Concluding the Series
“An Elite at War with the World”
Part 3: We Are at War and I Need You. NOW!
Part 1:
Part 2:
First California and now New York are moving forward rapidly to remove all vaccine exemptions and criminalize non-vaccination. In Congress, meanwhile, the House quickly adopted Big-Pharma friendly HR-6 which threatens our basic human Right to Informed Consent, the underlying basis for our vaccine religious and philosophical conscientious objections. These attacks on our rights violate both the Constitution and international law.
The governments of the United States have, thus, declared war against the people. And the first casualties of that war are the children, but those who make war on our children are waging war on adults too. The same Pharma-bought State Senator in California who brought SB277 rapidly through the legislature now has introduced SB 972 targeting adults working in child day care, and he threatens a bill mandating vaccines for every workplace and school.
As this war escalates we need to redouble our efforts. Will you stand with me and with the Natural Solutions Foundation to end the war on health and freedom — with victory?
Let’s start with the Battle Plan: it has Ten Steps and I need you to take them all.
Urgent. NY Now following CA to remove vaccine exemptions. NO!
First they came for the children. Now they are coming for the rest of us. NO!!
Here is the Battle Plan:
1. Take Action here to tell decision makers you oppose vaccine mandates Do this for every member of your family. Do it every day!
2. Take Action here to compel FDA to honor US and International law protecting our Rigth to Informed Consent. Do this for every member of your family, too.
3. Like us on Facebook — and share this link widely.
4. Follow us @DrRimaLaibow and @HealthFreedomUS. Share those widely, too.
5. Share this blog and the Action links above with as many people as you can. This blog’s link is:
6. Urge people to enter their email info at They’ll be able to download the 16 hour Vaccine Truth ebook and receive our Newsletter without cost.
7. Share this post and these links with even more people by forwding this to all your circles of influence by email.
8. Download the Health Freedom App to your smart phone or PAD. From your device, go to the App Store and search healthfreedom as one word. Download the App so you can easily have access to our information from your device, and so we can send you emergency Push Notices when needed; communications are at the heart of any Battle Plan.
9. Contribute now. We need resources to wage war… or to seek peace… We need several thousands dollars a week just to keep web sites, email system, communications system and staff going. Best would be several thousand people signing up for a regular monthly donation. That would allow us to plan in advance. War planning leads to won battles. Contribute here:
10. Get your Advance Vaccine Directive — the wallet card that says “I do not consent!” –
Look, this is a real war emergency — a war waged by government and its crony corporate masters against all of us. I know some out there don’t like that metaphor: “war” — but what do you call it when innocents are dying and being maimed by the thousands? What do you call it when your government knew about the SV 40 carcinogen-tainted polio vaccine but let 98,000,000 Americans receive it anyway? What do you call it when over 100,000 black boys are, preferentially, made autistic by the MMR vaccine… and the government knew about this horror for ten years but has done nothing about it, other that engage in a cover-up of epic proportions?
What do you do in an emergency? Spring into action to save lives or put out the fire, right?
Well, we have a major political emergency: the push to take away our health freedom through mandated vaccines.
Look, I am not going to debate vaccines with you right now. Maybe you believe in them, maybe you don’t.
But I am pretty sure that you believe that you own your own body and that no one has the right to force a treatment on you that you do not want to have. That is your fundamental human right.
That is exactly what is at stake. It is, clearly, a declaration of war to demand that we turn the decision making of our own bodies over to the corporate state regardless of what those decisions mean to us personally. .
The war is on our liberty. And our lives. Nothing less.
Yours in health and freedom,
General Bert