The Natural Solutions Foundation has just learned that outraged Senator Karen Johnson, 18th District, Arizona, sent this letter to the head of the USDA when she learned that the National Animal Information System (NAIS) is about to become USDA regulatory policy despite public opposition and State Laws which prohibit compulsory animal chipping and database compilation. Such policy has the force of law once enacted by a Federal Agency.
We opposed mandatory animal chipping for many reasons including the certainty that if this “trial balloon” flies, human chipping will be next.
In the next week, the Natural Solutions Foundation will issue a special Action Alert. Please watch for it and make sure that you take the action step included to tell the current occupant of the White House, the newly elected President, and your State and National legislators that you oppose any form of mandatory chipping, whether for animals or humans.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
State Senator
FortyEightth Legislature
1700 West Washington
Phoenix, Arizona 85007-2890
PHONE (602) 926-3160
TOLL FREE 1-800-352-8404
FAX (602) 926-3429
Education Chairman
Natural Resources
October 31, 2008
Mr. Donald Butler, Director
Arizona State Dept. of Agriculture
1688 West Adams Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Dear Director Butler:
During the 2007 legislative session, I sponsored a bill (SB1428) that prohibits forced participation in the National Animal ID System (NAIS) in Arizona. Governor Napolitano signed that bill and it has been the
law now for more than a year. (See ARS 3-1207 and ARS 3-1214).
I recently received a copy of a Memorandum (attached) issued by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture which indicates that veterinarians who visit a property are to collect the defined data fields in order to assign
a PIN, as defined in the National Animal Identification System Program Standards.This pin is to be the location identifier for all Veterinary Services disease program activities and according to the
memo must be assigned, with or without the consent of the property owner.
I am sending a letter to Attorney General Terry Goddard asking him to intervene with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture in this matter. I expect the law to be enforced in the spirit intended when it was drafted.
I would like to know how you intend to deal with this, since we have a law in place that prohibits forced participation in NAIS? I should tell you that I have been contacted by various Arizona residents telling me that they are being forced into premise registration, especially the cattlemen. I am calling on you to do everything in your power to see that this law is respected and that animal owners in Arizona are not
compelled to “register” their property in a government data base.
Please advise me on how you plan to handle this.
I look forward to hearing from you in a timely manner.
Best regards,
Senator Karen S. Johnson
cc: Attorney General Terry Goddard