Vaccine Court Finds Gardasil® Destroyed Girl’s Brain
Everyone is at Risk for Vaccine Injury
Except Those Who are Never Vaccinated.
Assert Your Legally Protected Right to
Refuse Any Vaccine
SPECIAL NOTE FROM COUNSEL RALPH — Share with California Residents. Regardless of what state or local laws hold, your Right to Informed Consent supersedes any such laws or regulations, as long as you assert that right correctly. The Advance Vaccine Directive Card allows you to do that.
In May, 2015 the Vaccine Injury Compensation Board found in favor of a child whose family said that parts of the Gardasil vaccine are so much like normal brain receptors that the immune system, BECAUSE OF THE GARDASIL VACCINATION, attacked a vaccinated child’s brain. The result? Uncontrollable seizures and profound retardation ultimately requiring cataclysmic brain surgery. Note the date: May, 2015. Mainstream reporting? Missing.
With the recent cervical cancer death of a 33 year-old vaccinated Australian gold-medalist* much attention is back on the so-called HPV vaccines and their horrid adverse reactions.
Bottom Line First: Everyone has aquaporin-4 water channels in their brains. Parts of the Gardasil HPV vaccine resemble those structures closely enough so that if the HPV vaccine breeches (read: crosses) the blood brain barrier and the immune system detects those bits, the immune system will attack those receptors with possibly devastating consequences.
How would the blood brain barrier get breached? Simple. The immune system irritant aluminum is included in the vaccine specifically to put the immune system into overdrive. It does that well but it also does two other things as well: it promotes high levels of inflammation and it damages the all-important blood brain barrier.
So we have a recipe for a perfect storm: damage the blood brain barrier, put proteins that mimic the structure of brain cell receptors into the brain, facilitate a huge inflammatory response, and put the immune system into overdrive facilitating auto immune disease.
In this particular case, Gardasil-related auto immune attack on her brain ended any hope of a meaningful life for this child.
Everyone has those receptors. Everyone’s blood brain barrier is subject to disruption by aluminum and other toxins, including Monsanto’s Roundup®. Everyone is at risk for vaccine injury except those who are never vaccinated.
Here the issue is not just infertility, premature menopause, endocrine disruption or other reproductive safety concerns, although they are also valid.
Here the issue is that we know conclusively that Gardasil can cause the body to destroy the brain whether the recipient is male or female, young or old.
In my view, the risks so far outweigh any potential, possible, imagined or imaginary benefits that no reasonable person would accept those risks for him/herself or his/her children. No reasonable person could give Informed Consent to such a medical procedure.
But the mandates roll along and pressure from pediatricians, who now report that more of their income is derived from vaccinations than from any other part of their practice, is fierce.
You have the right to refuse any vaccine for yourself and your children no matter what state or local laws have been passed IF, and ONLY IF, you assert your right to Informed Consent correctly.
Go to to take the necessary steps to do that. Now. And say “NO!” to Gardasil, Cervarix and the rest of these deadly toxic inputs.
Oh, where is the mainstream media on this blockbuster decision. Missing in Action.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
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Barbara Loe Fisher is a tireless advocate of both vaccine truth and choice and the Natural Solutions Foundation nominates her for our Hall of Fame. Barbara continues to examine carefully the vaccine industry, its products and its corruption. Her site,, is a mine of information and assistance on vaccine and vaccination issues. She is an ally and a resource of great value.
Barbara’s latest commentary on the corrupt – and corrupting – vaccine industry is a very important read.
In it she points out that vaccine safety and effectiveness have not been demonstrated by the studies published about them even in prestige journals. Those studies are of poor quality and show little that can be relied upon scientifically, but are, none the less, used as the evidence relied upon by vaccine courts to determine whether vaccines have harmed or killed anyone.
The Natural Solutions Foundation has filed a Citizens Petition with the Federal Trade Commission demanding hearings on whether vaccines are safe and/or effective and asking for a ban on any advertising or materials which suggest that they are either safe, effective or both until that fact is established.
And click here ( to read the latest news on the “accidental” Baxter International contamination scandal in which live, virulent Avian Flu H5N1 virus was somehow mixed with seasonal flu vaccine shipped to 18 countries. This mixture would allow re-assortment or mutation of the Avian Flu virus which currently is very ineffective in causing human disease. Such alteration of the virus could potentially allow it to become as deadly as the Avian Flu has been predicted to be when it causes the next “inevitable” pandemic. Of course, if it is mixed in with other flu viruses and injected “by accident”, the next pandemic really IS inevitable.
Please share this information as widely as possible, and make a tax deductible donation ( as generously as possible so that the Natural Solutions Foundation can continue to bring you vitally important information and fight for your health and freedom.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Vaccine Studies: Under the Influence of Pharma
Barbara Loe Fisher
If you take more than a casual look at the way the mass vaccination system in the U.S. works, you see that pharmaceutical companies marketing vaccines have a lot of clout.
It was the pharmaceutical industry that told Congress in 1982 that they were going to leave the nation without vaccines if they didn’t get liability protection but have opposed making it less difficult for vaccine victims to obtain federal compensation in the U.S. Court of Claims under a 1986 law that gave them liability protection.
It is Pharma lobbyists, who bully the FDA into fast tracking vaccines like Gardasil and who sit at the CDC’s policymaking tables urging that new vaccines be recommended for use by all children so they can persuade state legislators to mandate vaccines like influenza vaccine.
How Big Pharma Influences Medical Journals
A recent study published in the British Medical Journal reveals the clout that Big Pharma has in the world of medicine journal publishing, specifically the publishing of scientific articles about vaccines. In a Cochrane Collaboration review and analysis of published influenza vaccine studies found that influenza vaccine studies sponsored by industry are treated more favorably by medical journals even when the studies are of poor quality.
This analysis confirms that drug companies marketing vaccines have a major influence on what gets published and is said about vaccines in medical journals. It is no wonder that there are almost no studies published in the medical literature that call into question vaccine safety.
The preferential treatment of Pharma-funded studies also explains why the risks of an inappropriately fast-tracked vaccine like Gardasil are underplayed in the medical literature and why a physician like Andrew Wakefield, M.D. who dared to publish a study in 1998 in a medical journal (The Lancet) calling for more scientific investigation into the possible link between MMR vaccine and regressive autism, has been mercilessly persecuted for more than a decade, by both Pharma-funded special interest groups, as well as public health officials maintaining close relationships with vaccine manufacturers.
Study Finds No Correlation Between Quality of Study and Publication
This recent review identified and assessed 274 published studies on influenza vaccines for their methodological quality and found no relationship between study quality, publication in prestige journals or their subsequent citation in other articles.
The researchers also found that most influenza vaccine studies are of poor quality but those with conclusions favorable to influenza vaccinations are of significantly lower methodological quality. The single most important factor determining where the studies were published or how much they were cited was sponsorship, with those partially or wholly funded by the pharmaceutical industry having higher visibility.
The authors commented: “The study shows that one of the levers for accessing prestige journals is the financial size of your sponsor. Pharma sponsors order many reprints of studies supporting their products, often with in house translations into many languages. They also purchase advertising space in the journal. Many publishers openly advertise these services on their website. It is time journals made a full disclosure of their sources of funding”.
The HPV Vaccine — Just One Example of Inappropriate Influence Endangering Public Health
Last month the National Vaccine Information Center ( called on the Obama Administration and Congress to investigate Gardasil vaccine risks. NVIC has long questioned the inappropriate influence of vaccine manufacturers in federal vaccine licensing and policymaking and state vaccine mandates.
In 2006, Merck’s Gardasil vaccine was fast tracked by the FDA at Merck’s request and in 2007 Merck lobbyists mounted an aggressive lobbying campaign to get Gardasil mandated by state legislators for all sixth grade girls, which would have assured the big drug company a predictable market.
The Pharma lobbying effort in 2007 to get all states to mandate Gardasil failed but every other vaccine produced by drug companies and licensed by the FDA in the past quarter century has been mandated. Those new mandates were added to state vaccine laws by legislators and public health officials at the urging of vaccine manufacturer lobbyists and Pharma funded organizations touting vaccine studies published in the medical literature.
Massive Increase in Number of Vaccines Given
In the past three decades, the numbers of doses of government recommended vaccines for children and medical organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics has tripled to 69 doses of 16 vaccines, with 48 doses of 14 vaccines targeted to children under age six.
Pharma lobbyists have persuaded most states to pass laws requiring two to three dozen doses of most of the 16 government recommended vaccines. Last year New Jersey became the first state to mandate influenza vaccine for children attending daycare and school.
In the past few years, Dr. Jefferson has authored several independent reviews of influenza studies published in the medical literature for the Cochrane Collaboration, which have been published in the British Medical Journal, questioning the quality of published scientific evidence for influenza vaccine effectiveness and safety for the elderly as well as children.
Clearly, if the makers and marketers of vaccines can influence the quality and quantity of the scientific evidence published in the medical literature proving that vaccines are safe and effective — evidence that is used by states to mandate vaccines and by the U.S. Court of Claims to deny compensation to vaccine injured children — then Congress was wrong in 1986 to protect the makers and marketers of vaccines from liability for injuries and deaths caused by those vaccines.
Government Vaccine Recommendations Based on Tainted Evidence
The U.S. Court of Claims vaccine injury compensation awards, and state vaccine mandates are justified on the strength of scientific published in medical journals. It is time for medical journals to disclose all financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry. It is time for studies questioning the safety and effectiveness of vaccines to receive a fair hearing in scientific journals rather than editors confining themselves to primarily publishing studies funded by the pharmaceutical industry maintaining that every vaccine is totally safe, effective and necessary.
Kudos to the British Medical Journal for having the integrity to publish Dr. Jefferson’s comprehensive analysis of pharmaceutical money influence on vaccine studies published in the medical literature. Hopefully, this will be a wake-up call for the scientific community, Congress and the public to put an end to the undue influence the pharmaceutical industry has on the science and policy of mass vaccination in the U.S.