Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
How to Listen
Dr. Rima’s Guests
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Due to Continual Interference with the Program, we are refraining from announcing guests in advance.
Here are some of our recent guests:
October 31, 2010: General Bert and Tim Bolen — — on What is to be Done? Strategy for Health & Food Freedom in the Months Ahead…
October 24, 2010: Larry Becraft Esq. and Dr. Paul G. King on Recent Vaccine Litigation
October 17, 2010 – Mark Lerner- Opposition to Real ID –
October 10, 2010 – Eileen Dannemann – Vaccine Liberation Army –
October 3, 2010 – Dr. Paul G. King PhD –
September 26, 2010 John D. Crockett –
September 19, 2010 – Mike Adams, the Health Ranger:
September 12, 2010 – Charlotte Gerson- daughter of Dr. Max Gerson
September 5, 2020 – Karma Singh — Karma Healer — discusses healing energies with Dr. Rima
See: for some of Karma’s energy transmissions.
Also, Nicholas Cremato tells us about the Natural Solutions PEL Seminar and Webinar on September 19th in NYC — “Find Yourself, Map Included…” — see:
August 29, 2010 – Dr. I.C. Rose: Changing Mindsets – Workable Solutions…
August 22, 2010 – Inaugural Program.
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Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Urgent News Release
“Autism Court” Gets it Wrong:
Environmental Factors, Including Mercury, Vaccine Toxins, Trigger Autism!
From Dr. Rima: “The agency based its decision on outmoded and seriously flawed science… When environmental toxins are compounded by repeated toxic vaccine injections, assaulting the immune system again and again, these unfortunate children are the victims of medical abuse. We must focus on the victims, rather than blaming them as being somehow “defective”…”
Donations are urgently needed to Push Back against this bad decision!
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Valley of the Moon, Volcan, Chiriquí, Panama: March 13, 2010 – Rima E. Laibow, MD, renowned Environmental Physician, Child and Adult Psychiatrist and Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Center in Chiriquí, Panama, today publicly condemned yesterday’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Agency’s tragic and misleading decision supposedly laying to rest any connection between autism and mercury toxicity.
Dr. Laibow says, “The vaccine injury compensation agency based its decision on outmoded and seriously flawed science. Recent California autism cluster research show conclusively that the ten thousand percent increase in diagnosed autism spectrum disorders is related to environmental factors, including the various toxins in vaccines, of which mercury is a significant contributor. In my experience, certain children are more susceptible to these toxic factors. When environmental toxins are compounded by repeated toxic vaccine injections, assaulting the immune system again and again, these unfortunate children are the victims of medical abuse. We must focus on the victims, rather than blaming them as being somehow “defective”. These are previously perfectly healthy children whose futures are stolen from them by the dangerous and unscientific practice called “vaccination”. The CDC, FDA, WHO and the medical profession must take responsibility for refusing to look at the damage caused by this procedure and for delaying meaningful approaches to curing autism.”
The Natural Solutions Foundation, is an international nongovernmental organization whose mission is to discover, document, develop, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the issues which threaten our health, food and freedom, achieving and maintaining a healthy self, community and world. The organization is the largest global health freedom alliance, active in the US, EU, Central America, Africa and elsewhere.
The President of the Foundation, Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine III (US Army, ret.) joined Dr. Laibow’s condemnation of the decision, “Just as the early tobacco cases were finally lost, to the subsequent great embarrassment of the medical community when the connection between tobacco use and disease was proven, I am confident the government will eventually have to admit this horrendous mistake which is condemning thousands of children to devastating injury. Tragically, these children are being sacrificed on the altar of profit since vaccination is profitable only when it is carried out a massive scale. In this case, the government is in a collusive relationship with the pharmaceutical companies, as is WHO, which gets the bulk of its funding from Big Pharma. Their recommendations can only be seen as corrupt self interest standing on the broken bodies and minds of the legions of autistic children they have created….”
The Foundation has established an Internet opportunity to allow Americans to register their rejection of the court decision and demand from national and state legislator’s protection from forced vaccinations. Nearly three million emails have already been sent to decision makers through the link below:
For more information: Ralph Fucetola, JD,, 973-300-4594, or Rima E. Laibow, MD,, 011-507-771-5059
Donations are urgently needed to Push Back against this bad decision!
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