Albert N. Stubblebine III
6 February 1930 – 6 February 2017
2017 – Year of the Population Tipping Point
Will You Survive the Great Culling?
What About Your Family?
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Health Freedom Requires YOUR Support
Special Year End Memorandum
Ralph Fucetola JD
Counsel and Trustee
Natural Solutions Foundation
[Posted December 29, 2016] — I visited my friends and fellow trustees, Dr. Laibow and Gen. Stubblebine (at JFK Hospital, Edison, NJ) where Gen. Bert has been for the last 120 days. Gen. Bert is improving – yes, that’s him exercising with a stretchy band; scroll down for photo). We had a chance to catch up about the election and other strategic health freedom-related issues. His take? “2016 was not a good year for health freedom.” Except for our amazing court victory the week before Christmas in which the court confirmed once again the right of Informed Consent, even in hospitals!* General Bert’s 2017 Assessment follows; keep reading.
We’ve been betrayed once again by the political class, both Democrats and Republicans. In 2016, as the Obama Administration wound down, they joined together to counter our powerful efforts defending your universal right to Informed Consent. That’s the right which Gen. Bert has identified as “the defining issue of the 21st Century…”
As you know, Natural Solutions was the first health freedom organization to sound the alarm to protect your universal right to Informed Consent. Now, predictably, this right is being attacked.
Not only did we speak truth about the right of Informed Consent, we took action by protecting ourselves with thousands of copies of our Advance Vaccine Directive Card. These cards provide a legally-binding assertion of your right to refuse vaccination. They are similar to other “advance medical directives” such as the “I am a diabetic”or “I am allergic to” cards. If you wish to assert your Informed Consent rights, you must express your right correctly, and the AVD card does that for you, proclaiming, “I do not consent to any vaccination.” Learn more here: http://tinyurl.com/AVDcard
The “powers that be” took notice of our defense of the right of Informed Consent. General Bert says, “Counter attack is expected in a war.” and, indeed, the forced vaccination tyrants counter attacked on both the state and federal levels. They used political pressure to turn employers and schools into illegal vaccine enforcement centers. Remember, our voices stopped direct federal vaccine mandate plans during the Swine Flu Vax Panic of 2009/2010… when millions sent our protest email.
Then, toward the end of 2016 the counter strikes escalated.
First, CDC proposed a new and dangerous Quarantine Regulation, giving the public until mid-October to register objections. Thousands did so, joining Natural Solutions Foundation condemning the proposed regulation which explicitly states the unlawful proposition that the “consent of the individual is not a prerequisite…” See: http://drrimatruthreports.com/will-cdc-kill-general-bert-next-month/
Second, on November 4th, just before the election, lame-duck President Obama issued an Executive Order seeking to make the falsely-named “Global Health Security [sic!] Agenda” official American Pubic Policy. Incredibly the “idea” behind GHSA is that dead people don’t get sick so what we need is lots more dead people. Yes, just that stupid and just that evil. See: http://drrimatruthreports.com/lame-duck-potus-eo-medical-tyranny/
Third, in early December, the lame-duck Congress, as it fled Washington for the Holidays, adopted, with shameful bi-partisan Republican and Democrat support, the falsely-named “21st Century Cures [sic] Act” as adopted. In that bill, in addition to all sorts of ‘welfare’ [$$$] for Big Pharma, there is a clause that illegally says the drug companies can ignore your Informed Consent in order to include you in a drug test without telling you. Incredibly, the bill allows this if less than 8,000 [!!] people are involved.
For shame Congress, for shame!
Think mass spray vaccine experiments without consent, in complete violation of international protections for the universal right of Informed Consent — endorsed by both Houses of Congress and both ruling parties. See: http://drrimatruthreports.com/the-21st-century-tyranny-acts/
So, on to the Assessment. For those who may not know, Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret) is President of the Natural Solutions Foundation who has had an noteworthy career in strategic intelligence.
“Medical tyranny is coming fast. HOW WILL YOU & YOUR FAMILY SURVIVE? This year they tested our resolve to defend Informed Consent and they got away with the direct attacks outlined above by Counsel Ralph. These attacks on Informed Consent are part and parcel of The Great Culling. Hardly anyone has noticed, but…
Next year, 2017, everyone will be talking about the population collapse.
As always Natural Solutions Foundation sees the trends first.
Earlier this year I warned about the Tipping Point.** We’ve passed it.
We know it and so do they, so they are marshaling all their weapons. As more people understand that the Great Culling is underway, the globalists become more desperate and reckless. You must be prepared. You must be ready to protect your own health. Do you have an adequate stock of Dr. Rima’s Nano Silver? Of Nutrients? Doe every member of your family have an AVD card?
Are you taking our powerful Action Items at least weekly?
Here is one to take now. We must flood the Trump Transition with this one message: “Stop Vaccine Mandates.” Do it HERE. Unless we pound our representatives over and over again that they must protect Informed Consent they will do the opposite. And you will live under medical tyranny. Will you and your loved ones survive the Great Culling? That will depend on your ACTIONS.”
It is all about Informed Consent. That’s what Health Freedom means. That’s what Dr. Rima and General Bert have fought for — for the past dozen years. We need your help now to PUSH BACK and preserve your precious right to Informed Consent.
[1] Tell the Trump Admin to protect Informed Consent by backing Natural Solutions Foundation’s call for a law to enforce Informed Consent. It’s called the FIRM Act (Freedom of Informed Refusal of Medication) and it authorizes law suits against any government agent or private party that violates, or attempts to violate the right of Informed Consent. Tell Trump here: http://tinyurl.com/vaccinepolicy
[2] We urgently need your support to allow us to do what we must do to legally protect Informed Consent. We are ready to stand up with you, before our representatives, and in Court if need be, to vindicate the right of Informed Consent and your access to vital nutrition, to achieve and maintain health. Please note: Natural Solutions Foundation is not a public charity and we do not accept tax-deductible donations. We are a supporter-supported private expressive association.
Natural Solutions Foundation is defending your health freedom like no one else.
Remember there is still time to make your generous tax deductible donation. Support here now: http://drrimatruthreports.com/action/donate/.
It’s do or die. Which do you choose?
For health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee
* More about that here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/judge-allows-nutritional-supplementation-for-general-bert/
** http://drrimatruthreports.com/general-berts-most-important-warning-yet/