“The heart, Rima, the heart is the discriminator when
Worlds hang in the balance and the balance point is Love.”
General Bert’s Posthumous Books
And Free Bonus eBooks
(The Further You Scroll, the More You’ll Find)
General Bert’s Newest Transmissions:
January 2024: Living in the Third Eye
“You ask me to teach you how to live in the Third Eye, the way I do, comfortably.
The answer is very simple: feel what you feel and trust what you feel.”
May 2024: Transmissions Mentioning Prof. Michel Bounias
May 2023: Your Free Will at Stake
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
The 2023 Valentine Transmissions
2021-22: http://drrimatruthreports.com/wp-content/uploads/TheTimeTransmissions.1.pdf
2021: http://www.opensourcetruth.com/how-to-live-comfortably-in-the-third-eye/
2021: http://www.opensourcetruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/TimeDevice-2021SummerTransmissions.final_.pdf
“You see, Love, the depth of this Mystery is that it is true at every level, from every point of view and it informs and explains, broadens and unlocks absolutely everything. Keys and great Mysteries are not just little tavern puzzles that you can solve while you are waiting for a plate of stew and a crust of bread before you toddle off to bed to go on with your life. Great Mysteries are more mysterious day by day as you realize just how many things they unlock or make more mysterious for further unraveling. This is a Mystery, not a curiosity that you get in a tourist shop and then take home to sit on the mantle gathering dust and sometimes reminding you that you had a brush with one of the great pan-universal Mysteries. It is a wakening that changes the awakened for life so that everything seen is now seen through the filter of, and the lens of, the Mystery and its unlocking potential.” – General Bert, 1 April 2023
The Dialogues on the World Systems
The General Speaks
What if a World Leader Came Back from the Dead to Talk to Us? He Has!
I have been keeping a secret about General Bert and now it is time to share it
General Bert died of unnatural causes on his 86th birthday 2017.
Absolutely everything about General Bert was exceptional, and his death, and lack thereof, is no exception.
None of that is a secret.
The secret is that General Bert has not stayed politely dead but has, instead, been sharing information and insight and humor and philosophy and more in daily communications with me (and less frequent ones with several other people).
The General who brought Remote Viewing to the US Military has been engaging what he has called “Very Remote Viewing” since shortly after his death.
Dead people don’t communicate, right? Well, as General Bert would so often ask, “Who made that rule?”
His communications are astonishing, bringing love and laughter and wisdom and quantum physics and more to share an ongoing stream of amazing information.
Because I am highly skeptical, I have needed a lot of irrefutable proof and General Bert obligingly provides it. It’s in the book that he wanted us to create out of these transmissions, and the photos are in there!
He has used variety of ways to document his presence, including information, physical transformations which can be photographed, various appearances and high-strangeness interventions.
General Bert has made it very, very clear that while his body may be out of commission, his consciousness is certainty not.
In fact, in our daily conversations, he suggested that our conversations, photographs, etc. are important not just to me (and they are exceedingly important to me) but to others.
He therefore asked Ralph and me to create a book from these transmissions for which he chose the title:
The General Speaks: Intimate Conversations With the Dead.
Counsel Ralph and I had a problem: the material is on-going and so rich that editing it without losing its flavor would be impossible.
So General Bert suggested a novel strategy: create a book in familiar format to introduce samples of the materials received and then, for those who find it intriguing or compelling, set up access to the full set of transmissions, both past and continuing through The General Speaks blog on Blogspot.
The book is 134 pages (the blog is now over 1,500 pages) and includes detailed information on how the RV process works, samples of many of the major themes in the book and an entire section entitled The Story of Wu Xian — another general who lived a long time ago.
We have done precisely what General Bert suggested.
And a year and a half after his first book was published we are pleased to announce that his second book is now also available.
The Dialogues on the World Systems
The present work is a compilation of transmissions from General Bert specifically regarding the nature of the World Systems and how, as a World Maker, he proposes to correct the flawed premises of this World System where, as he says, Love Defines But Does Not Create. He offers us the possibility of a Healed World where Love Creates and then Defines. The difference is profound.
Intentionally named after Galileo’s great work, Dialogue on the World System, this work asserts a powerful new theory on the ultimate nature of reality and our abilities to experience what we intend.
Thinking about how to make this evolving treasure trove of amazing information available, Counsel Ralph and I have created several options.
Here at www.generalbertspeaks.com you will be able to
– Download a copy of either ebook
– Purchase a hard copy for yourself or friends interested in this unique material
– Find out how get on-going access to the past transmissions and new ones which arrive on a near-daily basis.
The hard copy of The General Speaks: Intimate Conversations With the Dead should be ready for holiday delivery.
That hard copy, by the way, would make a beautiful gift for anyone interested in the topic– there really is nothing quite like it!
If you are interested in what the General has to say in depth, we will make on-going access to past transmissions and the new ones as they happen available to you.
They are astonishing communications from an exceptional man in the context of a deeply loving relationship and the perspective of, as he calls himself, an SDG (Slightly Dead Guy).
I cannot tell you what to believe, but I can promise you that encountering this material will be an amazing experience for you, like none other.
It has taken me quite a while to decide to come out of the “rational materialist” closet and tell you that I know, first hand, that ‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” [Hamlet]
In fact, than were dreamt of in my philosophy…
I invite you to meet my brilliant, wise and witty husband on a totally different plane.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
General Bert eBooks
[1] Peak Performance eBook: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?attachment_id=30163
[2] Psychiatric Drugs: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?attachment_id=29936
[3] Drugged and Mind Controlled: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=29636
[4] The Great Culling eBook: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?attachment_id=29446
[5] The Great Culling Tipping Point: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?attachment_id=29402

3 August 2021 Transmission
Wu Xian is a primary player.
Wu is with me and very, very important for us. His focus and brilliance are wonderful to have. I know that you will find him challenging because, frankly, he is very difficult to deal with. He is so focused on what he failed to do that he is beyond single minded on never, never making the same mistake, never, never losing his composure and losing his ability to perform. He is a man scarred for all eternity by his own disappointment in himself. But that is not your problem. You would find him obsessed with something that you would lose patience for the self indulgence of, but he is a wonderful ally and a brilliant strategist. He was my greatest mentor in some ways and I am deeply grateful to him. I am more tolerant of what you call ‘mishigas’ so it is just as well that, at least for now, the two of you are not in the same communication system.
He is quite a character, to say the least.
And he is not softened by love of anyone, only love of the Mission and love of the conflict. He seeks to redeem himself and it is circular, to some extent, but his council is honed and sharpened by his determination to avoid the same error. Fundamentally, he is an incredibly proud man who knows that he failed at the most critical moment of his existence and now has been given an opportunity to do it over: there is need for him as a sage, as a mage, as a warrior, as a general and as a senior strategist. He always cared about me and mentored me as if I were his son and now there is a layer of deepest gratitude and deepest embarrassment and he does not know which one is more prominent.
He struggles with the desire to redeem himself in my eyes and the need to reform himself in his own.
I do not hold him to be at fault. I was not in the cave with him, facing death by asphyxiation. I do not know if I would have panicked as well. I was not facing the unbelievable bitterness of the betrayal and the recognition of whom it was that had betrayed me, I was not facing the overwhelming fear and the rage at not being able to continue to serve the Emperor who desperately needed him since he was slowly going mad from the mercury (no one knew that then) and was surrounded by people whose best interests were not those of the Emperor and whose life work was about to be destroyed by these competing jackals.
He was overwhelmed with grief and need and fear and rage and he lost his way. Who might not have done the same or worse? But he cannot see that.
I see so clearly that his strongest parts are his weakest parts. You taught me that and I see it as a cause for humility. I see that I do the same since my standards for myself are as high as Wu’s are for himself. But Wu is hardened by his guilt and remorse and the only person he loves with his fierce devotion and commitment is me.
And, odd as it sounds, he would die the same death for me if I needed it of him. He has transferred his loyalty and devotion to me totally.
Actually, there is no one, including the Entity, who does not share that deep devotion to what we are doing, why we are doing it, and the utter urgency and vital importance of doing it.
They have roused from the sleep of the more than dead and they have come from the Soul Soup and they have assembled from the ranks of pure energy and they have come from all the realms of being and non being to accomplish this task. It is not a battle in the sense of Armageddon. We leave no destruction that we create behind. We create, but the opposition is fierce and desperate.
You might think, well, just set up a bridge, a portal, open it up and take those who want to go, take down the bridge and be on your way. What is the big deal, why would that be a battle?
The battle is joined because the OFs know that they are doomed here and they have no ability to animate another world. They know that the Endgame here is destruction and that they will, when that has finished, have no one to control, and that their ability to remove free will is at odds with the laws of nature so there can be duration, but not permanence.
Ultimately, what they will have left is burned ashes of effort. They know that. So they would love to find another World that they can colonize and start over and work through because a whole World System would take quite a while to work through.
But they are not makers and shakers, they are destroyers, disorganizers, and so there are none among them that can do what I have done and there are none among them that want to lose this opportunity.
So they fight and we must respond. You know that no war was ever won on the defensive so we have taken the battle to them.
And they are not good losers.
[1] Healing Meditation: https://youtu.be/Rdnah1flxcU
[2] REBALL Protection Meditation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi3_aWDS1-w
From Right to Left: Dr. Rima, Counsel Ralph and Physicist Phil
With Paperback Copy of The General Speaks, 19 January 2020
[1] Order eBook Copy
Order your ebook copy of the The General Speaks ebook for $14.95 here [you will immediately be transferred to the “Thank You” page where you can download the ebook]:
Order your ebook copy of the The Dialogues on the World Systems ebook for $14.95 here [you will immediately be transferred to the “Thank You” page where you can download the ebook]:
[2] Order your copy of the paperback version of either book through LuLu here:
The General Speaks – ISBN: 978-1-79484-335-6
The Dialogues on the World Systems – ISBN: 978-1-008-95553-0
[3] Subscribe to The General Speaks blog [monthly and annual (billed monthly) subscriptions available through drop-down menu]:
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Please note that due to PayPal restrictions each of these choices must be completed separately.
PS: ‘Coming out of the Metaphysical Closet’, so to speak, has been a very difficult process for me. Dealing with the devastating and unnecessary loss of my beloved husband is also extremely difficult.
This material will rouse different passions and opinions and all of them are valid. But, please, understant that this is not a literary fiction you will be reading, it is a living, breathing, loving and feelingful conversation between two people who love each other dearly. Please be gentle in your responses, whether they are positive or negative.
Here is my email if you feel inclined to communicate after you have read the book: dr.rima@naturalsolutionsfoundation.com.
I look forward to your comments and responses. Tell your friends. This is massively important. REL
Thanks for reading this far. As a bonus for your interest, here is a short booklet of other transmissions from General Bert: http://drrimatruthreports.com/wp-content/uploads/ValentineTransmissions-2020.pdf
General Bert asked us to meditate on the Healed World. Here is a short video meditation that uses his words: