GLOBALIST DEPOPULATION “INITIATIVE” STAND WITH US OR FALL TO THE GLOBALISTS YOU Must Share this Message: “It is the policy of the United States to advance the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), which is a multi-faceted, multi-country initiative intended to accelerate partner countries’ measurable capabilities to achieve specific targets to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats (GHSA targets), whether naturally occurring, deliberate, or accidental.” President Obama In 2014 General Bert Warned of the THIS IS THE DEFINING BATTLE Flu? No Worries! Global Health Security Agenda in a Nutshell: . GHSA = Agenda 21 on Steroids, in a Vaccine Syringe, . What Can I Do? Send the letter to your decision makers by clicking here: Every modern tyranny invokes “health” care professionals to torture and kill people at their whim. GHSA is no exception. We demand strict adherence to meaningful ethical standards like the Helsinki Declaration and the Health Keeper’s Oath. We have the right to the safety and sanctity of our own bodies. We demand adherence to the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association [1], to protect everyone from imposed medical tyranny. . We too will speak plainly: . This is a nothing short of a shameful bald faced lie. . Humanity needs natural solutions to these issues, not vaccines from the Syringe Police and depopulation. We need the global elite and its institutions of death out of our lives, not us out of our lives! . . . . . We Demand an Immediate . . Join us in educating decision makers about these demands. You can easily send emails to your representatives alerting them to the tyrannical threat of GHSA. Just scroll down to send your message. . Share this Action Item by sharing this link: Lame Duck Executive Order: . Let Your Voice Be Heard! . |