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Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom & Justice™
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Indexes of Journal Issues:
Raw Milk Freedom: Video and Action Item
NEW VIDEO! Introduction to BioDynamics: Dr. Rima and Fr. Godfrey
Volume 1
Issue #1 – Spring 2009 – Lessons from Sun, Earth, Rain
Issue #2 – Summer 2010 – Teaching Kitchen
Issue #3 – Winter 2011 – Food vs PHUDE / Gen. Bert on Coffee
Issue #4 – Spring 2011 – Fr Godfrey 2 Hour bioDynamics Lecture: to be posted
Journal Annex – Greenhouse, Coffee Finca & Other Images
Plans for a Greenhouse
Food Freedom Links
Video Index – Journal Issue #1
Introduction & Video Intro
Issue One – Contents
Chapter One – The Greenhouse: Light, Soil and Magnetized Water
Chapter Two – Meet the Chickens and their Coop
Chapter Three – Dr. Rima Makes Her Rounds
Chapter Four – Lessons from the Sun, the Earth and the Rain
Codicil – Dr. Rima on the Globalist Eugenicidal Agenda
The Songhai Community Videos
Video Index – Journal Issue #2
Chapter One – Raw Milk Raw Food Yogurt at the VotM Teaching Kitchen
Chapter Two – The Teaching Kitchen
Chapter Three – The VotM Greenhouse One Year+ Later… (Two Parts)
Video Index – Journal Issue #3
Chapter One – Food vs PHUDE – A Comparison by Dr. Rima
Chapter Two – Gen. Bert on All Natural Coffee
Journal Annex – Greenhouses & Coffee Finca Images: LikeMinded Link is:
NEW VIDEO! Introduction to BioDynamic Farming: Dr. Rima and Fr. Godfrey 2.27.2012
[Full lecture to be posted.]
Food control bills (misnamed “Food Safety” bills) threaten your right to access and grow safe, clean, unadulterated food. Codex Alimentarius (the world food code) sets the stage for contaminated, degraded and unhealthful food which the US Government brings to your table through bad practices like irradiation, pesticide contamination, unlabeled GMO approval, dangerous additives and debased organic standards.
Use the Take Action on the Issues section of our main page, or and take the Action Items to continue to Push Back against these assaults on our health and food freedom.
What can you do? Grow your own food in a small space with virtually no cost and very little effort! That means that a family of 4 can have fresh, organic veggies all year in a space no larger than 4’x4′! No land? No prob! Use a balcony, a corner of your apartment or even a closet with some grow lights for winter gardening. We’ll help you bring in a bumper crop of veggies for health and freedom!
Watch this introductory Video by Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee Ralph FucetolaJD and make sure that you are on our mailing list so you can begin your journey to Food Freedom with us! Click here ( to join the Health Freedom Action eAlert list and then come right back to watch this introductory video:
Our Inaugural Issue of the Journal is free – since we want you to have this vital information!
But it wasn’t free for us to create, so your continued donations are both appreciated and necessary.
Donate here:
Please note: due to a glitch, you may have to start some of the longer videos by manually clicking on the play icon, and that icon may be partially obscured.
Vol.1 No.1:
Chapter One: Intensive Urban, Raised Bed, “Square Foot” Gardening 44 min
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert discussing the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project Intensive Urban Agriculture School in Chiriqui Province, Panama; discussing simple greenhouse construction, applying the lessons of Intensive Urban Agriculture (IUA) to both greenhouse and open air gardening; using magnetized water.
Chapter Two: Meet the Chickens 8.5 min
Every garden needs nitrogen and pest control. One way to get them is by rearing chickens sustainably. This chapter introduces the relationship between the Demonstration Project’s chickens and IUA land, with a simple, easy to manage movable chicken coop.
Chapter Three: Dr. Rima Makes Her Rounds 32 min
Dr. Rima discusses watering plants, focuses on gardening, preventative medicine and comments on the political nature of seed-saving.
Chapter Four: Lessons from the Sun, the Earth and the Rain 19 min
Dr. Laibow discusses some of the lessons learned so far in the project.
You can learn more about the Valley of the Moon at:
Growing your own food is an act as ancient as human society. Saving seeds is a fundamental right of personal and family freedom. Bills before Congress will rip that right from your hands and create a potentially lethal dependence on industrialized food and food producers. These bills include the fake “Food Safety” bill, S 510 and the fake “Dietary Supplement Safety Act” (DSSA – S 3002) that would, together, suppress family farms and ranches, natural and local food production (community gardens; farmers markets; seed savers) and that form of high potency food known as Dietary Supplements. This would be done under the guise of “food safety” but would apply standards that may be needed to deal with the dangers of large-scale industrialized, Big Agribiz production to local growers and supplement makers. The resultant “barriers against entry” would strip us of our right to natural alternatives while guaranteeing the profits of the biggest of the Bigs…
Take a moment right now to click below to tell Members of Congress and other decision makers that your right to control your own food supply is precious to you and you demand that they preserver that right without interference. And please pass this link to everyone on your contact list asking them to do the same. PUSH BACK works!
You can find all our current Action Items on the Main Page at:
As we say, “Push Back Works!” See our Accomplishments page for some examples:
Please also take a look at the Songhai Videos we’ve posted on our YouTube channel. We view the Songhai Community as a model for BeyondOrganic, BioDynamic, Zero Emissions farming and gardening. In addition to these videos, posted 2008, we are posting a 2012 interview with Fr. Godfrey, Director of the Songhai Initiative, Click Here.
All Natural Solutions videos are here:
First Part
Second Part
Third Part
Fourth Part
We need your help…
Your tax deductible donations are much needed and gratefully accepted to keep the Natural Solutions Foundation active at Codex (where we will be later this month, thanks to your help) and to keep information like the Food Freedom eJournal coming your way, along with urgently important Action Steps. To donate click here: Small donations add up. Large donations needed, too!
Yours in health and freedom,
General Bert
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US A, Ret.)
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Counsel Ralph
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee
Vol.1 No.2:
1. Raw Milk Raw-Food Yogurt at the Valley of the Moon BeyondOrganic Teaching Kitchen, Restaurant and Internet Cafe –
2. The Teaching Kitchen: Grand Opening of the Restaurant & Internet Cafe
3. The VotM Greenhouse, a year+ later…
Part One –
Part Two –
Plans for a Greenhouse at the Valley of the Moon
We need your help to make these plans a reality…
Video Index – Journal Issue #3
Food vs PHUDE – Dr. Rima Gives Examples …
Gen. Bert on All Natural Coffee – Fighting Fungus
Dr. Rima Reports: Internet Radio, every Sunday Morning, 9 AM CST
Natural Solutions Foundation Food Freedom Groups:
Help us educate decision makers about Raw Milk Freedom!
Dr. Ron Paul’s Raw Milk ICC Freedom Bill – HR.1830
Action Item to contact your congressional representatives here:
Video Interview with Dr. Paul:
Journal Indexes
External Links:
Journal Annex – Greenhouse Images:
Wisdom from an 11 year-old: Birke Baehr on Ted Talks:
How to tell if you are buying GMO veggies at the supermarket:
Vertical Urban Gardening:
Natural Solutions Foundation
Once again, the Natural Solutions Foundation wants to thank the Environmental Working Group for their outstanding work. For 5 years the EWG has published a list of the safest, and most dangerous, types of produce, focusing on pesticide levels.
Here is this year’s list. Numbers in front of the item indicate how bad it is (higher is worse), numbers after the item indicate its pesticide load. So eat from the bottom of the list if you are not buying organic. If you are eating organic, you can enjoy the whole bounty of spring’s harvest.
But think for a moment, before you begin to plan your shopping this season, what it means to have foods like peaches, apples and sweet peppers so contaminated that eating them is, quite literally, taking your life onto your fork and into your hands.
That is what the industrialized food producers have done so far: introduced, with the blessings of our weak and dangerous government regulators who allegedly are keeping our food safe, chemicals and genetic alterations, irradiation and other degredations which have made our food not only unwholesome, but downright dangerous.
But WAIT!! There’s more. HR 875, S 425 and the associated bills working their way rapidly through our clueless (or worse!!!) Congress are fixing to make the current level of contamination look like Grandma’s home grown goodies. Click here to tell Congress in no uncertain terms that this set of bills must not pass and, if pass, MUST be ammended to protect home and organic food production, growing and farming.
HR 875 and S 425 (and their associated bills) provide for a level of industrial control of our food supply that will, not might, may, could or can, but WILL guarantee that you and your family WILL get sick from even more poisoned food. Maybe not this week, maybe not until a few years down the road, but nutritional under supply (from foods grown in soil fertilized with synthetic fertilizers and depleted from de mineralization never really corrected) and toxic overload WILL weaken your immune system, divert you from your life pursuits with chronic and often lethal illness. Freedom? You’ll be too sick to care.
Your food WILL be genetically modified. GMO crops require 4 times more pesticide than conventional ones and a great many of them require huge amounts of herbicides (like glyphosate or Roundup(C), a wildly dangerous chemical which is associated with cancer, infertility, auto immune diseases and more.
Roundup(C) is, of course, just one of a wide variety of horrifically toxic chemicals whose regulation these new laws put into the hands of unelected bureaucrats whose discretion is breathtaking. Their interest is not in food safety. Their interest is in serving the needs of their corporate masters, and their corporate masters’ masters.
If that does not ring right with you, take a look at the lethal mess our food supply is in today. And then consider that it is the US FDA and USDA, again serving their corporate masters, who run the show at Codex Alimentarius, bringing us horrific standards and guidelines which have the potential to degrade the health, and shorten the life, of every man, woman and child on the planet who eats food grown inside the corporate corral. Of course, for you and me, NOT doing so will be a crime. Saving seeds will be a crime. Growing pristine organic food (or better) will, if the laws currently under consideration are implemented, quickly become a criminal act. The SWAT teams who raided the Ohio family organic cooperative a couple of months ago, the raw milk farmer in Pennsylvania who was taken to jail for selling his clean product and a host of other food atrocities will look, I am afraid, like the “Good Old Days” should these laws reach their logical – and lethal – consequences.
Remember, the law is one thing. Contaminated food is quite another.
Government regulatory agencies regulate for the sake of corporate interests. Yours are nowhere to be seen, unless, of course, you are Monsanto. In fact, the Representative who introduced HR 875 is married, as was a previous, and deeply destructive long-time US Codex delegate, to a Monsanto lawyer. No accident.
The proposed new food agency and the new food powers (under these laws) are nothing short of cataclysmic and over the line insane from a health perspective. The Natural Solutions Foundation proposes removing ALL food regulatory power from the federal government which has, for about 80 years now, proven itself to be increasingly unable to push back the demands of industry, whether Big Pharma, Big Agribiz or Big Chema (or Big Medica, for that matter) weighed against the public good. Deadly drugs, deadly food, deadly environmental contamination and an unrelenting, accelerating assault on health aids like supplements and Nano silver are the result.
Click the link below to tell Congress that, while you want the FDA, USDA, EPA and other inept and dangerous government agencies stripped of their food regulatory powers and those powers returned to newly constructed agencies at the State level controlled by consumers, statutorily devoid of corporate impact or connection, with harsh penalties for any breech of the perimeter keeping industry out of food regulation, we oppose the pending bills, HR875 and S425 which do not contain language to protect family farms and ranches; organic and natural products.
More about this at:
When an agency or program has failed, the typical political situation is to throw money at it to “reform it”, making it bigger, giving it more powers and then watch it fail worse – followed by more money and more power.
This is precisely what has happened with the latest FDA modernization and revitalization bills. More money, more power, more curruption, less safety of either food or drugs.
Drugs you can avoid voluntarily. Food you cannot.
The Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning for several years that home grown and produced food, and organic food, would be coming under sustained and terminal attack. Unfortunately, we were right and that attack is being mounted now. Therefore, the counter thrust must be mounted now, and it must be swift, effective and decisive.
Food MUST be taken out of the hands of the corrupt federal agencies and given back to the people. And saved seed, a corner stone of liberty, along with clean, unadulterated food, MUST not be taken out of your hands and mine.
If you love fascism, sit back and do nothing. If you want to see farmers forced to leave their land and their livlihoods, unable to produce clean food for you, sit back and do nothing. If you want to be forbidden to grow, can, preserver or share your own good food in the US of farmland from sea to shining sea, sit back and do nothing.
If you want the laws of the US “HARMonized” with the draconian food laws of Europe, where a cucumber cannot be sold unless its curvature is correct and where the hundreds of seed companies that once flourished have been reduced to a rapidly dwindling handful, please, sit back and do nothing.
But if you, like me, are aghast at these options, then stand up and be counted. Start disseminating and rousing support for the following action items as if your very life (and that of your children and grandchildren) deepened upon it. Your life and their does depend upon it.
Click below to read a detailed analysis of HR 875 and S 425 and their frighteningly (and absurdly) vague permissiveness giving industry full reign over your food and therefore, your health.
Alarm Bells Ringing in Europe and the US –
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Full List: 47 Fruits & Veggies
RANK Lower numbers are worse
SCORE Higher numbers are worse
1 (worst) Peach 100 (highest pesticide load)
2 Apple 93
3 Sweet Bell Pepper 83
4 Celery 82
5 Nectarine 81
6 Strawberries 80
7 Cherries 73
8 Kale 69
9 Lettuce 67
10 Grapes – Imported 66
11 Carrot 63
12 Pear 63
13 Collard Greens 60
14 Spinach 58
15 Potato 56
16 Green Beans 53
17 Summer Squash 53
18 Pepper 51
19 Cucumber 50
20 Raspberries 46
21 Grapes – Domestic 44
22 Plum 44
23 Orange 44
24 Cauliflower 39
25 Tangerine 37
26 Mushrooms 36
27 Banana 34
28 Winter Squash 34
29 Cantaloupe 33
30 Cranberries 33
31 Honeydew Melon 30
32 Grapefruit 29
33 Sweet Potato 29
34 Tomato 29
35 Broccoli 28
36 Watermelon 26
37 Papaya 20
38 Eggplant 20
39 Cabbage 17
40 Kiwi 13
41 Sweet Peas – Frozen 10
42 Asparagus 10
43 Mango 9
44 Pineapple 7
45 Sweet Corn – Frozen 2
46 Avocado 1
47 (best) Onion 1 (lowest pesticide load)