Trustees Vax Opinion Series
Part One: Dr. Rima:
Part Two: Gen. Bert: See Below
Part Three: Counsel Ralph (Coming Soon)
General Bert: Here I Stand!Stand With Me Against Vaccines Here:
Direct Link to this Article:
For my 32 years of military service I said “Yes”.
“Yes, Sir! I will go to war.”
“Yes, Sir! I will wage a war-like peace.”
“Yes, Sir! You own my body and I will take all the vaccines you tell me I should.”
“Yes, Sir! Authority knows better than I could possibly know about my body”.
I know better now.
Now I say “NO! NO, SIR! You do not own my body. I fought for freedom to own it, not to surrender that freedom. I fought for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not slavery, experimentation and the pursuit of profitable illness at your pleasure. No, Sir!”
“I will defend your right to say NO! just as vigorously as I defend my own right to that precious word. I will however, defy coerced authority.”
Of course, that means that I need you by my side in the battle telling the would-be enslavers who want to control what is rightfully ours – our bodies – that you are having none of it, just as I am having none of it.
That means pushback: putting our strength (huge numbers and real science) against their weakness (tiny numbers and the lies of corrupted science). Create Push Back by taking this Action Item every day!
Then mobilize every person you can help muster to do the same, taking this action viral before their induced viruses — and worse — do indeed sicken us — and worse.
I look to you to join me in saying “NO! Sir!” to medical tyranny in all of its form, starting with the syringes pointed at you right now.
Yours in health and freedom,
Gen. Bert