Natural Solutions Foundation
Council Index
“The struggle for liberty goes far deeper than either the Republicans or Democrats imagined. Keep on doing what you are doing and don’t give up the struggle.”
Please Donate $9.99 Here and We will Send You the 2012 War Council Highlights
Please remember that your donations to the Natural Solutions Foundation are, quite literally, Health Freedom’s Life Blood. Please Give Generously. End of Year Giving offers an important tax advantage to you and offers vital funding to us! Donate here:
War Has Been Declared Against You, Your Family and Your Future. Genomicide is the Murder of Your Genetic Future. Join us for the 3rd Annual War Counsel as we say, “Stop Genomicide Now!”
3rd Annual War Council
General Bert says, “Our Health, Our Food, Our Freedom and Justice are at stake. So are our lives. By the way, it is that important. Be there.”
Join us live, in person, via Webinar or by Internet Radio. The Choice is Yours
Third Annual War Council: Be Part of the Solution – Naturally!
Please Donate $9.99 Here and We will Send You the 2012 War Council Highlights
Webinar Attendees will receive the Highlights Archive Free.
Hildegard Stanninger, PhD: Global Brain Chip and Mesogens: Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories
Foster Gamble: Making Sure “THRIVE” Is Not Just a Movie!
Tim Bolen: Loosing a Generation: Thank you, CDC, the Center for Deadly Corruption
Luba Diangar, MD: FDA Suppresses Radiation Free Mammography, Killing Women, Protecting Industry
Sharry Edwards, MEd Making Truth Audible: Free BioAcoustics programs for Health & Food Freedom & Justice advocates…
Plus Dr. Rima, General Bert and Counsel Ralph.
As you decide how you are going to attend the 3rd Annual Natural Solutions Foundation War Council,I wanted to share his note I wrote to Dr. Stanninger, a featured speaker at the T3 Annual War Council, and a valued guest on our Internet radio program, heard live (and via archives) every Sunday from 10 AM to noon, Eastern,
Dear Dr. Stanninger,
War has been declared against the people of Earth. But we are not ready to be the Every year for the past few years, Natural Solutions Foundation has brought people together at the beginning of the year for a War Council, to discuss where we have been and where we will be.
It was our pleasure to have you as one of our distinguished presenters at the First Annual War Council in 2010. I know that no one who heard you speak has forgotten your presentation!
This year, the 3rd Annual War Council will take place on January 8, 2012: People can attend live, via Webinar or Internet Radio. We would be honored to have you as one of our guests.
Our Mission is, in sum, “…to discover, develop, document, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the impediment surrounding health and food coupled with achieving and maintaining a healthy self, community and world.”
But first, a bit of history: Gen. Bert (Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III [US Army, Ret.]), our Foundation President and I had been growing increasingly distressed and concerned over the loss of our health freedom, briefly defined as our ability to exercise sovereign control over our own bodies through access to clean, unadulterated food, natural health options, the right to refuse coercive medial or other treatment and the free flow of information about health options.
We saw that the clearly articulated population reduction intentions of the globalists were being expressed through deadly and infertility-inducing drugs and vaccines (e.g., FDA, CDC, WHO, etc.), a degraded world food supply (e.g., USDA, Codex Alimentarius,WTO, WHO, FAO, ETC.), suppression of nutrients and related information (e.g., EFSD, FDA) and other genocidal tools deployed globally at an ever-accelerating pace.
We became so concerned, in fact, by the escalating developments and the fact that the people “on our side” appeared to be incapable of strategic analysis coupled with tactical deployment BEFORE the fact that we decided to close our highly successful medical practice (I was graduated from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1970 and have practiced totally drug free medicine and psychiatry since then), create the Natural Solutions Foundation in late 2004 and, quite literally, marshal the forces and resources necessary to derail the genocidal globalist agenda.*
Codex Alimentarius, by the way, was created as an intentionally genocidal tool by the newly-released German genocidalist heads of IG Farben, the gigantic German civilian war machine. See my video, Nutricide, and my detailed article examining its development, The Killing Fields of Codex.
Since I had been watching the steady, and deadly, progress of Codex Alimentarius for more than a decade, and since the wildly destructive Codex Vitamin and Mineral Guideline was due for ratification on July 4, 2005, a mere half year away, one of the first things we did was approach Counsel Ralph Fucetola, JD, and ask him to solve the Codex Alimentarius problem at the legal level, creating a solution which any nation in the world, including the most nutritionally and economically fragile, could apply without engendering WTO trade sanctions.
He agreed and, with the able participation of Jim Turner, JD, these remarkable gentlemen put together the Codex Two Step Process. I turned it into a book, The Codex Book, which serves as a step by step guide and case study for the development of WTO Trade Sanction-Proof deviation from any of the Codex Standards and Guidelines for every nation which chooses this path for itself. You can download it Here.
The Foundation also produced a video of instruction on this tactic for Codex Delegates, which you can watch for free.
Once the book was complete and the legal strategy was perfected (and nations which have followed our Codex Two Step Process have, indeed, prevailed at the WTO dispute resolution level), Gen. Bert and I took to the road, visiting those countries which had not yet become the practical property of the Uber Cartel: Big Pharma and Big Medica which are Big Agribiz, which is Big Chema, which is Big BioTech, which is Big Pharma and Bigt Medica. We selected those countries which we felt still had a capacity to make their own food autonomy and sovereignty decisions.
We traveled widely in Africa and Asia meeting with heads of State, Ministers of Agriculture, Education and Health. When in India, for example, we had a private meeting with then-president Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalaam through the good offices of our dear friend, Dr. Monapa Hegde, MD in which we informed Dr. Kalaam about the problem, the WTO trade sanctions, etc. In fact, we were invited to help develop the regulations for the new Food Bill passed within a few weeks of our visit.
While traveling, I might add) in those countries which we felt could break away from the stranglehold of Codex and its industrially degraded food supply we realized that the Natural Solutions Foundation needed to create an Eco Demonstration Project which we could use as a school and training center for the BeyondOrganic BioDynamic Zero Emissions™ system of agriculture which can literally feed the world’s population without the use of chemicals, increasing crop yield, decreasing water use, increasing storage life, producing positive energy flow by generating more power than used from inexpensive, safe, intuitive, totally non-contaminating technologies and accomplish two things:
1. create a local inexpensive clean food supply at the highest standards and
2. create an international market for those clean foods at a premium market.We have been gifted by a supportive universe, it would seem, with a number of technologies with which to do exactly that and they are available for deployment at minimal cost, requiring no education, no special machinery, no replacement, but requiring attention to restoration of the fertility and diversity of the microcosm of the soil. Fortunately, we have technologies for that as well to rapidly and safely clean the soil of petrochemical residues and restore high level fertility to it.
We understand, as I know you do, that the health of a populace is directly related to the life sustaining capability and capacities of its food supply, which includes its herbs and nutrients.
We anticipate that not only will the widespread application of this program increase the effective wealth of the society, starting with its farmers, enabling them to stay on the land and earn a decent wage (thus thwarting one of the major thrusts of the globalist genocidal agenda: the industrialization of food and food production) because of the decrease in the cost of seed and supplies, but the actual wealth of the society will be increased by the decline in health care costs and the sale of affordable food on the domestic market and premium food on the international market.
Additionally, through the support of market strategies which provide a ready, and fairly priced, market system for the farmers, and a connection to their customers, the social fabric of the local and larger communities will be strengthened.
And we believe, based on our investigation of the most promising food production regions of the planet, that one of the two most important potential food production areas in the world is the Indus-Ganges Basin, despite the considerable challenges which its sustainable, responsible, clean and socially responsible exploitation presents.
Fine theory, of course, but useless unless put into action. When we established our Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in Volcan, Chiriqui, Panama, we decided to incorporate clean food technologies and techniques, natural health technologies and techniques and social structure support (including farmer education, market strategies, land reclamation, etc.
Since premium Panamanian coffee is a critically important cash crop, heavily sprayed and contaminated to prevent crop loss (and resulting in horrific health problems for workers and consumers alike, to say nothing of the ecological devastation caused by conventional coffee growing techniques), we purchased an abandoned, derelict coffee “finca”or farm and reclaimed it according to our principles, sharing then freely with all interested parties.
Although we did not expect to have a decent crop for 3 years, our first year of harvest of Valley of the Moon™ Friendly Food Certified Coffee (Friendly to the Earth, to the Worker and to the Consumer) was outstanding.
Using more of same as our sole input, we have created a stunningly good coffee. We are now expanding our production to more derelict farms in the area (farmers here cannot afford the chemical sprays so increasing numbers are simply forced to abandon their fields, a situation not unlike many world-wide). Our coffee is seriously under-priced, according to the experts. Our crop has doubled each of the 4 years we have harvested and roasted our coffee.
The possibilities for other food production, animal and plant based, in Panama and around the world, is virtually limitless.
We envision a series of linked classrooms, market structures, health systems and educational inputs which are, literally, globe- and game-changing — and we look forward to discussing all this with you.
Meanwhile, perhaps you would find my new video, Making Genocide Audible, to be of interest.This video, like so much of our work at the Natural Solutions Foundation, is to help people face the unbearable squarely, with clear minded determination born of understanding, to have the information and strength to avert that unbearable reality.
You might also find The Globalist Agenda interesting as well, along with Nutricide, Nutricide and The Genocidal Feast.
Our principle website is Website information about our remarkable Eco Demonstration Project here in Highlands of Panama can be linked from This is the link to our Food Freedom eJournal –
Lastly, this is what we’ve reluctantly concluded:
Weaponized Pathogens —
— like the fake avian & swine flu “pandemics” or the new super-e. coli, plague DNA inserted;
Weaponized “Phude” —
— fake food — dangerous GMOs & degraded organic standards; the “fruit” of Codex Alimentarius;
Weaponized Vaccines (& Other Drugs) —
— with their childhood-destroying toxins, and
Weaponized Environment;
— radioactive & toxic, in a vile synergistic mix.All of this leading to Genocide via Genomicide…
I look forward, as do my fellow Trustees, Gen. Bert and Ralph Fucetola, JD, to your input, planning and of understanding depth to spread the reality, and halt the genocidal march…
For Health & Food Freedom & Justice,
Dr. RimaRima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
General Bert’s Communiqué
Bringing Push Back Home
State by State Victory!
Soldiers fighting on their home territory are filled with vigor and determination which invaders lack. In our struggle for Health Freedom we need to take the push back battle to your state, your job, your home territory.
The next battlefield waiting for a push back victory is where you live. And Natural Solutions Founation is here to help you win that battle.
We are winning the war against our bodies. The forces that believe they can compel us to submit to their idea of medical “care” are retreating.
Twice so far, as we came to the brink of a Federal Law Suit against the vaccine mandates they retreated, claiming illogically that there were insufficient doses of vaccine to carry out their mandate.
Absurd, but telling.
Twice now, once in New York and then in New Jersey, we have seen their tails between the legs of the mandating forces as they take off in disarray. They will regroup, but right now, we hold the high ground. What that means is that we need to take back our health freedom state by state. Every school mandate, every worker’s mandate, every daycare mandate must be pushed back.
And together we can do that. We want you to succeed in Bringing Push Back Home!
We’ll work with you to (1) create a web page, (2) send Action Items that will go to your supporters only and (3) make a free conference bridge line available to you for local conference call participation.
Natural Solutions Foundation will advise you on strategy, legal possibilities, etc., all without charge to your group. Our Organizer’s eBook is being updated to include the latest techniques and tactics.
Why? Because community organization around health freedom issues is near and dear to our heart. We KNOW, we don’t just believe, we KNOW that it is the voice of the People, demanding our rights, that will protect our rights. That is what Dr. Paul G. King’s wonderful essay says and that is what Natural Solutions Foundation says, over and over and over and over.
And you know what? That repetition, the enlarging drum-beat of power, personal power, is turning the tide.
Of course, we have come to the most dangerous part of the game: we are becoming SO powerful that the other side, call them what, or whom you will, could, at a moment’s notice, change the rules of the game and come down on free men and women (and children, remember that part) like a ton of bricks IF they feel both threatened and IF they can get a way with it.
You know they feel threatened: hence the threats to shut down the internet, declare Martial Law, criminalize vaccine refusal, etc. But you also know that our collective power has an immobilizing effect on them: without that immobilizing effect, consider what would already have happened. Why has it not? Why is only the Ukraine under effective Medical Martial Law? Why has the WHO not exercised its treaty-granted powers to take over the governance of every country in the world under the 2005 agreement which went into effect in 2007 now that they have what they have been working toward: a declared “Level Six Pandemic” of their own defining and making?
The answer to all of these questions is the same: because of the People. Because we are alert, active and pushing back with the might of millions – and because evil is always weaker than good, because the entropy of the Universe, its disintegrative force, is balanced by the enthalpy, the constructive force. So knowledge, wisdom, caring accumulates while destruction destroys itself.
Our trick now is to make sure that the integrative forces are equal to, and, indeed, stronger in our time frame, than the disintegrative ones.
That is your job – nourishing the forces of freedom. The Three Vitamin D’s for Activists are –
Vitamin D1: Do – take Action, spread the Action eAlerts as widely as you can. The issues are getting hotter, more dangerous and more absurd with every passing day – people are more and more ready to hear our side now. This is a moment of ripeness for awareness.
Vitamin D2: Disseminate – This is a variant of Vitamin D1: there is no such thing as an overdose of dissemination! It is safe, effective, and stops a multitude of ills in the body politic.
Vitamin D3: Donate – Where do we get the money to assign people to do research? From you. Where do we get the resources to attend meetings you need to know about? From you. Where to we get the ability to create a model for the production of food which has a good chance of giving industrial agriculture the most serious run of its life? From you. And where do we get the resources necessary to tell you and everyone we need to reach about it? From YOU!
Give everyone on your Holiday list Health Freedom’s Own Coffee™, Valley of the Moon Coffee,
As our thank you for your support (besides the sheer joy of what we firmly believe will be the finest coffee you have ever sipped and sighed over, we’ll give you an 80% tax deduction for every bag of our GMO-free, pesticide-free, herbicide-free coffee straight from our educational Valley of the Moon™ Coffee Finca.
Not a coffee drinker on your list? Why not give the gift of perfect protection from every tested bacteria, virus and mycoplasma – without any side effects or over dose profile? Stuff those stockings with Silver Biotics, .
Looking for a good read? How about a book that can help you reverse the most frightening of diseases, cancer, in weeks.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell’s The Only Answer to Cancer, available from, is a magnificent breakthrough that you MUST read either now or later.
Looking for more? Well, there’s plenty to choose from.
Visit and for outstanding products which you need, the people you care about need and will appreciate and which support YOUR health freedom organization, Natural Solutions Foundation, the Voice of Global Health Freedom™.
Oh, yes, plain vanilla donation now comes in two flavors: Make your recurring donation, large or small, ending in the number 6 and we’ll earmark your donation for our vitally important legal support fund. Not only our Stop the Shot legal case against the FDA, but a host of other cases need attention and support to stop the recurring, and potentially lethal incursion of government agencies into your health, your medicine chest and your life.
You can also make a donation ending in any other number and that donation will be used for everything else we are doing.
Oh, yes, if you are interested in participating, or knowing more about, or visiting, investing in, (with or without IRA/401 funds) or living at the astonishingly beautiful Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project, , you are most welcome to contact us at with “VotM” as the subject.
Whew! So much to do, so much that’s true and so much that’s new! Natural Solutions is there for you. Are you there for us, too?
Yours in health and freedom,
Bert Stubblebine
Foundation President
To Fund Health Freedom’s Next Victory!
Health Freedom Money Bomb – Round Three!
December Annual Giving Season
TOGETHER We’ve held off the uninsurable, un-safety tested, martial law-friendly “Swine Flu” H1N1 vaccine panic… and the Senate delayed voting on the (sic) “Food Safety” bill, S.510 after nearly a hundred fifty thousand emails to the committee and Senate…
Congratulations to US! We won a couple rounds! Our Push Back and Stop the Shot law suit forced the US to effectively “cancel” the H1N1 Pandemic. Oh, there are the usual “talking head” announcements about how dangerous H1N1 still is and a bizarre National Emergency Declaration from the President that seems to contradict his own Secretary of Health, but the juice is gone: there is no serious threat either from the disease (there never was) nor, with insufficient supplies, from the vaccine (which is where all the danger really lay). Both New York and New Jersey, the only two states with flu vax mandates, suspended theirs after we went to court on one and threatened to do so on the other. But we have a long way to go before we are finished with these threats.
This Money Bomb’s continued success can be our most powerful Push Back to the President’s “National Emergency Declaration” of October 23, 2009 regarding the alleged “swine flu pandemic”. See:
The depopulationists / globalists / pharma-terrorists and their government/WHO/UN henchmen and henchwomen (such as Napolitano, Sebelius and Hamburg) will be back again. By the time they mount their next terror tactic, we will be stronger, even better organized and ready to beat them back on that one, and the next, and the next, all because of your help.
Null, Laibow, et al v FDA Lawsuit UPDATE:
Round One: NY Health Care Workers’ Flu Vaccine Mandate:
Round Two: NJ Toddlers’ Flu Vaccine mandate:
Round Three… [But that’s a secret; we have cooperating plaintiffs and are preparing to file.]
Oh, by they way, did you forget about Codex? We didn’t. In fact, now that Gen. Bert and Dr. Rima can safely travel without fear of deadly injections, they went to the most recent Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU), whose Chairman is the notorious Dr. Rolf Grossklaus.
They attended this meeting in Dusseldorf from Nov 2-6, and all workshops and associated meetings – for you. As usual, they did daily video updates, radio specials and so on. You know you can count on them to tell you what is happening and make contacts with delegates from around the world that can change history – just as we did with the H1N1 scam-for-death-and-money.
Codex Meeting UPDATE:
You’ve probably heard about the powerful protective effect of Vitamin D on the immune system. There are 3 ‘D vitamins’ in Health Freedom:
DISSEMINATE – forward each of our emails and Action Items as widely as you can
DO – take each of our Action Items once for every member of your household
2010 Health Freedom USA War Council!
You know where you can donate to Health Freedom — right here: – and it’s tax-deductible!
We need you to help us generate the funds needed to move our seminal legal challenge to the entire vaccine approval travesty forward, fighting any appeal that the FDA and other defendants may initiate and we need the funds to make sure that we can continue our Codex work. We need funds to update our Codex book and make sure that every Head of State, every Minister of Health and Agriculture and every Codex delegate gets that publication along with a clear explanation of how to use this information. Despite the (ill-informed) Nay-Sayers, when Austria, Hungary and the Netherlands used our Codex Two Step Process, they won their cases in the WTO, escaping both trade sanctions AND Codex in those instances!
We need money to help reclaim the production of food here at the Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project. Right now the government of Panama is asking us to help them turn ALL cattle farming in the breadbasket province of Chiriqui into BeyondOrganic/Biodynamic farming. They are asking us to help them do the same with their agricultural production, as well. We need money to support volunteers who provide hands, heads and hearts to make this project work so that we can teach farmers and non farmers alike how to grow clean, abundant food for life and health here and elsewhere.
What does that have to do with you and your health? A lot. First, we can create products which, because of their excellence, will violate Codex guidelines and standards and can then be shipped internationally, helping to further crack Codex apart. Second, we are creating a teaching center to help farmers from the developing world, where more and more of your food comes from, to grow their food in a way that is healthy for them AND for you. That means, of course, that their countries, too, will need to follow our Two Step Process to ship and sell their products.
AND we need serious funding to complete the Health Freedom Documentary which we began, but did not have enough funding to complete.
So much to do. So much to do for you. How can we do it all? Simple: we need the resources and then we can do it all – you know that you can trust the Natural Solutions Foundation to be on top of issues before they arise and find the solutions. You know you can trust us to use every single penny for the Foundation’s work since none of the Trustees takes a penny for our much-more-than-full-time work. You know that we are 100% supporter supported so that our only focus is what is good for health, and for freedom. We are there for you.
Now it is time for you to be there for Health Freedom with a powerful, decisive Money Bomb!
Lay it on us so we can keep health freedom free. Just think! Today you are free of the threat that was looming over our heads: the voluntary-but-really-mandatory adjuvanted vaccine for a made-up, make-believe disease. And we, you and the Natural Solutions Foundation, did that together. What else can we do? Let’s find out. It’s Money Bomb Time!
here,, to set up your generous tax deductible recurring donation. Click here, , to order Health Freedom’s own coffee for everyone on your personal and corporate gift lists – and for yourself! Remember, Valley of the Moon™ Coffee is Free — free from GMOs, Pesticides, Herbicides, Fungicides and all other toxic chemicals. And it’s tax deductible, too! 80% of your purchase is a donation which you can deduct from your taxes, making Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee the best health freedom bargain in the world!And just WAIT until you taste it! You’ll agree that our Valley of the Moon™ Coffee IS a Little Bit of Heaven in a Cup™.
Want more ways to support the Natural Solutions Foundation? Visit and to find outstanding products for your health and support the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time!
Thank you for your continuing vital support. Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom.
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President & Oath Keeper
Rima E. Laibow, MD – Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola, JD – Counsel