kind of caught in a trap. How we work our way out of the trap, I think is the charge.”
Even in public, federal officials made it clear that their primary goal in studying thimerosal was to dispel doubts about vaccines. “Four current studies are taking place to rule out the proposed link between autism and thimerosal,” Dr. Gordon Douglas, then-director of strategic planning for vaccine research at the National Institutes of Health, assured a Princeton University gathering in May 2001. “In order to undo the harmful effects of research claiming to link the [measles] vaccine to an elevated risk of autism, we need to conduct and publicize additional studies to assure parents of safety.” Douglas formerly served as president of vaccinations for Merck, where he ignored warnings about thimerosal’s risks.
In May of last year, the Institute of Medicine issued its final report. Its conclusion: There is no proven link between autism and thimerosal in vaccines. Rather than reviewing the large body of literature describing the toxicity of thimerosal, the report relied on four disastrously flawed epidemiological studies examining European countries, where children received much smaller doses of thimerosal than American kids. It also cited a new version of the Verstraeten study, published in the journal Pediatrics, that had been reworked to reduce the link between thimerosal and autism. The new study included children too young to have been diagnosed with autism and overlooked others who showed signs of the disease. The IOM declared the case closed and — in a startling position for a scientific body — recommended that no further research be conducted.
The report may have satisfied the CDC, but it convinced no one. Rep. David Weldon, a Republican physician from Florida who serves on the House Government Reform Committee, attacked the Institute of Medicine, saying it relied on a handful of studies that were “fatally flawed” by “poor design” and failed to represent “all the available scientific and medical research.” CDC officials are not interested in an honest search for the truth, Weldon told me, because “an association between vaccines and autism would force them to admit that their policies irreparably damaged thousands of children. Who would want to make that conclusion about themselves?”
Under pressure from Congress and parents, the Institute of Medicine convened another panel to address continuing concerns about the Vaccine Safety Datalink Data Sharing program. In February, the new panel, composed of different scientists, criticized the way the VSD had been used in the Verstraeten study, and urged the CDC to make its vaccine database available to the public.
So far, though, only two scientists have managed to gain access. Dr. Mark Geier, president of the Genetics Center of America, and his son, David, spent a year battling to obtain the medical records from the CDC. Since August 2002, when members of Congress pressured the agency to turn over the data, the Geiers have completed six studies that demonstrate a powerful correlation between thimerosal and neurological damage in children. One study, which compares the cumulative dose of mercury received by children born between 1981 and 1985 with those born between 1990 and 1996, found a “very significant relationship” between autism and vaccines. Another study of educational performance found that kids who received higher doses of thimerosal in vaccines were nearly three times as likely to be diagnosed with autism and more than three times as likely to suffer from speech disorders and mental retardation. Another soon-to-be published study shows that autism rates are in decline following the recent elimination of thimerosal from most vaccines.
As the federal government worked to prevent scientists from studying vaccines, others have stepped in to study the link to autism. In April, reporter Dan Olmsted of UPI undertook one of the more interesting studies himself. Searching for children who had not been exposed to mercury in vaccines — the kind of population that scientists typically use as a “control” in experiments — Olmsted scoured the Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, who refuse to immunize their infants. Given the national rate of autism, Olmsted calculated that there should be 130 autistics among the Amish. He found only four. One had been exposed to high levels of mercury from a power plant. The other three — including one child adopted from outside the Amish community — had received their vaccines.
At the state level, many officials have also conducted in-depth reviews of thimerosal. While the Institute of Medicine was busy whitewashing the risks, the Iowa legislature was carefully combing through all of the available scientific and biological data. “After three years of review, I became convinced there was sufficient credible research to show a link between mercury and the increased incidences in autism,” says state Sen. Ken Veenstra, a Republican who oversaw the investigation. “The fact that Iowa’s 700 percent increase in autism began in the 1990s, right after more and more vaccines were added to the children’s vaccine schedules, is solid evidence alone.” Last year, Iowa became the first state to ban mercury in vaccines, followed by California. Similar bans are now under consideration in thirty-two other states.
But instead of following suit, the FDA continues to allow manufacturers to include thimerosal in scores of over-the-counter medications as well as steroids and injected collagen. Even more alarming, the government continues to ship vaccines preserved with thimerosal to developing countries — some of which are now experiencing a sudden explosion in autism rates. In China, where the disease was virtually unknown prior to the introduction of thimerosal by U.S. drug manufacturers in 1999, news reports indicate that there are now more than 1.8 million autistics. Although reliable numbers are hard to come by, autistic disorders also appear to be soaring in India, Argentina, Nicaragua and other developing countries that are now using thimerosal-laced vaccines. The World Health Organization continues to insist thimerosal is safe, but it promises to keep the possibility that it is linked to neurological disorders “under review.”
I devoted time to study this issue because I believe that this is a moral crisis that must be addressed. If, as the evidence suggests, our public-health authorities knowingly allowed the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American children, their actions arguably constitute one of the biggest scandals in the annals of American medicine. “The CDC is guilty of incompetence and gross negligence,” says Mark Blaxill, vice president of Safe Minds, a nonprofit organization concerned about the role of mercury in medicines. “The damage caused by vaccine exposure is massive. It’s bigger than asbestos, bigger than tobacco, bigger than anything you’ve ever seen.”
It’s hard to calculate the damage to our country — and to the international efforts to eradicate epidemic diseases — if Third World nations come to believe that America’s most heralded foreign-aid initiative is poisoning their children. It’s not difficult to predict how this scenario will be interpreted by America’s enemies abroad. The scientists and researchers — many of them sincere, even idealistic — who are participating in efforts to hide the science on thimerosal claim that they are trying to advance the lofty goal of protecting children in developing nations from disease pandemics. They are badly misguided. Their failure to come clean on thimerosal will come back horribly to haunt our country and the world’s poorest populations.
NOTE: This story has been updated to correct several inaccuracies in the original, published version. As originally reported, American preschoolers received only three vaccinations before 1989, but the article failed to note that they were innoculated a total of eleven times with those vaccines, including boosters. The article also misstated the level of ethylmercury received by infants injected with all their shots by the age of six months. It was 187 micrograms – an amount forty percent, not 187 times, greater than the EPA’s limit for daily exposure to methylmercury. Finally, because of an editing error, the article misstated the contents of the rotavirus vaccine approved by the CDC. It did not contain thimerosal. Salon and Rolling Stone regret the errors.
An earlier version of this story stated that the Institute of Medicine convened a second panel to review the work of the Immunization Safety Review Committee that had found no evidence of a link between thimerosal and autism. In fact, the IOM convened the second panel to address continuing concerns about the Vaccine Safety Datalink Data Sharing program, including those raised by critics of the IOM’s earlier work. But the panel was not charged with reviewing the committee’s findings. The story also inadvertently omitted a word and transposed two sentences in a quote by Dr. John Clements, and incorrectly stated that Dr. Sam Katz held a patent with Merck on the measles vaccine. In fact, Dr. Katz was part of a team that developed the vaccine and brought it to licensure, but he never held the patent. Salon and Rolling Stone regret the errors.
CLARIFICATION: After publication of this story, Salon and Rolling Stone corrected an error that misstated the level of ethylmercury received by infants injected with all their shots by the age of six months. It was 187 micrograms – an amount forty percent, not 187 times, greater than the EPA’s limit for daily exposure to methylmercury. At the time of the correction, we were aware that the comparison itself was flawed, but as journalists we considered it more appropriate to state the correct figure rather than replace it with another number entirely.
Since that earlier correction, however, it has become clear from responses to the article that the forty-percent number, while accurate, is misleading. It measures the total mercury load an infant received from vaccines during the first six months, calculates the daily average received based on average body weight, and then compares that number to the EPA daily limit. But infants did not receive the vaccines as a “daily average†– they received massive doses on a single day, through multiple shots. As the story states, these single-day doses exceeded the EPA limit by as much as 99 times. Based on the misunderstanding, and to avoid further confusion, we have amended the story to eliminate the forty-percent figure.
Correction: The story misattributed a quote to Andy Olson, former legislative counsel to Senator Bill Frist. The comment was made by Dean Rosen, health policy adviser to the senator. Rolling Stone and regret the error.