A Vaccine Reaction that Can Send You to Jail!
Access to our SBS Hoax Webinar: 3.5+ Hours
With world-class experts exposing the lie.
In response to Care2’s article Shaken Baby Syndrome: An Exercise in “Faith” or Science We Can Trust?
Don’t accept mandatory vaccines, Take Action Here.
Congratulations to Ms. Del Prete and kudos to Judge Kennelly.
The myth/hoax of Shaken Baby Syndrome is coming unraveled. About 12,500 babies will die of so-called “Shaken Baby Syndrome” in the US this year. But they will not die at the hands of violent, irrational caretakers.
We now know what kills these babies. The abuse from which they die comes out of a syringe, not from the hands of their care givers. And now, thanks to scientists like. Michael Innis, MD we know what the mechanism by which vaccines kill these babies.
In a powerful 3.5 our webinar + heavily referenced ebook and special Shaken Baby Sydrome Guide for Parents, Police and Prosecutors, http://TinyURL.com/SBSHoax (available in both Spanish and English) the real science of what kills babies in these cases is laid bare.
Short answer? Shaken Baby Syndrome is nearly always a vaccine injury caused by an auto immune response to the toxic materials in the vaccine. The pancreas of the baby is unable to produce insulin leading to consequences which are documented by laboratory tests (tests which usually are not done and which corrupt judges do to allow into evidence when a parent or baby sitter is being rail-roaded to jail, sometimes for life.
Why? to protect vaccine use, at the cost of life and liberty
How to save these babies, and how to stay out of jail? Simple. Get legal vaccine exemptions for yourself and your family members and stop vaccinating them.
Despite the hype, vaccines are dangerous and ineffective. Risk/benefit? All risk, no benefit.
For more information, you can access the webinar at the site given above or watch our video archives of the 2 hour Dr. Rima Truth Reports radios show at www.youtube.com/NaturalSolutions. Many shows dealing with this topic are available without charge there.
Click Here To Take Action.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima