Video from His Hospital Bed:
Judge Again Allows Nutritional Feeding After 22 Days
Support YOUR Health Freedom by Supporting the Lawsuit
Middlesex County Judge Orders JFK Hospital to
Allow Nutrients for General Bert
Link to this Announcement
On Monday, December 19th a Complaint with request for a Temporary Restraining Order was presented to Hon. Ann McCormick, a Superior Court Judge in New Brunswick, New Jersey, on behalf of General Stubblebine, President of the Natural Solutions Foundation, by his counsel, Neil Grossman, Esq., in the case of Laibow and Stubblebine vs JFK – Docket No. C-213-16 . The TRO, which has been termed a significant step for health freedom, was signed 22 December 2016 by Judge McCormick.
Here is a scan of the relevant parts of the Temporary Restraining Order:
The facts in the case, as we understand them, are as follows:
1. General Bert was admitted to JFK Medical Center ER on September 1, 2016 by our colleague Dr. Richard Menashe, D.O., a well-known, holistically-oriented physician with admitting privileges there.
2. General Bert’s condition was quite grave. You can read the Medical Bulletins that we have published periodically since he was admitted here:
3. After two weeks in ICU and CCU, with only minimal nutrition (Dr. Rima used spray nutrients, as General Bert could not swallow) a feeding tube was installed.
4. For about 70 days, with his physician’s permission, Dr. Rima mixed various organic foods and nutrients together and added the nutrient mix to the feeding tube, four times a day.
This was done in conformity with the Orphan Drug Law, allowing:
“… food which is formulated to be consumed or administered enterally under the supervision of a physician and which is intended for the specific dietary management of a disease or condition for which distinctive nutritional requirements, based on recognized scientific principles, are established by medical evaluation….” Section 5(b) of the Orphan Drug Act of 2005 (21 U.S.C. 360ee (b) (3)) *
5. On November 30th, citing a Hospital Policy adopted in 2001 that allows only “FDA approved medications” the nutrient feeding was stopped (initially they said “temporarily”). Neither General Bert nor Dr. Rima, his health proxy, gave Informed Consent for the stopping of nutritional therapy.
General Bert has survived since then on hospital “feed” and the residual nutrition from the 70 days of Dr. Rima’s therapy, plus a return to spraying.
6. It became clear that his overall condition was suffering from the lack of nutritional supplementation, and, after days of delays by the Hospital, which put repeated roadblocks in the way of restoring the nutrition, no choice was left but to go to Court.
What type of roadblocks? First, they asserted their Hospital Policy that was written before the Orphan Drug Act and its important clause about Medical Foods, which we believe overrides State Medical Board restrictions on the use of nutrition in healing. They claimed that only “FDA-approved medications” could be used. FDA has no power to “approve” Dietary Supplements, which are “grandfathered” under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) and are not medications.
Then they said we had to provide sealed bottles of the vitamins. Then they wanted Certificates of Analysis, which we also provided. Then they said they still could not allow the nutrition anyway!
7. After receiving our papers and hearing the arguments put forth by our Counsel, the Judge has indicated that General Bert must be permitted to receive the nutrition, at least until a full hearing which could occur in about a month.
Legal support for Informed Consent is yet another way that General Bert continues to stand strong for your Health Freedom! We need your help to support this litigation.
Please show your appreciation here:
Yours for health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee
PS – Here is the link to General Bert’s Medical Bulletins:
Here is General Bert’s Self-Healing Visualization Video:
5 Days – 5 Hours Each Day – Live Stream
DECEMBER 19 – 23, 2016
Symposium Schedule HERE
Imagine a world in which you have no say over what type of food you eat. A world in which you can be picked up on your front porch and, without a murmur from your doctor, hauled off to a “treatment center” and experimented upon, vaccinated or otherwise molested, perhaps terminally.
Your genes are the target and you freedom must, for their plans to bear their twisted, toxic fruit, be dissolved, diminished, dissipated.
In short, either you have – and are part of – an energetic and effective Health Freedom movement pushing back or your health freedoms will evaporate totally.
The Choice is entirely yours.
Donate, taking full advantage of year end giving options for tax deductions here, link, share the work an mobilize as many people as you can to become part of the Health freedom movement or loose every iota of self determination you ever thought of having for yourself and your minor children.
Give Generously Here:
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The Centers for Disease Control (the CDC), acting under the Administrative Procedures Act (the APA) want to impose tyrannical regulations that abolish your health freedom and right to Informed Consent.
Under the APA the agency must consider public comments filed with it before October 19, 2016.
Send your opposition to decision makers using this link:
Read our Statement in Opposition and tell decision makers “No!”
“In an audacious violation of national and international law, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a part of the Health and Human Services (HHS) Department of the United States Government, proposes the adoption of a regulation giving it power of quarantine and forced treatment (vaccination) for certain unspecified “quarantinable diseases.”
The proposed regulation brings medical tyranny to a new level of danger, by specifically overriding any and all informed consent rights, despite the well-established legal right to Informed Consent…
The official Summary states:
“Through this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is amending its domestic (interstate) and foreign quarantine regulations to [sic] best protect the public health of the United States.
“These amendments are being proposed to aid public health responses to outbreaks of communicable diseases such as the largest recorded outbreak of Ebola virus disease (Ebola) in history, the recent outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in South Korea, and repeated outbreaks and responses to measles in the United States, as well as the ongoing threat of other new or re-emerging communicable diseases. The provisions contained herein provide additional clarity to various safeguards to prevent the importation and spread of communicable diseases affecting human health into the United States and interstate.”
What diseases are included? We must ask what diseases CDC has in mind. Measles (a non-quarantinable and trivial disease) is mentioned 186 times; Ebola is mentioned 330 times; Influenza (another non-quarantinable disease) is mentioned 26 times. Zika is not mentioned at all.
In context, generally mild, self-limiting diseases like measles are irresponsibly and irrationally equated to deadly diseases such as Ebola. The Regulation permits the CDC to include any communicable disease.
A close reading of the proposed regulation shows the word “consent” is mentioned 12 times, always in the context of denying the individual right to consent. Sections 70.18 and 71.40 are similar:
“§70.18 – Agreements. CDC may enter into an agreement with an individual, upon such terms as the CDC considers to be reasonably necessary, indicating that the individual consents to any of the public health measures authorized under this part, including quarantine, isolation, conditional release, medical examination, hospitalization, vaccination, and treatment; provided that the individual’s consent shall not be considered as a prerequisite to the exercise of any authority under this part.”
There is no language in the proposed Regulation safeguarding the universal right to Informed Consent, protected by international and US national law…”
Read more and take action now:
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Subject: Will You Be My Friend?
A Personal Invitation from Dr. Rima to Become an
Individual or Corporate Symposium Friend & Sponsor
What: Special Symposium: Reclaiming Science:
Preventing and Reversing Genomicide
When: December 19-23, 2016
Where: Mysore, India and Online
Required: Sponsorship by Individuals and Organizations
You are invited to become a part of my exciting Symposium that will push out powerful science and solutions to the huge problems we are all facing. No cost to you! Just fill out the form here.
I will send you updates that you can share with your Community of Interest on this massively important opportunity to control the dialogue and bring new, deployable solutions to people around the world. No mainstream media censorship, no academic strangle hold. WE will decide who speaks and get the information out to the web!
By the way, feel free to share this Sponsorship opportunity with as many other people and organizations as you can! Use this link:
It’s no secret we are all facing huge problems, some of which are intended consequences of destructive acts and some of which are not. Along with our health, our freedoms are being taken from us as part of the assault. That’s why new science, new answers and new models are so urgently required if we are to both thrive and survive individually and collectively.
As a Symposium Sponsor, you will receive the latest Symposium updates so you can get them out to your supporters and friends. You or your organization will be recognized for your support in our on line and other materials and you will receive a Certificate of Appreciation.
Best of all, you will be able to make sure that your Circle of Interest knows how involved you are in making the world a better place by supporting real science and restoring the genome to its highest functional state, not the degraded and damaged condition it is being reduced to! It’s that important!
The form, by the way, has a place for donations ($25 suggested minimum) but Sponsorship is priceless so there is no cost!
By the way, if you have people you think should speak at the Symposium, please feel free to direct them to the Symposium website, or have them contact me directly at Dr.Rima@EndGenomicideCongress.
History: The venerable and prestigious Indian Academy of Social Sciences asked me to convene a Symposium from December 19-23 in Mysore India and around the world to help bring those new answers forward and I enthusiastically agreed. When I presented the opportunity to them, so did the other Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation.
General Bert and I cannot wait to have the Mysore experience but attendees and presenters can either join us electronically from the location of their choice or they can join us in Mysore, India.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Dr. Rima and General Bert
In Mangalore, India – 2015
Symposium Web Site:
Rima Laibow MD has been asked to convene the 2016 International Social Sciences Symposium. The Call for Papers for the Symposium may be read below. Natural Solutions Foundation and the Institute for Health Research are collaborating with the All India Social Sciences Congress to sponsor the Symposium, December 2016.
Dr. Rima calls upon all health freedom advocates and natural solutions supporters to help spread the word about this important international event. Send your social media contacts to the Symposium web site, where they will find updated information: and invite the scientists, researchers, health advocates and practitioners you know to submit papers to the Symposium. We want to publish as many innovative health and freedom proposals as possible. With your help on the Social Media, this event can send powerful message to the powerful: we want to know the truth!
Donate generously to support health freedom and events like this:
[Original Announcement Below]
Check Out Beautiful Mysore Here:
Reclaiming Science: Preventing and Reversing Genomicide
Get Your Hands Off My Science!
Your Lies Are NOT My Science, Monsanto
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Join our live stream event December 19-23! In just a moment you’ll see why you want to be there for a revolutionary Preventing and Reversing Genomicide Summit in Mysore India. You’ll be able to attend either in person (you are warmly invited!) or via live stream (and you won’t want to miss any of the presentations). Due to General Bert’s illness, Dr. Rima will be attending electronically.
Here’s the story: last year Dr. Rima was invited to address the First All India People’s Medical Education Congress in Mangalore, India. She presented a paper there detailing the truth about vaccines that rocked India (the Hindu, one of India’s largest papers, called for the Indian government to revoke Dr. Rima’s Medical License, so rabid were they about her paper). Er, Dr. Rima’s license is not from the Government of India, but they were too upset by her vaccine truth-telling to take the time to fact check! More about that here:
That paper as well as her other writings and work led the organizers of the Indian Social Science Congress devoted to ‘Peoples Health and Quality of Life in India’, to ask Dr. Rima to present a special public lecture at their 40th Congress in Mysore. Of course she accepted.
Then they asked her to become the Convener of International Symposium on ‘Peoples Health And Quality of Life in Afro-Asian-African, Latin American, European And American Countries’ at XL Indian Social Science Congress.
That means creating a summit of world experts for Plenary Sessions (2 hours each day) and a 3 hour symposium session each day addressing world health and quality of life.
There will be, we estimate, 36 experts from around the world speaking truth to power and to the people fo the world via electronic attendance and participation (we are working on the plans for that now).
This is, by the way, a tremendous honor for Dr. Rima and a tribute to her life of dedication to speaking the truth fearlessly. But it is much more. It is a global platform to bring the most powerful scientific truth possible forward to counter the lies of crony corporate science which WHO, CDC, the Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, Ford and other foundations bring forward with such corrupt authority.
So we need your help and participation.
There are speakers around the world who need support to participate in what we anticipate will be a game-changing session of power truth. We’ll be talking about genomicide: the deliberate alteration and destruction of your genetic heritage and mine. Well be bringing the best and the brightest on the planet forward to define the problems and delineate the solutions on a world stage.
But we are not going to the corporate science sources for the resources to do this program. The science belongs to us, not to them and, for the first time, we will control the debate totally.
That’s why we need your help.
We need to raise the money to fund the participation of people on site and off site who can make the world sit up and listen about —
Radiation, ionizing and micorwave
Psychiatric Drugs
Industrial Agriculture
Geo Engineering
The real solution to fossil fuel use…
Preventive, Restorative, and Corrective Nutrition and Immune Support and more. Much, much more…
WHO/CDC/FDA/Gates et. al. hope you never hear any of this material. We want you to have it all.
Please begin the process now with your generous donation to make this platform a world-changer!
And, for a donation of $25 or more, you will be subscribed to the publications list of all papers submitted and selected for presentation at this program.
$50 or more you will be subscribed to the publications list and a monthly update on this amazing program.
$100 or more you will receive all above benefits and be automatically enrolled to attend the Symposium via live stream*.
$500 or more you will receive all above benefits and be acknowledged as a supporter in the official Natural Solutions ebook and thanked personally.
$1000 or more you will receive all above benefits and receive Science Circle acknowledgement and a certificate of appreciation from the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation.