And the Orphan Drug Act
Hope for the Genetically Disabled?
Ralph Fucetola JD
WHO and FAO, the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization, two primary UN organs, told the world in 2002 what holistic doctors and scientists have been saying for decades: wholesome food prevents what the agencies call the “preventable, non-communicable diseases of mal and under-nutrition:…” These include heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity; all the chronic diseases of modern life. 1
Ground-breaking Journalist Jeffrey M. Smith, in a widely-shared Internet article, explains that advanced health care practitioners are achieving astounding results in cases of chronic disease by helping people change their eating habits to reject all GMO “phude” (Genetically Modified Organisms). He wrote,
“Are genetically modified (GM) foods making you sick – I mean really sick? Up until recently, all that we could say was thank goodness you’re not a lab rat; GM feed messes them up big time. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) appear to trigger the immune systems of both mice and rats as if they were under attack. In addition, the gastrointestinal system is adversely affected, animals age more quickly, and vital organs are damaged. When fed GM foods, lab animals can also become infertile, have smaller or sterile offspring, increased infant mortality, and even hair growing in their mouths. Have I got your attention?” 2
Among those holistic scientists is respected psychiatrist and environmental physician Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. Dr. Rima has defined the overall symptom complex that GMOs and other genomic disruption technologies cause: Genome Disruption Syndrome. She has written:
“Genomic Disruption through the introduction of novel genetic material (principally through GMO – Genetically Modified Organisms – intake) results in a wide variety of acute, chronic and multigenerational dysfunctions, ranging from the trivial to the lethal. For this reason I call the downstream health consequences of genetic disruption the “Genomic Disruption Syndrome.” (GDS).
“Common expressions of GDS, which are widely scientifically validated, include cancer, cardio-vascular disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, infertility, sterility, fetal malformation, birth defects, autism and other neurological disorders, lethal allergies, immune system dysfunction, premature aging, and a host of other serious conditions.
“The human and economic consequences of GDS are almost impossible to calculate. GDS, however, can be managed, and in many cases, reversed through dietary management which provides strict avoidance of Genomic Toxins and Incitents including genetically damaged ‘foods’ (GMO), excess nuclear exposure, toxic pharmaceuticals (including vaccines) and similar agents which damage DNA.
“The distinctive nutritional requirements, based on recognized scientific principles, needed to treat GDS, include strict adherence to a diet free of any genomic toxins to allow detoxification and repair. In addition, high levels of specific anti-oxidants, minerals and biochemical cofactors can be used in a targeted fashion to manage, repair and remediate both the cause and the expressions of GDS. Wholesome food is now a “medial food” necessary for your health!”
Natural Solutions Foundation President, Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army ret) identified the four technologies that he calls the “Genomicidal Technologies” which Dr. Rima has shown to be at the root of GDS. These are GMO fake food, with their “novel” alien proteins, prescription drugs (and especially vaccines) with the horrendous toxic load, nuclear power and the environmental toxins to which we are all exposed.
Knowledge is power and understanding GDS is very powerful knowledge in deed.
How can you benefit from this powerful new understanding pioneered by doctors like Dr. Rima and those she is teaching? By sourcing as much of the food you and your family eat from low-radiation, organic and biodynamic sources. Under the language of the 2005 Orphan Drug Act, food that is prepared for use as a Medical Food to manage a syndrome is now a valid therapy under Federal Law.
It’s not just GMO “food” that can trigger GDS. Since March 11, 2011, the Day Everything Changed, when the Fukushima reactors in Japan were destroyed, setting in motion the most serious technological threat ever faced by humanity, that means, primarily, sourcing food from the “deep South” – South America and Africa. As Natural Solutions Foundation develops these sources, they will become available at .
Dr. Rima has identified the medical syndrome and the dietary management of that syndrome. As noted above, Congress, in 2005, created the regulatory category that permits the development of the Dr. Rima Protocol – the strict adherence to toxin-free food. In truth, this is the only logical solution to what is the greatest threat to people like us and families like ours. Read more here:
What Congress told us, in the Orphan Drug Act, is that a Medical Food is:
“a food which is formulated to be consumed or administered enterally under the supervision of a physician and which is intended for the specific dietary management of a disease or condition for which distinctive nutritional requirements, based on recognized scientific principles, are established by medical evaluation….” Section 5(b) of the Orphan Drug Act (21 U.S.C. 360ee (b) (3))
Responding to Congress’ instruction, the FDA published a short FAQs,
“Medical foods are distinguished from the broader category of foods for special dietary use and from foods that make health claims by the requirement that medical foods
a. be intended to meet distinctive nutritional requirements of a disease or condition,
b. used under medical supervision and
c. intended for the specific dietary management of a disease or condition.”
The FDA FAQs further inform us,
“The term “medical foods” does not pertain to all foods fed to sick patients. Medical foods are foods that are specially formulated and processed … for the patient who is seriously ill or who requires the product as a major treatment modality.” 3
And the agency concludes:
“In general, to be considered a medical food, a product must, at a minimum, meet the following criteria:
a. the product must be a food for oral or tube feeding;
b. the product must be labeled for the dietary management of a specific medical disorder, disease, or condition for which there are distinctive nutritional requirements; and
c. the product must be intended to be used under medical supervision…”
One of the problems with sourcing truly wholesome food from the deep South is that fresh food which enters the United States must be irradiated or fumigated. If the food is certified organic, it is exempt from irradiation, but not fumigation. Thus, while, for example, much of our winter fruit and vegetables come from Chile, the honest organic producers there will not ship to the USA. As a Medical Food, however, such food would be exempt from fumigation, in order to maintain its integrity.
The legal method for importation may be through the FDA “compassionate use” rule, RPM Ch. 9-71, Coverage of Personal Importation, which allows Americans to import up to a three month’s supply of health remedies not available in the USA, for personal use.
I can deduce from the FDA materials several points of note:
(1) the agency has not yet prepared comprehensive regulations regarding Medical Foods;
(2) products protected under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) can be considered Medical Foods,
(3) fresh foods that are specially prepared and packaged to manage GDS can be considered Medical Foods, and
(4) it is appropriate for health care providers to recommend such wholesome food for the dietary management of various nutritional and metabolic syndromes that are being identified by advanced health care practitioners, which can be subsumed under the overall Genomic Disruption Syndrome identified by Dr. Rima.
Jeffrey Smith concludes:
“Fortunately, as people learn about the health dangers of GMOs, feel better from non-GMO diets, and tell others, the non-GMO movement grows. There are now millions who seek healthier non-GMO foods. Since GMOs offer no consumer benefits…”
We can advance this understanding by educating decision makers, including our legislators, about the dangers of GMOs. Knowledge is power and the powerful must be made aware of the risks to which their policies are exposing us all.
Easily and quickly send them messages through Natural Solutions Foundation’s Educate Decision Makers system:
And watch for the definitive White Paper on GDS, currently in preparation by the Trustees of Natural Solutions Foundation, which will help guide those who seek remediation for the disabilities that arise from GDs, and those physicians and other healers who seek to provide those remedies.
Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee and Counsel of Natural Solutions Foundation, practiced law for 36 years and provides international legal consulting through his .
© 2012
Dr Rima’s Tells You the Truth!
The Threat of Genome Disruption Syndrome™ (GDS) to YOU and YOUR Family!
Your World, Your Health, Your Way!™
“The Genomicidal Technologies that are weaponizing the world against human survival.”
GDS represents a new understanding of the diseases and disorders raining down on us from dangerous, unsustainable and irresponsible (but highly profitable) technologies to which all of us are repeatedly exposed without informed consent.
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation are so deeply concerned by GDS and its consequences that we have produced another in our series of ePapers.
By recognizing the common source of apparently unrelated diseases and disorders, Dr. Rima makes it possible to understand, identify and treat the common, and widely spread, harm and medical mayhem unleashed by the assaults against the human genome by the Genomoidal Technologies.
Even more important, she identifies the practical, natural treatment, remedies and strategies needed for effective remediation and cure.
General Bert has written both an introduction to the Genomicidal Technologies and a basic primer on genetics necessary to understand GDS.
The ePaper describes the Genomic Disruption Syndrome, its Causes and Remediation and rests upon the Provisional Patent Application – Patent Pending, No. 61682422.
Physicians and other Health Care Professionals are invited to communicate with the Foundation regarding this newly identified Syndrome, its diagnosis and its treatment.
Dr. Rima’s science-based natural therapy GDA Protocols for physicians and holistic practitionerswill be available through our online Webinar system. Anticipated release date Webinar date will be late summer, 2012.
Introduction: General Bert – GDS and Your Future
Part One: General Bert – Genomicidal Technologies
Part Two: Doctor Rima – The Harms and the Remedies
Part Three: Counsel Ralph – Lawful Therapy for GDS
Part Four: Resources and Self-Evaluation and Screening for GDS
See Dr. Rima’s extraordinary video about the Eugenicidal Agenda here:
By 2009 It had expanded to include fake pandemics to be triggered by weaponized and deadly vaccines — truly a genome-disrupting technology.
By 2010 It included the impending Federal Food Control law and the criminalization of unapproved speech about food and food components… the Nation State controlling nutrients and medicine.
One of the toxic feet It stands on has been, for decades, the increasing regulatory restrictions and hostility toward health freedom, natural options and natural information.
The other toxic foot is It rests on is the increasing crony partnership of Big Business and Big Government until, finally, we have reached the Fascism Benito Mussolini defined: — the merger of the corporate and the state interests and structures.
The problem was, and of course, still is, that Il Duce thought that it was a good thing, and so, apparently, does the US Government, no matter which nominal party ”holds” “power.” This is clearly shown, for example, by the power Big Pharma and Big Agribiz wield over the FDA and USDA.
But now It has morphed, changed, defined itself anew. In addition to those threats and assaults, Sadly, they are all still with us – and on Steroids compared to where they were when Dr. Rima and I shut down our practice of drug free medicine and psychiatry to take on the work of health freedom. Now there are bigger, more dangerous and far more hidden ‘Its’ that threaten the sanctity of all the Genomes on Earth… a deadly threat be to people like you with families like yourA
More than ever before, with the threat of GDS over us,
To reserve your copy of this vitally important ePaper and make sure you are notified of the webinar, please enter your email below. Enter up to 10 emails here. Your contacts will receive a letter from us asking if they would like to receive this special ePaper and, once they agree, will be assured of this potentially life saving information.
Yours in Health and Freedom,
New Video from Counsel Ralph on the
General Bert MultiSensor ![]()
Dr Rima Truth Reports
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Dr Rima Recommends
1. Radiation Remedy Nutrition 2. Low Radiation Organic Food |
Natural Solutions Foundation
58 Plotts Road Newton, NJ. 0786
DISCLAIMER: Natural Solutions Foundation and its makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through FreedomFlash or the platform. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through FreedomFlash and is for general information purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine. under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases recommends that you consult your physician or local treatment center before pursuing any course of treatment.
“The Genomicidal Technologies that are weaponizing the world against human survival.”
GDS represents a new understanding of the diseases and disorders raining down on us from dangerous, unsustainable and irresponsible (but highly profitable) technologies to which all of us are repeatedly exposed, without informed consent.
This is not the Dr. Rima GDS Protocol for professional practice, but a reasonable “first aid” approximation to allow you and your family to be as well prepared as possible.
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation are so deeply concerned by GDS and its consequences that we have produced another in our series of ePapers.
By recognizing the common source of apparently unrelated diseases and disorders, Dr. Rima makes it possible to understand, identify and treat the common, and widely spread, harm and medical mayhem unleashed by the assaults against the human genome by the Genomoidal Technologies. Even more important, she identifies the practical, natural treatment, remedies and strategies needed for effective remediation and cure.
General Bert has written both an introduction to the Genomicidal Technologies and a basic primer on genetics necessary to understand GDS.
Although the Genomicidal Technologies themselves have been protected from legal responsibility and therefore constitute uninsurable risks, the legal issues of GDS are of major consequence. Foundation Trustee and Counsel Ralph Fucetola, JD, identifies the lawful natural therapy options, an issue which the adversarial position of government regulators makes necessary for people who understand that their health and their health choices are in their own hands.
The ePaper describes the Genomic Disruption Syndrome, its Causes and Remediation and rests upon the Provisional Patent Application – Patent Pending, No. 61682422. Physicians and other Health Care Professionals are invited to communicate with the Foundation regarding this newly identified Syndrome, its diagnosis and its treatment.
Dr. Rima’s science-based natural therapy GDA Protocols for physicians and holistic practitionerswill be available through our online Webinar system. Anticipated release date Webinar date will be late summer, 2012.
Introduction: General Bert – GDS and Your Future
Part One: General Bert – Genomicidal Technologies
Part Two: Doctor Rima – The Harms and the Remedies
Part Three: Counsel Ralph – Lawful Therapy for GDS
Part Four: Resources and Self-Evaluation and Screening for GDS
The problem is that “It” is changing rapidly.
When the Natural Solutions Foundation was created in 2004, It was our access to clean, unadulterated food, clearly labeled as such, our right to access high potency supplements and our right to truthful information about food and food components.
It was the Globalist Eugenocidal Agenda for depopulation carried out through the degradation of the world’s food supply (Enter Codex along with Big Agribiz, Big Chema and Big Biotech) and dangerous, damaging medications (Hello, Big Pharma and Big Medica!) and vaccines.
See Dr. Rima’s extraordinary video about the Eugenicidal Agenda here: .
By 2009 It had expanded to include fake pandemics to be triggered by weaponized and deadly vaccines — truly a genome-disrupting technology.
By 2010 It included the impending Federal Food Control law and the criminalization of unapproved speech about food and food components… the Nation State controlling nutrients and medicine.
One of the toxic feet It stands on has been, for decades, the increasing regulatory restrictions and hostility toward health freedom, natural options and natural information.
The other toxic foot is It rests on is the increasing crony partnership of Big Business and Big Government until, finally, we have reached the Fascism Benito Mussolini defined: — the merger of the corporate and the state interests and structures. The problem was, and of course, still is, that Il Duce thought that it was a good thing, and so, apparently, does the US Government, no matter which nominal party ”holds” “power.” This is clearly shown, for example, by the power Big Pharma and Big Agribiz wield over the FDA and USDA.
But now It has morphed, changed, defined itself anew. In addition to those threats and assaults, Sadly, they are all still with us – and on Steroids compared to where they were when Dr. Rima and I shut down our practice of drug free medicine and psychiatry to take on the work of health freedom. Now there are bigger, more dangerous and far more hidden ‘Its’ that threaten the sanctity of all the Genomes on Earth… a deadly threat be to people like you with families like yourA
More than ever before, with the threat of GDS over us,
To reserve your copy of this vitally important ePaper and make sure you are notified of the webinar, please enter your email here:
When you share this page with your contacts will receive a letter from us asking if they would like to receive this special ePaper and, once they agree, will be assured of this potentially life saving information.
For Dr. Rima’s Recommendations:
Joe Jesson, our guest on the Dr. Rima Truth Reports (May 20 and July 29, 2012) is a sensor specialist, IT engineer and a 2007 GE Edison honoree. General Bert, who commanded the US Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command (ERADCOM), has authorized Joe to develop a special, personal radiation sensor system.
General Bert’s commission to Joe is to develop the General Bert MultiSensor to give you urgently needed real-time information, such as radiation and other environmental hazard exposure, and your personal bio-marker response data.
Working with Dr. Rima, General Bert, Counsel Ralph Fucetola and Joe have identified critical markers which will quickly, easily and efficiently give you the information you need to protect yourself and your family.
The General Bert MultSensor allows radiation data to upload to a special portal in near-real-time to allow users to generate and respond to real radiation information and generate timely warnings.
“It is very simple”, says General Bert, “the urgently needed radiation information requirement has abandoned by the governments, so we, the People, must become informed in order to protect ourselves. My technology puts information, the ultimate power, where it belongs: in your hands.
People like you, with families like yours, absolutely need this information to determine your risk and select your responses. Which is why I have directed my team to create the essential tool you must have in the post-Fukushima world.”
In collaboration with Doctor Rima, the General Bert MultiSensor has been designed to track your essential bio-markers under various environmental conditions. The Multi-Sensor is the modern, post-Fukushim, biofeedback solution.
To embrace the vital information in General Bert’s two Fukushima Related eBooks, click here:
(The Sunday July 29, 2012 archived broadcast)
Guest – Joe Jesson, Updating MultiSensor Progress
Joe Jesson wrote:
Open-Source Wireless Sensor Platform
– Internet of Things –
Case Study: Radiation Sensor Integration
Joe Jesson, CTO, XACT Technology LLCNewest Revolution – The Internet of Things
When I went to purchase Geiger-Muller radiation sensor tubes for a project I was working on last year, I was quickly informed that all GM sensors and Geiger counters were sold out. The Fukushima crisis drove engineers, technical hackers, and citizen scientists to quickly build and launch radiation-monitoring points throughout Japan. Many people do not trust the official government information and took control of sensing radiation throughout Japan. Within weeks of the Fukushima radiation incident, over 2,000 sensors were reporting to the revolutionary and pioneering open portal known as Pachube!
Take a look at
The key to this speed in which these sensors were deployed is the selection of open hardware (open Arduino hardware was a favorite in monitoring this background radiation, and an open Portal, Pachube, integrated with code to quickly report and share radiation levels throughout. While this also requires an Ethernet or WiFi connection to the Internet in order to communicate to a portal, we are going to show how the XACT wireless GSM/GPRS board enables a complete mobile radiation detection sensor platform.
Tiny URL for this page:
This is the beta home page of the Natural Solutions Foundation’s Women’s Health Freedom Coalition — the WHFC. We need your support to build this effort. Please donate here.
June 7, 2012: The Trustees are very pleased to announce the appointment of vaccine choice advocate Leslie Carol Botha as the Coordinator of the WHFC.
Leslie Carol Botha, Women’s Health Educator, author, publisher, and broadcast journalist is an internationally recognized expert on women’s hormonal health. Her work emphasizes the significance of the hormone cycle and its profound relationship to women’s psyche. Botha’s 30 years of research demonstrates how hormone changes/fluctuations in the menstrual cycle affect women’s physical, mental and emotional well being. More about Ms. Botha below.
July 30, 2012: The Coalition announces the creation of Mothers Against Radiation: the project to document and disseminate information regarding radiation readings in the Northern Hemisphere. Formal and informal chapters of the Coalition are asked to coordinate obtaining radiation detectors to share radiation information. “Thinking outside the box” Foundation President Maj Gen Bert Stubblebine (US Army ret) has authorized the development of the General Bert MultiSensor, bringing biofeedback to a new level, with environmental and biomarker data together in one low-cost, high-tech box. More about the General Bert MultiSensor here: The MultiSensor is designed to implement the Geiger Counter plan announced on May 4. 2012 (see below) and the work of Coalition Chair Botha with womens biomarker biofeedback.
May 4, 201: Our Four City Tour ( is over and the first Chapters of the Womens’ Health Freedom Coalition are starting to form. Based on the discussions with the attendees at the Four City Events, we believe the first task of the Chapters, the first skirmish of the Battle of All Mothers, is to raise funds to purchase Geiger Counters so that each Chapter can begin to measure and publicize radiation readings in their local area. These readings will be reported on the WHFC Forum Discussion Group and begin to form a data base that decision makers cannot ignore.
General Bert’s Fukushima Estimate of Situation video is “going viral” and is impacting public discussion. The virtual “blackout” of public discussion of Fukushima is being breached. Even 60 Minutes just ran a 13 minute segment on Fukushima where Physicist M. Kaku told the world that the Northern Hemisphere is “hanging on by its fingernails…”
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, says,
“Nothing else matters compared to this: Fukushima reactor No. 4 vulnerable to catastrophic collapse, chain of events could unleash 85 x the Cesium-137 radiation of Chernobyl. “Fate of the world” rests on solving this problem before an earthquake strikes again. North America could become uninhabitable by humans…”
If you want to form a local Chapter and want our WHFC Organizing eBook, please email your contact information to us at with “WHFC Chapter” in the subject line.
Forming a WHFC Chapter
Friendly Food CoOp
Blog Entries
Doctor Rima Network
GMO Fake ‘Phude’ [tbp]
Vaccines & Autism [tbp]
Childhood Cancer [tbp]
The Coalition grew out of a series of meetings and discussions in several cities across the United States over the first several months of 2012. It has been formed to organize the ways and means needed to prevail in “The Battle of All Mothers” — our effort to mobilize women (and men!) to demand, locally, nationally and planetarily, our Health & Food Freedom & Justice.
This beta page provides links to information and social networking that will facilitate coordinated, but independent, action. Please return to often — this site will grow and flourish!
If you want to form a local Chapter and want our WHFC Organizing eBook, please email your contact information to us at with “WHFC Chapter” in the subject line.
The first task of the Chapters, the first skirmish of the Battle of All Mothers, is to raise funds to purchase Geiger Counters so that each Chapter can begin to measure and publicize radiation readings in their local area. These readings will be reported on the WHFC Forum Discussion Group and begin to form a data base that decision makers cannot ignore. If you or an associate already has access to a geiger counter, please begin to record your readings noting: date, time, location (GPS if possible) and what was being tested. Please join the Free World Network discussion group (below) and start to post!
Women understand the strong connections among Food, Health and Family. We see the threats to all three coming from the Genomicidal Technologies that are weaponising the world against human survival. The “Battle of All Mothers” is a struggle for health, wholesome food and protected families.
As part of that effort, we have established the Friendly Food CoOp – the world’s first International CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) to replace the increasingly radioactive, GMO-laced “phude” (it looks like food and maybe even tastes a bit like food, but it is not!) available in the Northern Hemisphere. As we develop that capacity for the South (the deep south of South America and Africa) to feed the North, we offer connections to the best organic products currently available.
All this can be accessed here:
1. Global Health Freedom –
2. Our Twitter Feed –
3. The WHFC Facebook Page – [TBP]
4. The WHFC Discussion Group –
[Please note: you need to sign-up for our Free World Network to join the Group.]5. The WHFC Chat – [TBP]
6. Dr. Rima’s Network –
7. The Food Freedom eJournal –
Read all of Dr. Rima’s Blogs here:
The Vaccine Myth is Busted! –
Ammunition for the Battle of All Mothers –
Woman’s Right to Make her own Decisions about Her own Body –
Natural Solution’s Friendly Food Co-Op – International CSA –
You can see all of Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert’s videos here:
Nutricide: Criminalizing Natural Health
The Globalist Genocidal Agenda
The original Dr. Rima Network site:
The new, under development, Heal Me Dr. Rima site:
Genome Disruption Syndrome:
All five Big Lies:
Leslie Carol Botha, WHFC Coordinator
Holy Hormones Honey! The Greatest Story Never Told!
Leslie Carol Botha, Women’s Health Educator, author, publisher, and broadcast journalist is an internationally recognized expert on women’s hormonal health. Her work emphasizes the significance of the hormone cycle and its profound relationship to women’s psyche. Botha’s 30 years of research demonstrates how hormone changes/fluctuations in the menstrual cycle affect women’s physical, mental and emotional well being.
Botha is a member of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, and an advisory board member for the Cycles Research Institute.
In 2006, Botha received the Edward R. Dewey Award for her pioneering research on how women’s hormonal fluctuations affect their behaviors. The award was bequeathed by the Foundation for the Study of Cycles.
Her research is also featured in a new book titled: The World According to Cycles- How Recurring Forces Can Predict the Future and Change Your Life by Samuel A. Schreiner, Jr., published by Skyhorse Publishing, New York City. Schreiner has noted that Botha is “….one of the most prominent twenty-first century natural cycle thinkers.”
Currently Botha and her co-author Sandra H. Chevalier-Batik are developing a health curriculum for adolescents titled Girl’s Empowered – A Comprehensive Curriculum on Adolescent Health. The curriculum focuses on menstrual health education within an educational social, political and historical context of women’s worth, value and rights.
Botha and Batik have just released their e-book titled: Understanding Your Mind, Mood and Hormone Cycle; the first in a series on menstrual health education.
Over the past three years, Botha has been heavily involved and dedicated in using the media to share information with the public about the potential dangers of the HPV vaccines. She is a member of and is one of six women who presented research and data to the FDA in March of 2010 on the alarming statistics of Gardasil and Cervarix deaths, injuries and harm in comparison to other vaccines. She is the past Vice President of Public Relations for S.A.N.E. Vax, Inc. an organization dedicated to educating the public about the safety and efficacy of vaccinations.