Supplements on the Chopping Block!
Protect Your Informed Consent Here
What do you get when Big Pharma mates with the US Congress? PharmaCong. It’s a monster and it’s out to kill your right to dietary supplements. Again.
Look, we have been forced to defend our supplements from PharmaCong, the monster created by Big Pharma’s care, feeding and lobbying of Congress and it’s ‘Deja Vu All Over Again’ because we have to protect our supplements once again.
PharmaCong nearly killed all supplements in 1994 when we forced them to retreat and pass the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA) which specified that nutrients are foods, not drugs, and that we can have as much of them as we like without government interference.
Healthcare Trump Style will include Health Savings Accounts which will allow you to choose what your healthcare dollars are spent on. Choose, that is, unless you (along with Dr. Rand Paul, by the way) want to feed your body the nutrients and other natural products that it needs to get healthy and stay that way.
Supplements and other natural health supports like herbs will not be covered so they continue to remain uninsured expenses under the new plan.
It’s time to strong-arm Congress and the White House with an avalanche of emails demanding that our right to include nutritional supplements in our own self-directed health strategies must be protected in this reform healthcare bill.
Tell your Federal representatives to support the Health Savings Account (HSA) Act of 2017, S.403 and H.R.1175, introduced by Sen. Orin Hatch (R-Utah) and Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-Minnesota) as part of reforming the (sic) “Affordable Care Act” and to make sure vitamins and other natural remedies remain payable from HSAs.
Click here,, to do that. And when you have finished that action, take a few moments to use the enormous power of social media to enlist your entire circle of influence through social media to do the same and enlist their contacts, too.
Without that, you’ll be able to pay for any pharmaceutical you want! But nutrients to get you well and keep you that way? Nope.
Congress was getting ready to outlaw all supplements in 1994, delivering a massive present to the drug industry a decade after they removed all vaccine liability from their good Pharma buddies.
PharmaCong in action…
We got wind of that rotten deal cooking on the congressional burners and we rose up in outraged millions. We sent more letters to Congress on this than we had on the Viet Nam war and Congress backed down, to the last man and woman and passed DSHEA by unanimous consent. They were that frightened of our power.
They still are.
With good reason.
Dietary supplements, paid for with our own Health Savings Account money MUST be included and protected so that natural, curative medicine is our financial option, at our discretion and choice.
Click here,, to take action and tell that to Congress and the Trump White House and then spread the word as if your life depended upon it.
It does.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
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