Trillions for Tribute, But Not One Cent for Defense
The US declared, when faced with the demands of the Barbary Pirates who controlled the shipping routes of the Mediterranean around North Africa, Representative Robert Goodloe Harper, declared “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute.” The concept is deeply enshrined in the consciousness of the US and is the meaning of the reference “To the shores of Tripoli” in the Marine’s Hymn, learned by every child in America.
Like so much else in the US, for example, the protections and provisions of the US Constitution, that deep understanding has been violated by the grim and terrible grasp of the Pharma Pirates on our lives. We do, in fact, pay trillions of dollars, and billions of person years of suffering and death, as tribute to the pirates who control our national and personal decisions with lies and more lies – Big Pharma. When the people of America learn to “Say No to Drugs”, we will have moved a long way toward freeing ourselves from the tribute and tyranny of the Phama Pirates.Pandemic Flu is thought to kill people because the immune system recognizes that it has encountered a pathogen (disease – causing agent, in this case a virus) and sends out signaling molecules called cytokines, (Greek cyto-, cell; and -kinos, movement). They can be proteins, peptides, or glycoproteins. Once those signals are received, the immune system springs into action and mounts a defense. In the case of the weaponized pandemic viruses, the defense can be so strong that it literally overwhelms the person who has been infected and causes death because the immune system itself has overwhelmed the lungs, leading to so much inflammation that they cannot carry out their essential function of exchanging gases.
Cytokine Storms and the Pharma Pirates
Cytokines are powerful signaling molecules which cells sends out in order to get a response. The word itself comes from the Greek for cell (cyto) and movement (kinos).
Pandemic, bioengineered virus are believe to kill by evoking a massive cytokine response, called a “cytokine storm” which is so powerful that the immune system itself overwhelms the lung capacity of the infected person and the number of immune cells, along with the massive inflammation (which is an immune technique to isolate an infective agent) fills up the lungs so they cannot carry out their job of exchanging gases and the patient dies.
But like any storm, it will abate and normal conditions can prevail again. If the cytokine storm provoked as an initial response to the virus can be managed for approximately 3 days, the body’s immune response is normalized, becomes more efficient, and it then kills out the virus in the ordinary way that it usually does. The result is called “surviving the pandemic flu”. H1N1 appears to be pretty poor at evoking a lethal cytokine storm.
I would call it another in the growing list of failed pandemics: SARS, Avian Flu, Swine Flu….
The WHO and CDC, however, have assured us that we can expect a lethal global pandemic from this same virus in the fall of 2009, just exactly, we are told, when the vaccine “against” this newly lethal killer virus is ready. We are astonished and awed by the ability of these organizations to predict the future and prepare for it so profitably. The billions spent on the absurd Avian Flu (H5N1) vaccines and the useless failed Rumsfeld antiviral, Tamiflu, of course, are now simply black lines on the spreadsheets of Big Pharma, another example of the monumental depravity of that industry and its governmental (and intergovernmental) servants, including the Oval Office.
In the document called “Concept of Operations of the UN In a Global Influenza Pandemic”, the final footnote (p.10) reads:
The procedures contained in this CONOPS framework will need to be tested at global, regional and country level to ensure their utility and allow for revisions where necessary. Several UN country teams have already conducted simulations to test coordination structures and other procedures outlines in their pandemic plans. Further simulation exercises at regional and global level are needed to test coordination structures and operating procedures. Such large scale simulations will require the commitment of different UN entities. It is anticipated that this CONOPS will continue to be tested through simulation exercises at global, regional and country levels during 2009. [Emphasis added – REL] See also$FILE/pandemic-influenza.pdf
That looks very much to me like the reason that the failed pandemic of 2009 is being pursued as if it were a threat to anyone. Right now it is a real threat, but it is a threat to our liberty, our nations, our freedoms. Later this fall, if the plans hold, it would appear that the bad boy version will be ready and released – probably through the vaccines which we will be expected to line up for willingly. Remember, if you do not line up for them willingly, you will be subject to the federal powers which our spineless Congress has authorized and to the same powers of the States under their Emergency Medical Powers Acts. Those powers define you as a felon if you refuse vaccination once a Pandemic has been declared at the State level and a health hazard at the federal level. Once so identified, you are subject to immediate long-term incarceration and quarantine. At the state level, as a felon, you could be sent to prison. At the federal level you could be held indefinitely at one of the many FEMA camps which have been established all over the US (and Canada?).
So the storm is political, global and physical, all at once.
Before I discuss how to safely quell a cytokine storm, let me ask you a question or two:
Did you vote for the dissolution of your country in this last election?
Are you eager to have the UN run a global government?
Do you think that the UN would ever hand back control to the nation states after the pandemic is over, if it ever IS over?
Do you agree with the globalist position that the solution to global warming and overpopulation is population culling so that 80-90% of the world’s population no longer exists? If so, are you willing to step up and volunteer yourself and your family for the culling?
For most of us, the answer to all of those questions is “Not only NO, but HELL NO!” So what are you doing about it? One important thing to do is to forward this information and ask everyone, and I do mean everyone, you know to
1. Join the Natural Solutions Foundation’s Health Freedom Action eAlert list at so they can become part of the solution through sustained net-roots push back and information dissemination
2. Forward this information and ask their contacts to take these steps
3. Make a recurring tax deductible donation, large or small, to the Natural Solutions Foundation. Our support comes from our supporters, not from corporations or governments. Visit now. Even 4 dollars a month, just a dollar a week, from each of our supporters, will make the difference so that we can continue to bring you truth you need and speak truth to power together.
Quelling the Storm
So how do you control a cytokine storm without subjecting yourself to even more dangerous drugs? Simple. There are many well known natural means of doing so.
First and foremost is Vitamin C. Good ole’, familiar Vitamin C. When your body needs vitamin C, which we have somehow misplaced the gene which allows us to make during the course of our development, it tolerates more. So you need to give it more. How much more? Well, as much as you can cram in during a cytokine storm (and in the face of a full blown infection with a pandemic, bioengineered virus) – I prefer intravenous delivery systems so that up to 300 G per day can be delivered for 3 days. Since part of the impact of these viruses seems to be a cataclysmic depletion of the body’s Vitamin C stores, this is very important.
By the way, when I first published this information, I was roundly castigated by a variety of people who should have known better. Shortly thereafter, they began publishing this information as if it were their own. Ah, well! The real point is to get it out there where it can help people, but an accurate attribution would be nice!
If IV administration is not possible (and it would not be available for most people), then ingesting LARGE amounts of oral Vitamin C would be the way to go. The body will tell you when it has had enough Vitamin C: bowel tolerance is the signal that its needs have been met. That means diarrhea or softening of stools. However, the novel H1N1 virus produces diarrhea as a part of its infection process so I would say ignore that sign and just put lots and lots of Vitamin C into the patient. There is no known level of toxicity for Vitamin C and it is a powerful immune support – which is why Big Pharma, through Codex, would love to restrict it to the point that there is no useful dose available.
Should you stock pile Vitamin C? I believe you should. Should you use Vitamin C from GMO sources? Of course not. That means that it must be organic. You can visit to find organic Vitamin C sources. Non GMO sourcing is a vitally important consideration, by the way.
Next, Nano silver. As you know, Nano silver is different from colloidal or other silver types. Because of its very small size, it cannot be retained in the body so the mythical dangers of turning blue are even less significant than they are with other types of silver (to the whole notion of argyria, my response is “Fiddle Faddle! It is literally a myth and not a real concern.”)
The Nano silver that we recommend has two properties which we believe render it superior to other products: first, it has the capacity to kill pathogenic organisms, like these bioengineered plagues and second, it has been infused with energetic information (if this is not familiar to you, you need to check out the emerging science of the use of frequency to impact living systems – the dangerous part of it is euphemistically called “non lethal weapons” while the beneficial part is often referred to as “energy medicine” or “frequency medicine” and is related to homeopathy. I have used it in my practice for years and it is rapidly gaining acceptance in countries other than the US, and even slowly there where, for example, the use of light to treat cancer has gained acceptance.)
The highly effective Nano silver available through has been infused with frequency in a process developed by the brilliant and world-renowned materials scientist, Rustum Roy, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania, University of Arizona. I do not have space here to discuss this remarkable innovation, but I am convinced that it creates a stable, effective and safe product which will dispatch the virus rapidly, preventing the development of the cytokine storm.
In our previous Health Freedom Blog, “Health Freedom Action eAlert: Pandemic… Be ProActive and Take Some Steps to Feel Less Helpless“,, I listed several natural options which have the effect of dampening cytokine storms to let the immune system get to work in a balanced and effective way. Please check this list out and make sure that you have the items on hand. But remember, you want organic sourced items since they are free of GMO contamination AND free of pesticides, irradiation, and other health hazards.
You can find many of them at either or But wherever you buy them, make sure you have enough on hand for your family when, not if, the next round of political pandemic comes at you.
By the way, for those of you who are interested in growing your own food to support your immune system, lower your cost and take your fate out of the hands of the biotech and agribiz industry, our new publication to help you with that process, FOOD – the Journal of Sustainability, is being prepared. Cindy Blackshear, a master gardener and a wonderful friend of both health and health freedom, has agreed to be the Editor. FOOD, by the way, is an acronym for “Food On Our Doorsteps”!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Note that there is some suggestion that the old anti-malaria drug chloroquine will quell the cytokine storm as would AcetylCholinEsterase inhibitors (ACE inhibitors). These drugs have toxicity profiles and I would not recommend them for ongoing use as the internet authors who are suggesting their use are doing. REL
The article that follows is profoundly disturbing because it is well reasoned and very hard to refute. I cannot say with certainty that a famine will hit the US in 2009 but, after reading this article, I am hard put to come up with reason why it will not.
The solution is simple: a revisit to the World War II Victory Garden idea. Whether you live in an urban apartment without a terrace or a suburban community with a back yard, or anything in between, you have the ability to use tubs of earth with a grow light, plant a 4 foot square piece of land, create a community garden or otherwise Gerry rig a small vegetable farm which, properly managed, will allow you to to grow enough vegetables for your family, indoors or out, for a family of four.
Larger family, more buckets of soil or square feet of land. Smaller family? Give some food to the disabled, the elderly or the disadvantaged in your town.
This is a potent heads-up and the time is now.
The Natural Solutions Foundation will be publishing a subscription-based Intensive Gardening and Food Production newsletter. If you would like to write a column for this newsletter please contact the Natural Solutions Foundation by sending an email to with “Food” in the subject line.
In the next couple of issues of the Health Freedom eAlerts we will be announcing the new Newsletter and letting you know how you can subscribe to it.
Can this impending food shortage in the breadbasket nation of the United States be an accident, an act of God, a combination of unfortunate events or is this an intentional manipulation of the food system to make sure that the remaining farmers are driven off the land to make room for the total domination of the industrialized food supply and the mega-corporations who profit from it? I do not know the answer. I have my deep suspicions, but no conclusive data right now.
However, the answer does not matter right now. If there is a famine headed our way, we must prepare for it now. Not next week, not when the famine hits, but now. Every one of us needs to think about how s/he can lay in stores of needed supplies which cannot be home produced and how to start the process of home food production while there is lead time left.
Now would be a good time to begin thinking seriously about how to get started growing your own clean, unadulterated, non-GMO food in your own apartment, yard or community. There really is not a lot of time left to get ready if this article is correct.
Reclaiming food production is a central theme of the Natural Solutions Foundation International Decade of Nutrition (IDN), The IDN project to teach farmers how to grow healthful food for their communities and themselves (that’s you) is taking shape in the Chir
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Famine of 2009
Weather, as we have warned for the past year has taken a terrible
toll on crops. Floods, hail and tornadoes hammered America’s breadbasket.
Drought is killing California’s huge agriculture belt and hitting crops in the
Southeast this year. Decimated bee populations added to crop decline. Grain
reserves are non-existent. Compounding matters, fuel, seed and equipment have
all risen sharply in recent years.Daily news address rampant concerns over
rice, wheat, corn and soybean shortages. And now food rationing and hoarding
is creeping into reality…Riots and food protests have already hit many
nations: South Africa, Pakistan, Lebanon, Gaza, Kenya, Nicaragua, Mexico,
Bahrain, the Emirates, Italy, Russia, Indonesia, Egypt in addition to Haiti,
Cameroon, Senegal, the Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Bolivia, Peru, Thailand,
Somali, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Uzbekistan, Yemen, India, and the Philippines.
After the Mexican tortillas riots last year, corn tortillas prices rose
another 18%.Despite lower fuel prices at the pump, food prices are expected to
rise in 2009.With food shortages threatening to become the biggest crisis of
the 21st century, you can bet food riots are coming to America. In fact, top
trend forecaster, Gerald Celente, warns on coming US food riots.Stock up now –
buy in bulk – and pack for long-term storage grain products, flour, rice,
beans, powdered milk and any other foods you regularly consume. The longer you
delay, prices are only going to escalate, your options will dwindle, along
with selection. Please do this before your options close.When reading news
articles, it is our hope you’ll read beyond the headlines and hear the
unspoken message – a quiet urging to prepare.
November 27, 2008By Neal RauhauserDaily KosLast week I received a very
concerned call from South Dakota farmer and agronomist Bryan Lutter. “Neal,
we’re out of propane!” I figured this was personal distress – he and his
family farm over three square miles of land and I know this has been a tough
year for many people. He promptly corrected my misconception when I tried to
console him. “No, everybody is out, all three grain elevators, we can’t get
fuel for the bins, and we’re coming in real wet this year.”There are equally
dramatic issues due to the bankruptcy of Verasun and the apparent insolvency
of the nation’s largest private crop insurance program. Payments that would
have come in June or July of a normal year are still not dispersed at the end
of November and this has grim implications for next year’s crop.I started
digging into the details and unless I’m badly mistaken people are going to be
starving in 2009 over causes and conditions being set down right now. It’s a
complex, interlocking issue, and I hope I’ve done a good job explaining it
below the fold …(I just submitted my personal story and a vision for the
nation at – I sure hope someone is listening over there.)The
Dakotas have faced fuel restrictions for at least the last two years. They’re
at the far end of the pipeline network and after complete outages in 2007
everyone orders their diesel well in advance. Vehicle tanks are kept fuller
and the on farm tanks are not allowed to run low. Gasoline supply dynamics
have changed as well; British Petroleum shuttered three hundred stations in
the area, citing the high cost of trucking fuel to the locations from the
pipeline terminals. This year propane is in short supply. Rural homes in that
part of the world are heated with propane and the grain elevator and on farm
drying require it to bring corn moisture down for storage. There is no sense
that homes will go cold this year, at least not due to supply issues; the
grain drying season is a short period of intense usage that will draw to an
end within the next week. Pray to whatever higher power you recognize that the
unheard of figure of 18% of the crop still in the field is brought in before
the snow flies.The Dakotas were very wet this year and the corn is coming in
at 22% moisture. A more usual number would be 18% and for long term storage it
must be dried to 14% to avoid spoilage. That doubling in the moisture
reduction needed, an 8% drop instead of 4%, pretty much doubles the amount of
propane used. Right now the harvest is at a dead stop. What can be dried has
been and what is left can’t even be combined without the fuel to make it ready
for storage; it would all just spoil in the bin if put up wet.I wondered if
this was a spot problem in that particular part of South Dakota, but Bryan
said it was widespread – he’d talked to farmers as far away as St. Louis and
they were reporting similar issues.I made a few calls to try to figure out how
broad the problem was. I ended up talking to Rollin Tiefenthaler at fuel
dealer Al’s Corner in Carroll, Iowa about the issue.The Iowa crop comes
matures earlier and is brought in earlier, so that is done, but he confirms
that propane is being trucked long distances because local terminals have
outages. They did have one farmer’s cooperative run out of propane and they
scrambled to get them enough, but in general it wasn’t a problem. These are
plains cooperatives, operations with thirty employees, dozens of vehicles, and
tens of millions of dollars in inventory and commodities under management, so
one running out of fuel is a problem that would affect a whole county.Diesel
has been a bigger concern for them – instead of the thirty mile drive to the
Magellan pipeline terminal in Milford they’re running as far as Des Moines or
Omaha, each about two hours away, and the added time and cost for running more
trucks is eating them alive.The die has already been cast in the Dakotas,
they’ll either get the crop in or they won’t. If they don’t and it winters in
the field they not only lose 40% of the yield on that ground they lose 20% of
next year’s yield in soy beans. The corn makes an excellent snow fence,
trapping drifts six feet high, and they’re slow to clear in the spring. The
farmers have to wait until it’s dry enough to plant before they can finish
bringing in the corn crop, then they plant their soy, and that delay cuts into
the growing degree days available for the soy beans and thusly we see the
yield drop.A few of you might not be from farm state and thusly won’t know the
normal work flow. The corn crop is still partially in the field, but the soy
beans are already done. Soy matures and dries earlier, so it gets tended
first. There would never been an instance of soy being left to overwinter just
based on crop timing and I don’t think the small, thin stocks with relatively
fragile pods would prove to be terribly durable under snow banks.I wrote
earlier about the famine potential we face due to the underfertilization of
the wheat crop. Wheat that gets enough ammonia is 14% protein, if it is
unfertilized closer to 8%, and that 43% reduction in total plant protein is
going to cause unimaginable suffering in places like Egypt, where half of the
population gets subsidized bread. Global end of season per capita wheat stocks
have been about seventy pounds my entire life, except the last three years
where they’ve dropped to only forty pounds. One mistake in this area and one
of the four horsemen gets loose, certainly dragging his brothers along behind.
That mistake may already have been made in the lack of wheat fertilization
this fall.The fall nitrogen fertilizer application has been 10% of the norm. A
typical year would see 50% put on in the fall and 50% in the spring. During
fertilizer application season the 3,100 mile national ammonia pipeline network
runs flat out and the far points on the network experience low flow both fall
and spring. If they try to jam 90% of the fertilization into a period of time
when the system can only flow a little more than half of the need much of our
cropland will go without in the spring of 2009.Finances as much as weather are
the issue with regards to fertilization this fall. Crop prices have fallen to
half of what they were, ammonia prices have dropped but ammonia suppliers
here, receiving 75% of their supply from overseas, still have product in their
storage tanks purchase at the historical highs last spring and summer.When
farmers plant they record the acreage and they purchase crop insurance – $20
to $40 an acre depending on the crop. If they have a failure they file a
claim, an adjustor contacts them, and they get a check to cover the deficit.
Some of this runs through the U.S. Department of Agriculture and some of it is
through private insurers.My conversations with farmers earlier this week lead
me to believe that the largest private insurer, Des Moines Iowa’s Rain and
Hail Agricultural Insurance may be insolvent. Flooding claims from this spring
were filed and payments would have typically been received by the end of June
or beginning of July. It’s now the end of November and payments are not being
dispersed. Individual farmers are told there was something wrong with their
paperwork, but this is nonsense – some of these guys have been farming
thirty years and they all didn’t forget how to fill out a simple form all at
the same time. Iowa did have its second five hundred year flood in a decade
and a half this spring which certainly has something to do with the situation,
but I suspect Wall Street’s sticky fingers got hold of Rain & Hail’s assets,
just as they’ve done to every pension fund and state run municipal investment
pool.So, we’re already facing what Bryan Lutter calls “the mother of all
fertilizer shortages” next spring and on top of that local banks won’t lend to
farmers.The local bank was quite willing to lend to a farmer on a crop despite
the weather related risks just like they’d lend on a car despite the driving
risks. So long as the asset was insured the risk was deemed manageable. There
were sure to be losses here and there, but they’d be administrative hassles
associated with well known risks. If the auto insurance companies were viewed
as untrustworthy no one would be getting a car without 100% down at the
dealership and the same rule is now in effect for farmers.Farmers without
financing can’t afford nitrogen fertilizer at $1,000 a ton, which translates
to $100 an acre at current application rates. They won’t be paying $300 for a
bag of 80,000 hybrid corn kernels, again a $100 per acre expense. The average
farm size in Iowa is four hundred acres and planting to harvesting would run
about $120,000.This looks incredibly bad. Bryan and I are both puzzled as to
why the mainstream media isn’t covering this. Perhaps the need to sell
Christmas season advertising trumps the need for the public to know about the
troubles that are brewing.This is already 1,600 words and I haven’t even
touched Verasun. Executive summary? The nation’s second largest ethanol maker
took corn from farmers, went bankrupt without paying many of them, and a whole
lot of family farms are going to be foreclosed upon in short order if
something isn’t done.
Think about it for a moment: unlabeled GMOs with medical consequences, including, as in this case, sterility, constitutes the force feeding of industrial toxins to a global population. You might call it forced drugging, and you would be right.
One would tend to assume that food sold to consumers would not have intended or unintended medical consequences like birth defects, cancer, auto immune diseases, infertility or sterility. One would be wrong. Since FDA and USDA do not conduct, or examine, safety studies except once very early on in the approval process when they review preliminary safety testing provided by the corporation developing the product (!), these “foods” (Frankenfoods, really) are launched into the market place with neither safety testing nor review of safety testing by our supposed “watchdog” agencies.
Natural Solutions Foundation believes in your health freedom. Apparently, the FDA and USDA do not. If they did, they would not permit dangerous, untested and unlabeled (that is, forbidden to be labeled!) GMO “food” to be sold in the US as “food” (for people) and “feed” (for animals who are, ultimately, eaten by people). You see, we believe that your right to safe, unadulterated foods and it also includes your right to have children if you want to, and grandchildren, too.
Seven months ago we noted that a little-known genetic bioengineering firm in California, Epicyte, announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile in 2001. At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault. Epicyte was since acquired by a North Carolina biotech company. It was astonishing to learn that Epicyte had developed its spermicidal GMO corn with research funds from the US Department of Agriculture, the same USDA which, despite worldwide opposition, continued to finance the development of Terminator technology, now held by Monsanto.
Every independent scientific review of safety of which I am aware documents the serious, potentially lethal, and now, sterility-inducing impact of these “foods”. One has to wonder whether the Epicyte human sterility gene is part of the NK 603xMon810 genome now since its impact is sterility.
Whether it is or not, what is clear is that the consumption of the unlabeled “foods” or their by products and derivatives poses as great a threat to humanity as the ever-promised Avian Flu Pandemic. Eat them at your own risk. And get involved to pressure your Congressional members to become co-sponsors of, and strongly support, the 2 excellent bills before Congress now which would require safety testing and labeling of all GMO foods. Click here ( to send you strong message to Congress for your food rights.
Genetically Modified “foods” do not have names. They have numbers
Real food has names, usually less than 3 syllables. GMO “foods” and “feeds” hide behind initials and numbers like the biochemicals they are: e.g., NK 603 and Mon810. Those are genetically engineered corn types permitted for human and animal food in the US and the EU and elsewhere in the world. Neither corn (or “maize” as it is also called) has EVER been properly tested for safety by an independent governmental agency. No safety review of independent, non-industry studies has ever been done by a government agency anywhere in the world. Independent studies have never been commissioned by any government agency before these foods were approved, strictly on the basis of corporate assurances that these “foods” were safe in the US, Europe and elsewhere.
The reality is that when independent studies are conducted on these “foods”, they are neither safe nor benign.
The FDA thinks it is perfectly fine to take those rights, and your posterity, away from you without your knowledge or consent. By allowing genetically modified (GMO) “foods” which are known to reduce fertility in animals (we are, reproductively speaking, biologically similar to the animals being tested) and forbidding labeling of GMO foods or ingredients, the FDA says that foods like NK603 and Mon810 are acceptable to them. Is the truth that this is part of a long-stanidng, wide-ranging depopulation program using multiple ways to eliminate your ability to reproduce?
Who cares? You do, and so do we.
Thanks for your continuing support. Without it, the Natural Solutions Foundation could not continue its important work.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
DONATE NOW All deductions are tax deductible if you pay taxes in the US.
For donations in multiples of $25, we’ll say “Thanks†with a 1/2 lb bag of our full bodied Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee: Shade Grown, GMO and Chemical Free Coffee from the Chiriqui Highlands of Panama, it’s Friendly Food Certified: Friendly to Your Health, Friendly to the Workers and Friendly to the Environment
Natural Solutions Foundation
Genetically-engineered food: potential threat to fertility
Study shows that genetically engineered maize affects reproductive health in mice
Vienna, Austria, 11 November 2008 – A study published today by the Austrian government identified serious health threats of genetically engineered (GE) crops. In one of the very few long-term feeding studies ever conducted with GE crops, the fertility of mice fed with GE maize was found to be severely impaired, with fewer offspring being produced than by mice fed on natural crops. Considering the severity of the potential threat to human health and reproduction, Greenpeace is demanding a recall of all GE food and crops from the market, worldwide. Of course, that would mean changing the happy approval of Codex of all “foods” genetically modified and all GMO “feeds” as well. We’ll need your strong support to build the coalition to mass the muscle to reopen those issues. It can be done, of course, but we need your help.
Your only protection on your table and in your cupboards right now, of course, is to eat, grow and source organic food. Only organic food. Too expensive? What is your health worth and, if you are of child bearing age, the ability to have children or have your children have children? A few dollars more in food per week? Probably. If you can’t afford the expense, start doing intensive gardening in a corner of your apartment, on your patio or in a small corner of your garden. Foot Square Gardening references abound on the internet, at your library and in your book store. Take a look. Even in the winter it’s pretty simple to do indoors. Don’t delay, though. The damage from these Frankenfoods is cumulative.
The study, sponsored by the Austrian Ministries for Agriculture and Health, was presented today at a scientific seminar in Vienna, Austria. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zentek, Professor for Veterinary Medicine at the University of Vienna and lead author of the study, summarised the findings: Mice fed with GE maize had less offspring in the third and fourth generations, and these difference were statistically significant. Mice fed with non-GE maize reproduced more efficiently. This effect can be attributed to the differences in the food source.
“GE food appears to be acting as a birth control agent, potentially leading to infertility – if this is not reason enough to close down the whole biotech industry once and for all, I am not sure what kind of disaster we are waiting for,†said Dr. Jan van Aken, GE expert at Greenpeace International. “Playing genetic roulette with our food crops is like playing Russian roulette with consumers and public healthâ€.
The Austrian scientists performed several long-term feeding trials with laboratory mice over a course of 20 weeks. One of the studies was a so-called reproductive assessment by continuous breeding (RACB) trial, in which the same parent generation gave birth to several litters of baby mice. The parents were fed either with a diet containing 33% of a GE maize variety (NK 603 x MON 810), or a closely related non-GE variety. A decrease in litter size and weight was found to be statistically significant in the third and fourth litters in the GE-fed mice compared to the control group.
Owned by Monsanto, the GE maize variety tested in this study is tolerant to a herbicide and resistant to certain insect pests. It has been approved for planting and food use in a variety of countries, including the US, Argentina, Japan, Philippines and South Africa. In Mexico and the European Union(1), it is approved for food and feed use.
“This study is yet another example that the food and feed safety of GE crops and food cannot be guaranteed. The reproductive toxicity of this GE maize was a totally unexpected result, but regulators around the world had considered this GE maize variety as safe as non-GE varieties – a potentially devastating error,†said Dr. van Aken.
Dr. Jan van Aken, Greenpeace International agriculture expert, +49 151 1805 3415
Dr. Janet Cotter, Greenpeace International Science Unit, +44 7812 174783
Notes to Editors:
(1) In 2005, the European Food Safety Agency EFSA gave a green light for this variety. Without conducting any independent studies and just relying on Monsanto’s data, EFSA wrote it “considers it unlikely that NK603 x MON810 maize will have any adverse effect on human and animal healthâ€. This exemplifies how flawed and ill-designed the European risk assessment for GE crops is.