Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
[I wanted to share with you the email below from Dr. Laibow in which she responds to Dr. Leo Rebello’s spirited defense of her and Gen. Stubblebine against another one of those irrational Internet attacks. Dr. Rebello is an eminent Indian physician. Our policy in dealing with the Politics of Disinformation has always been to refuse to engage it as much as possible, and to thank those who come to our defense. There is a real problem with “controlled opposition” in the Health Freedom Movement.
There are three fundamental types of “controlled opposition”: (1) actual agents of either security forces or of commercial interests who are being paid to pretend to be in favor of health freedom while secretly working against our goals [anyone who has been involved in any alternative politics knows what I mean…]; (2) people who are so timid in their approach that they fear to “speak truth to power” [example: one such gentleman, someone I’ve known for decades, told me, “We can’t do ‘x, y, z’ because the other side would attack us..”] and thereby limit their opposition only to those things that don’t actually oppose; and (3) those individuals, such as the person referred to as “Mr. X” below, who are so intent on attacking their perceived “enemies” in the movement that they are objectively acting on behalf of Big Pharma.
I for one am horrified that anyone would “wish” Dr. Laibow and Gen. Stubblebine “dead” — but I have seen these evil and ugly threats and attest that “Mr. X” has indeed expressed such monstrous views in writing. This must stop here and now; we must all pledge civility and honor, if not, what are we fighting for? And to anyone who refuses to pledge civility toward all in the movement, I say: “You are not part of the Global Health Freedom Movement!” – RF]
Dear Leo,
I treasure rational discourse and the freedom to engage in widely varied points of view with deep respect so I appreciate your work. I have studied Ayurveda [Indian Traditional Medicine – RF] a bit (but do not consider myself masterful in it) and am always eager to learn more since there are rich resources of truth that are unfamiliar to each of us and sharing them makes us all wiser and deeper.
I agree with pretty much everything you have said except for a few points which I must clarify:
First, Gen. Bert and I have not reached a point of no return with [“Mr. X”]. He has done that by himself. We have made repeated overtures for collegial, mutually respectful collaboration. What we get in return is… well, what you have experienced. We have never attacked [“Mr. X”] and never will since that would be both unseemly (we conduct ourselves on the basis of what we believe is right, not on the basis of what people do that is wrong) and a complete waste of time. Sadly, [“Mr. X”] in moving along on his journey, however destructive it is, and there is no point engaging with his distortions, disinformation or delusions; whatever their source, they are groundless and we simply keep on keeping on for Health Freedom as we best see it.
We advise people who wonder if [“Mr. X”]’s distortions about us are true to contact him… etc. and ask for the basis upon which the calumnies lie. Not the assertions, which continue like a tape loop and go around and around and around, but the actual sources of information which verify these accusations. There are none. As with Ronson’s book [which distorts Gen. Bert’s role in the military – RF], there is a fantastical mixture of a grain of truth – yes! I am designated a “Psychiatrist!”, yes! Gen. Bert served in his last command as the Commanding General of the Army’ Intelligence and Security Command but after that, WHOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! Sky’s the limit… and truth begone!
The very instant that [“Mr. X”] or any of the others who have bought his baseless calumnies (because that is what they are) move from that to respectful collaboration, we are there. Until then, we keep inviting collaboration, because you never know when someone is ready for growth and do what we do. And we do it pretty effectively, with hundreds of thousands of committed supporters upon whom we rely.
Could we do it more effectively with a stronger activist team, rather than one that spends its time trying to tear our eyes out? Sure. But that is their choice and their loss. [“Mr. X”] says “there will never be peace” between this group and us. Peace? Who declared war? Big Pharma, that’s who.
Through foolishness or otherwise, [“Mr. X”] and his buddies have created a war where, as you write so eloquently, we must, can, and should have a World without War. It is Big Pharma that is making war against humanity. So, for this distribution list, let me say – again – that the Natural Solutions Foundation is devoted to solutions, not war.
We do have an enemy – a common enemy: greed, arrogance, hatred, hubris, seeing oneself as more [enlightened, important, significant, pure, gifted, deserving, clean, correct, human, etc., etc., etc.] than other people who are therefore diminished and can be attacked ad libidim. It is then only a few small slips and slides down the slope of inhumanity to genocide. The very slope the globalist elitists want us to go down.
When [“Mr. X”] says that “WE” wish Stubblebine and Laibow “dead” and we would be “glad to piss on their graves”, he/they? is/are truly identifying with the aggressor and displaying the same horrific deficit that the Big Pharma Globalist aggressor displays in wanting to kill us all. So it is not about Stubblebine and Laibow. It is about a mind/heart/body/soul set which chooses to hate when affiliation is called for, chooses to vilify when discourse is called for, chooses to ostracize when inclusion is called for.
The problem we are facing, which could literally kill us all, is, tragically, to our way of thinking, sadly embodied in the “glad to see them dead and piss on their grave” mentality. How can you make a better world when you hate it and carry the hatred that has been heaped upon you into the new creation you seek? That is what has happened in Israel and look at the tragic and nearly unbearable results that have ruined the lives of so many in a vast contagion of hate.
By the way, I am a psychiatrist by training BUT my work has been truly holistic at the deepest levels WITHOUT the organ/disease paradigm influencing it. [“Mr. X”] used the diagnosis “Paranoid Schizophrenia” about himself and described his multiple hospitalizations for that disorder. I accepted his characterization of his own illness and used his terms. This is hardly liable. In fact, I do not use the DSM system. Ever. He does.
Anyone who knows my work, not the lies about it, knows that about me. And anyone who knows General Bert knows him for his great compassion and the light which radiates from him like a beacon, despite the distortions of those who need to hate and perhaps, hate because they fear the light.
I make no stipulations except that mutually respectful collaboration be the theme of anyone who wants to work with us. That’s all. Disagree with us, offer other formulations or solutions: we are listening. But attack? Nope. We are not engaging. “Sorry, attacker. No time to play with you. There is work to be done. When you have finished your trip, come work with us.”
Leo, come to Panama to visit the Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project (which came out of the International Decade of Nutrition and our conviction that part of a World without War, and with health AND freedom involves reclaiming the production of food for farmers and non farmers, modeling a different way of being in, and of, society, disseminating everything we know and knowing more and more through the collaborative model I discussed above. We are well on our way and we are having quite an impact already! [The Health Freedom Action eAlerts which now go out to millions through Internet viral re-posting make effective “Push Back” possible — thanks to all you who are reading this! – RF]
Visit and for more about the details, but you have to come see us here to get the full flavor of the endeavor and its potent hope for humanity.
With warm respect,
Dr. Rima