Discount Available for Friends and Family!
Once you register at you’ll have access to about 15,000 of the same high quality professionals-only health products that I use for myself and my patients, and right now they are 10% off. Why? To introduce you to the amazing diversity of options now available in my Private Dispensary at We know15,000 plus items can be overwhelming so Dr. Rima has selected a special group of power nutrients, identified with a Blue Star.
It’s a 10% off two-for-one: You support your health and you support your health freedom at that same time: all profits go to Natural Solutions Foundation, your health freedom voice, and you get great health products at a great price.
Act now. This offer ends at midnight – 22 August 2018
So, share this link — – with your friends and family because they’ll want to save 10%, too. If they are new to our list, we’ll throw in a complementary subscription to our Health Freedom Newsletter and free shipping over $49!
Stock up now!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
New Action Item: please take now!
The Natural Solutions Foundation has, as usual, led the health freedom community in sounding the warning about the fake food and supplement “safety” bills pending before the Senate of the United States. Our supporters have heeded that warning and delivered well over one million messages to Congress demanding NO fake safety bills and insisting that Congress provide protection for our supplements and natural remedies, not Codex HARMonization. Read about that recent history and how PUSH BACK is working – thanks to you through your activism and your dissemination of this information.
But we are not finished, not by a long shot. Others believe that the current partial victory for our Push Back efforts is enough for us to stand down, focus on other things. They may be well intentioned but, as we said when Sen. John McCain’s S 3002, a veritable poison pill for supplements, was abandoned, we were pleased, but we, as the old saying goes, “were not home yet”. Well, once again, we are not home yet. S. 510 must be defeated if we are to protect clean food, fend off total industrialization of our food supply AND protect our supplements.
And Now, Here Are the Details
Well, the Senate has reacted to your PUSH BACK yet again, and yet again, has given us dangerous half-way measures at best. WE SAY THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
Take the Action Item above; ask everyone you know to tell Congress: “NO! to the forced industrialization of our food supply!”
Back in 2007 when Sen Ted Kennedy gave Big Pharma his dying bequest… what it wanted most, more power — as Dr Ron Paul puts it, “to abuse” — we warned everyone that the FDA could not be trusted. That was when we had been told by various politicians – and even some misguided “health freedom groups” that it wasn’t “necessary” to have protective language added to the Kennedy “FDA Enabling Act” because, after all, they solemnly (and naively) assured us in DC, dietary supplements were not even mentioned in the bill. We said we didn’t trust FDA and that we wanted Dietary Supplements and Natural Remedies protected from enhanced FDA power. We persisted – YOU persisted – and we prevailed in the conference committee, with the help of hundreds of thousands of your emails, in keeping Section 1011, which exempted, and thus protected, dietary supplements, in the bill.
Nonetheless, within a year or so of that bill passing, FDA used its new Section 301(11)* power to ban interstate commerce in any food substance that had ever been studied for medical use in order to ban Pyridoxamine, a non-toxic form of vitamin B6. What gives the FDA the power to do this? Can you imagine why the Congress of the United States would believe it had Constitutional authority to deny food substances to any free people? Perhaps to perpetuate a Pharmopoly (pharmaceutical monopoly…)? Corruption and bribery, campaign funding and favors, perhaps? From the largest single lobbying force in the United States, perhaps? Conflict of interest, perhaps? Hmmmmm…
So in January of 2009, Pyridoxamine was banned. That’s right, banned. A natural, non patentable, safe and historically proven vitamin was banned to the American public. Despite its long history of safe use as a dietary supplement, it was not protected by section 1011 because, FDA says, no one “proved” it was grandfathered under DSHEA (the Dietary Supplement Health and Eduction Act of 1994)… and just because the substance was on the Old Ingredients List didn’t prove anything, blah, blah, blah… (Substances on the Old Ingredient list had always been considered grandfathered in under DSHEA, which holds that nutrients and supplements are to be treated as foods and, as such, cannot be limited or banned unless they are unsafe.)
The Other Shoe? Wait No Longer!
The FDA, which Dr. Rima refers to as the “Fraud and Death Administration, is about to drop the other shoe and ban more forms of B6. This time, the Phamopoly intent is blatant, since the “Citizens Petition” by the drug company involved actually states:
“Pharmaceutical companies developing new drugs must be protected from companies that may seek to market the ingredients in those drugs as dietary supplements. The marketing of such products has the potential to undermine the incentive for the development of new drugs because many people may choose to purchase the supplements rather than the drugs.”
Go back and read that quote again. The enormity of this is literally mind boggling! Instead of tossing this absurdity out, the FDA is, as always, playing the tune its Big Pharma masters demand.
So what does this have to do with the Fake Food Safety Bill, S.510?
Everything. You may recall that your million+ email PUSH BACK recently defeated Sen John McCain’s attempt to force Codex Alimentarius dietary supplement restrictions on us via his fake dietary supplement “safety” bill, S.3002. That bill died one month and one day after it was introduced… a real PUSH BACK record!
But, as we predicted and feared, attempts were made to include the worst parts of S.3002 in a revised effort to get S.510 passed. We saw that one coming, although, once again, others who should have known better, told us we were crazy. Once again, we asked you to message Congress through the Natural Solutions Foundation Action Item. Many hundreds of thousands of emails later, it appears that S.510 will be amended to “protect” DSHEA products. That sounds good ….
But That’s Not Enough.
Here’s what IS good enough: We want natural remedies and holistic techniques (like Holistic Ear Candling, for example) and all natural, local, community, family and farm food production protected too… better yet, DEFEAT S.510!
Please use this revised Action Item to make sure the Senate knows we are not happy… yet! If you have taken action on this issue, take it again since the Action Item has been revised to reflect the newest ploy on the part of the food destroyers. Please take it once for each member of your household and then pass it along to everyone you can reach with a simple note saying that this issue is of grave importance to you and you hope it will be to the person you are sending it to as well. Ask them to take action in the same way and then forward it to their circle of influence in the same way.
And thank you; your PUSH BACK works! You are defending both health and freedom through your action.
As always, we need your support to continue this struggle to secure your health freedom everywhere it is challenged!
Please make your recurring tax deductible donation here:
Yours in health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola JD
Counsel and Trustee
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
PS * With referenced to Section 301(11) — where Congress violated our Constitutional and human right to freedom of choice in accessing any non-harmful food substance an individual chooses — our position is simple: this tyrannical power must be repealed by Congress (with apologies to We the People) or voided by the Courts!
As a physician I was trained to understand that there is a physicial underpinning to the function – or dis function- of any biological creature. It’s name? Biochemistry. Molecules support, or prevent, poison or allow all chemical reactions in the body. And there are lots of them. Every one of our trillions upon trillions of cells is carrying out about 35,000 enzymatic reactions at any moment and each of them is part of a chain of reactions that allow – or prevent – events “downstream” from that particular enzyme and its tasks.
Enzymes are robots. They are complexes of proteins (made up of chains of amino acids) and “nutritional metals” like magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, and others). They have sulfur and other non metals and they are very, very precise.
After an enzyme does what it is there to day (for example, transferring a molecule from one side of a membrane to another) its shape has changed so it can no longer function, like a fork lift truck with its blades on backwards. Then another enzyme comes along and returns it to its origianl shape so that it can do the same job over again. The helper enzyme is now literally “bent out of shape” and ANOTHER enzymes comes along and fixes the fixer enzyme and then, you guessed it! Yet another enzyme fixes the fixer of the fixer. On and on it goes, one enzyme performing its job, then unable to perform again until another enzyme resets it, then needing to be reset itself.
If one step in this astonishing molecular dance is missed, there are consequences. If the cause of the mis-step is a drug, the consequences have a special name, “Side effects”. If the cause is the chronic lack of nutrients, only a few doctors understand that the disease which is identified is, in fact, chronic under nourishment. The treatment for most doctors trained in allopathic medicine is exactly wrong almost all of the time: they give drugs to poison more enzyme systems.
WHAT? That is, in a nut shell, the entire basis of pharmaceutical medicine. The only time I can see that it is justified, the ONLY time, is in the Emergency Room. Other than that, it has no place.
But for a few doctors, and many non-doctors, the treatment is obvious: if there is a deficiency not of a drug, but of a nutrient, or many, give the nutrient and its companion nutrients. Give it in a high enough dose that even starving cells and membranes can find the energy to absorb and begin to use the nutrients. And, Voila! people get better. Pretty much, in my experience, every single time.
This simple, intuitive and obvious fact is not at all obvious to those whose minds have been altered by drugs, either by the “education” shaped by the interests of the drugs (often referred to by its short hand name, “Medical School”) or drug regulators and others whose ability to think have been poisoned by the money involved in the drug system – more than all other industries when taken in the aggregate!
Science is often the last to know, like the girl whose boy friend is dating her best friend. Science has taken this long to notice that if you give children nutrients their brains function better. The article below, from the British Journal of Nutrition says that the paper published below is breaking new ground since this is the first time that the positive impact of nutrients on children’s capacity to carry out tasks has been shown to be impacted by supplements.
Or is it just that selective science is the last to know?
Benton D; ILSI Europe a.i.s.b.l., The influence of children’s diet on their cognition and behavior., “… there is a growing body of evidence that diet can influence the development and functioning of the brain. Several lines of evidence support the view that the diet of the mother during pregnancy, and the diet of the infant in the perinatal period, have long-term consequences…”, Eur J Nutr. 2008 Aug;47 Suppl 3:25-37.
Gajre NS, Fernandez S, Balakrishna N, Vazir S., Breakfast Eating Habit and its Influence on Attention-concentration, Immediate Memory and School Achievement., “RESULTS: Comparison between groups indicated significant differences in the letter cancellation (LC) total scores with the regular breakfast group achieving the highest mean scores compared to the no breakfast group (P< 0.05). Marks scored by the regular breakfast group in subjects - Science, English and total Percentage were significantly higher compared to those scored by the children in the no breakfast group. Regular breakfast eating habit and weight for age percent were significantly (P< 0.001) associated with immediate recall memory score explaining 4.3 percent variation. CONCLUSIONS: Regular habit of eating breakfast as opposed to irregular consumption or skipping breakfast altogether had beneficial influence on attention-concentration, memory and school achievement.", Indian Pediatr. 2008 Oct;45(10):824-8.
or about a zillion other articles, books and studies showing the same thing. So why is this "news" rediscovered with wonder and astonishment over and over and over and over and over and....?
Because supplements are cheap and safe. And because doctors - and patients and parents - have been trained to discount this reality, provide garbage to their children and themselves which they mistakenly designate as "food" and then scurry to the nearest prescription pad when the "side effects" of malnourishment come piling up.
So while I am pleased to see this article, I am not pleased that the same findings continue to be "news" when the news is that real, appropriate, healthful, non GMO, chemical free food cures and lack of that kind of food creates illness, both behavioral and organ based illness.
Are there other causes of illness? Sure. But the major killers (and economic producers for the illness care industry, cancer, cardiovascular disease and stroke, diabetes, obesity and obesity, are specifically identified as the "non communicable epidemic diseases of under nutrition by the World Health organization, WHO.
Ah, yes! Killer disease of under nutrition creating a vast and wildly profitable market for dangerous drugs which kill people in greater numbers than the drugs themselves do! Can't make safe, cheap, effective nutrients available, now can we? Be serious. Instead, let's get Codex Alimentarius up and going and make sure that the food produced under its "Voluntary" Standards and Guidelines are as health hostile, chemical and industry friendly (including its beloved Biotech Industry) get as much support as possible.
Codex, you will recall, is the product of the mad -but very clever - mind of Fritz ter Meer, a Bayer Drug Company Executive who become the head of IG Farben, the civilian organization that made the German's participation in the Second World War a near-success. He was also a convicted criminal following his trial at the Nuremberg War Tribunals for his success and enthusiastic participation in creating the German Death Machine.
After he, and the 26 other IG Farben executives (many of them drug company executives) got out of jail a scant less-than-4-years after they entered, ter Meer was hard at work as the head of Bayer Pharmaceutical once again. His creativity was focused this time not on the slogan above the front gate of the Auswitz death camp ("Arbeit Macht Frei", or, in English, "work brings freedom") but to the creation of the concept of Codex Alimentarius. Subsequent events show that the idea of creating contaminated, poisoned food, full of chemicals, GMO adulteration, irradiation by products (like free radicals and dead bacteria and their spilled-out insides in "cold sterilization" processes), hormones, antibiotics, etc., etc. was a wonderful business decision for the pharmaceutical industry. Health people, after all, are generally eating healthy food. Take the healthy food, and the supplements that enhance nutrition, away and you have sick people who got that way from eating sick food. In short, you have the US "Food" Supply (more than 80% GMO, by the way) as the primary feeder (!) sending people into the illness care system - where they stay, literally until they die.
If that is NOT what you want for your food, then get even more active than you are in letting everyone on your list know that you are a Natural Solutions Foundation Health Freedom Advocate and that you need them to be a Health Freedom Advocate, too. Here's how"
1. Join the free Natural Solutions Health Freedom eAlert ( distribution list and take every action step in the Newsletter, each time it comes to your email box. Then send it along to your email list and other contacts asking them to do the same. If you voice is not raised loud and clear, speaking truth to power, how will we protect your health and health freedom?
2. Donate to the Natural Solutions Foundation ( Your 100% tax deductible donations make it possible for the largest, most active and most effective health freedom organization in the world to protect your interests.
3. Change your buying habits so that you are ONLY purchasing GMO free foods. Look for labels that say “GMO-Free” or “Contains No GMOs” or “Organic”. Even though the outlay appears higher, how expensive is cancer? diabetes? heart disease? stroke? For organic supplements (not sourced from genetically modified plants, viruses and animals, free of pesticides and other dangerous contaminants, visit And for helpful guides click here ( for a short version and here ( for a more detailed one.
4. If you are a lucky enough to be a coffee drinker (or detox person), or know people who are, we have a wonderful way to combine health freedom donation and the purchase of wholesome food! Coffee is the second most heavily chemically sprayed substance consumed by humans, running a close second to tobacco. So brewing coffee makes a water extract of God-Alone-Knows-What. Toxins too dangerous for use in US agriculture are made by US companies and sold in high volume in the coffee producing regions of the world where workers, often illiterate, spray huge quantities of deadly poisons on the theory that “more is better”. And you drink it.
Not any more! The Natural Solutions Foundation is now producing delicious, smooth and flavorful chemical free, Shade Grown, 100% Hard Bean Specialty Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee ( as part of its Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project ( in the highlands of Panama. In appreciation of your $25 dollar donation, we’ll send you a bag of the best coffee you have ever had. Remember to give some to your friends, ( and you will see why we say Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee is “A Little Bit of Heaven in a Cup(C)” What a delicious way to donate to the Natural Solutions Foundation!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Nutritional and dietary influences on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Sinn N.
Nutritional Physiology Research Centre, School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia.
The influence of children’s diet on their cognition and behavior.
Multivitamins and minerals help children’s brain function: study
By Stephen Daniells, 05-Nov-2008
Daily supplements of multivitamins and minerals may improve the brain function of children, says a new study from British and Australian researchers.
Twelve weeks of supplementation with vitamins and minerals was found to boost the attention scores of children, according to results published in the British Journal of Nutrition.
“This represents the first observation of acute behavioural effects of vitamins/minerals in human subjects,†wrote the researchers, led by Professor David Kennedy from Northumbria University in Newcastle.
“Naturally, these observations require replication in larger cohorts, but they do suggest that this matter should be given some priority,†cautioned the researchers.
Study details
The Newcastle-based researchers, in collaboration with scientists from Swinburne University in Australia, and the University of Westminster in London, recruited 81 children (average age 11) to participate in the randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel groups investigation.
The children were reportedly all healthy and free from food allergy. In addition, none of the children used other dietary supplements during the three months prior to the study. Participants were randomly assigned to daily multivitamin and mineral supplements or placebo for 12 weeks. The study used Pharmaton SA’s Pharmaton Kiddi blend of multivitamins and minerals. The Swiss company also provided funding for the study.
Cognitive performance was measured using a battery of laboratory assessments. Measures were taken before the study, after one and three hours after the first dose, and after 12 weeks.
Kennedy and his co-workers report that the children in the vitamin/mineral group performed more accurately on two tests of attention. Indeed, the researchers noted the first signs of improvement only three hours after the first dose on the first day.
“The most surprising facet of the improvement in attention task performance seen here is that it became evident by three hours post-dose on the first day,†they wrote.
“To the best of our knowledge, the possibility that vitamins or minerals could exert behavioural effects after a single dose has not been explored,†they added.
However, no effects were observed on measures of the children’s mood, they added.
Science behind the claims?
The researchers noted that the study was aimed at testing the claims of the manufacturer that the multivitamin and mineral could improve the physical development and neural performance of the children.
“The combination of vitamins, minerals and amino acids present… in the present study does not allow the results presented to be attributed to any one component,†wrote the researchers.
“Further work in this area could examine the constituent parts of this treatment in more detail, perhaps focusing on attentional measures and including acute, as well as chronic, assessment,†they added.
Source: British Journal of Nutrition
November 2008, Volume 100, Pages 1086-1096, doi:10.1017/S0007114508959213
“Cognitive and mood effects in healthy children during 12 weeks’ supplementation with multi-vitamin/mineralsâ€
Authors: C.F. Haskell, A.B. Scholey, P.A. Jackson, J.M. Elliott, M.A. Defeyter, J. Greer, B.C. Robertson, T. Buchanan, B. Tiplady, D.O. Kennedy