UN Resolutions Fail to Address “Crisis of Civilization”
Two UN Resolutions Ignore Fukushima Threat
The Conscience of Fukushima
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While Fukushima continues to leak radioactivity into the environment, over five years after the earthquake and tsumani that destroyed the reactors, the United Nations continues to play the Resolution Game.
The UN General Assembly’s First Committee voted on a Resolution* about beginning negotiations in 2017 to finally outlaw nuclear weapons. 123 Nations voted for the Resolution. Japan joined the “nuclear powers” and voted against the Resolution.
At the same time, the UN’s Fourth Committee voted to continue to study radiation injuries, but barely mentioned Fukushima and basically denied any problem; this Resolution was sponsored by Japan.**
Here are Murata-san’s comments:
Subject: UN Resolutions of 28 October
Date: 05:54 AM EDT, 10/30/16
From: “mitsu”
To: “Ralph Fucetola JD”
Dear Fucetola-san,
Survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have naturally expressed their anger and disappointment. Conscientious Japanese people will all agree that it is a historic mission of Japan to contribute to the accomplishment of true denuclearization, both civilian and military.
It is to be deplored that the departure from the spirit of the Olympic Games is attaining its limitations due to its excessive commercialization more and more disclosed recently in connection with Governor Yuriko Koike’s new initiative to reduce the Olympic expenditure.
* The UN General Assembly First Committee Resolution “Agenda item 98 (kk) General and complete disarmament: taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations…”
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/28/un-votes-to-start-negotiating-treaty-to-ban-nuclear-weapons and
** The UN Fourth Committee approved a Resolution introduced by the Japanese delegation:
“By the terms of that draft resolution “The Effects of Atomic Radiation” (document A/C.4/71/L.5), approved without a vote, the General Assembly would support the intentions and plans of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation for the conduct of its programme of work, in particular its next periodic global surveys of radiation exposure…
On the Scientific Committee’s 2013 report on exposure to and effects due to the nuclear accident following the 2011 great East Japan earthquake and tsunami, [the Japanese representative] said the expert group continuously reviewed new literature published since the report. While a white paper consolidating updates to the report would be formally presented in Japan in November, the findings from the 2013 report remained valid, he said, adding that there was no evidence of thyroid cancer rates attributable to exposure. The Scientific Committee had been focusing on outreach in order to share the report’s findings with those to whom they were of most value….” [emphasis added; Dr. Rima considers the conclusion of “no evidence” to be a false finding and unscientific result.]
*** Murata-san has called for “honorable retreat” from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics due to the radiation risk to the athletes.
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Telethon Links: http://drrimatruthreports.com/fifth-anniversary-of-fukushima-disaster-approaches/
October 20, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-fukushima-update-no-new-reactors/
September 15, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-fukushima-update-the-will-of-heaven-and-earth/
August 6, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/symptomschangefukushima/
April 20, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-speaking-truth-to-power-in-japan/
February 12, 2016: http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-the-conscience-of-fukushima/
http://drrimatruthreports.com/murata-san-the-horrors-of-fukushima/ – with further links