Kids, Ebola and HPV: The US Government’s Deadly Game
Dr. Rima replies to an article in Mother Jones, regarding resistant pathogens… what has been called “The Antibiotic Resistance Apocalypse“.*
First, let me qualify what I am about to say: I am a licensed physician holding licenses in 3 States in the US.
The article you wrote, Tim, is full of both useful information and egregious errors of fact. First, deadly disease: yes, the children streaming across the border might harbor all sorts of diseases, just as the people streaming off airplanes, buses and boats at every port of entry into the US. The sudden flood of children is very worrisome because it has quite obviously been engineered, I suspect, by the same or similar people to those who decided to supply the drug cartel murderers with high power weaponry to make weapons appear more dangerous than otherwise and build public support (among those still left alive, of course) for cancelling the right to bear arms.
My suspicion, of which the preliminary data is supportive, but I cannot assert it with certainty, is that the presence of supposedly disease-bearing children (can’t deport the tots, can’t execute them, can’t do much of anything with them – after all, they are children) is a door opener to “protect” us through the implementation of the Global Health Security Initiative, which I have called “Agenda 21 in a Syringe” —
You will not be very happy with what you find there since unelected and uncontrollable agencies have anointed themselves with the power to vaccinate, remove, incarcerate or otherwise treat anyone on the planet to “protect” them from infectious diseases. One of the favored way to reduce both victims AND vectors of infectious disease, the program holds, in writing, is to reduce the population. Voila! Fewer potential vectors, fewer potential victims and either of those classes of now dead people can have offspring who would become vectors, victims or both.
Second, vaccines: you write as if vaccines work. The science is quite clear (as long as it is not paid for by drug companies and conducted by people with conflicts of interest who will gain or loose by reason of the results.
Both the measles and whooping cough vaccine are now officially conceded to have failed by leading scholars in the field (you can look up my articles on their peer reviewed papers) and there is no statistical evidence in untampered-with data that vaccines have reduced the incidence of a single communicable disease. There is powerful epidemiological information that shows conclusively that every infectious disease was declining BEFORE the introduction of the relevant vaccine and that most of them actually INCREASED SHARPLY after those vaccines were introduced.
Polio? The poster child for disease eradication? Even the CDC’s own website states that the cause of polio is vaccination with polio.
Any genuine comparison of vaccinated and unvaccinated people shows the same result: there is literally no comparison between people in those two categories in the incidence of autism (yes, vaccines actually DO cause autism), asthma, neurological function including attention, Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia, infertility, autoimmune disorders (some of which are, quite literally lethal), fetal loss, and on and on.
Of course, that makes sense because vaccination introduces massively toxic materials directly into the body. And the mistaken belief that vaccine-related antibodies are the same as those antibodies produced by exposure to the unaltered disease-causing organisms has been shown repeatedly in peer reviewed studies to be incorrect. Bottom line? Those children from Central American countries where vaccines are virtually universal have compromised immune systems by virtue of those vaccines, as do any vaccinated individuals.
This is not the party line, but it is what un-corrupted science shows over and over again.
I am a staunch liberal politically (I believe that the State has meaningful responsibility to the aged, the infirm, the vulnerable, the environment and other areas of public trust and that I am also a staunch believer in the concept that each of us owns our own bodies and has the absolute right to make the health choices that we feel are right for us. Therefore, I, too, although anything but a far right political person, have been a member of the AAPS and supported vigorously, in my role as the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, the amendment to allow parents to block their children from getting the HPV vaccine which is designed to make money and which does NOT prevent cervical cancer.
What it does do is damage women and girls in astonishing numbers and, perhaps, reduce their fertility permanently, driving some adolescents into irreversible menopause and INCREASE the incidence of cervical cancer by 46.7% in women who already have HPV when they receive the vaccine.
Since HPV is a self limiting disease which has NEVER been shown to cause cervical cancer and resolves spontaneously in more than 98% of cases within 2 years, that means that this dangerous vaccine is actually leading to more cervical cancer cases, and deaths, than occurred before its introduction.
Oh, yes. One more important item. Nano Silver (not colloidal silver) is safe, effective, gentle an non toxic. It is inexpensive, has a very, very long shelf life and can be used by anyone of any age. There is no known toxicity and it is self sterilizing so no cold chain is required. So why are we using vaccines instead of a teaspoon of nano silver when exposed to whatever?
Hmmm… Let’s see: what would big pharma stand to lose? Let me think…..
Good for Senator Gingrey!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation