Natural Solutions Foundation
Says US Government
No Forced Vaccine Action Step
3 Weeks to Save Health Freedom:
You know that push back works. We are finding out together just how well it works! Last week, the US Government made it clear that, whether they want to or not, they have to respond to our demands. We are not home yet, but we sure have pushed the mandatory vaccine crew back quite a way.
We don’t want mandatory vaccines. We don’t want incarceration. What we do want is the right to control our own lives and health choices We’ve been telling the US Government, Governors and State Legislators exactly that with more than 1.3 million emails to that effect… so far.
Last week, Secretary Sibelius of Health and Human Services (home of FDA and CDC), along with Dr. Fauci of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases went on record (CSpan) responding to our insistent, persistent demand for self sheilding rather than mandatory pandemic vaccination. Of course, they did not mention us by name but they were clearly repsonding to our email campaign demanding the right to own our own bodies. They said all vaccinations would be voluntary – and we don’t believe them for a minute. Here’s why, and here’s what we need to do.
‘Ministry of Truth’ Spins Lies,
a la 1984
Note that in the following quotes from official documents, published in 2005, “quarantine” applies to people who have not yet become ill while “isolation” applies to those who have already developed the disease.
The benign-sounding, but very ominous, term “provisional quarantine”, by the way, is defined on p. 41 of 42 CFR 70_71.pdf as “detention on an involuntary basis of a person or group of persons reasonably believed to be in the qualifying stage of a quarantinable disease until a quarantine order has been issued or until the [CDC – REL] Director determines that provisional quarantine is no longer warranted.”
NOTE: As you read through the following quotes authorizing the CDC to quarantine you on a “voluntary” basis if you do not take the pandemic vaccine on a “voluntary” basis, I suggest you insert the word “involuntary” in front of every place that “quarantine” appears – REL
Now that the US Government has declared that vaccines will be “voluntary”, you need to understand that in an Orwellian inversion, “voluntary vaccination” will actually be mandatory vaccination which would work like this:
* The US Government could, like any good politician, simply reverse this “campaign promise” and, to put it simply, lie. This would neither be uncommon nor unexpected. The only protection against this would be legislation such as the legislation we have proposed in our No Forced Vaccination Action item and which Dr. Ron Paul is considering introducing. Enthusiastic support for this legislation will help collect enough spponsors and supporters to pass.
* WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) are legally binding upon all 194 signatory countries, including the US. If WHO advises mandatory vaccination under the IHR, the US would be obligated to reverse its current stand and require mandatory vaccination for the Swine Flu, Level 6 Pandemic. US Legal exemptions for self shielding, but not for medical conditions, would, we believe, trump this requirment since we believe legal action by the US BEFORE mandatory vaccination is invoked would give the US legal authority to allow self shielding without violating international law.,
* Executive Order 13375 permits federal isolation and quarntine of individuals to prevent transmission of numerous diseases including “influenza that can cause a pandemic”. Under this April 1, 2005 EO signed by George W. Bush, and the following regulations, anyone violating a quarantine order can be punished by a $250,000 fine and a one year prison term while organizations may be punished by a $500,000 fine….” , 42CFR70_71-1.pdf p.3
* Under §§361-368 of the Public Health Services Act (42-USC 264-271), the government can “make and enforce regulations as are necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission or spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States and from one State or possession into another….especially when combined with vaccination….” 42CFR70_71-1.pdf p.3
* Section 70.9 of the Public Health Services Act (42-USC 264-271) allows the government to establish vaccination clinics and charge a user fee for that vaccination [unless you are a Medicare B recipient] introducing “…health strategies such as vaccination.” Records must be carefully kept although “the Director may waive or modify these requirements in the event of a public health emergency.” That means that, as in the military’s use of experimental vaccines, records do not have to be kept. Since all vaccine makers and those who administer them are specifically exempt from any liability, there is, from their point of view, perhaps no reason to keep records – REL 42CFR70_71-1.pdf p.3
* “Persons subject to provisional quarantine may be offered medical treatment, prophylaxis, or vaccination as the Director deems necessary to prevent the transmission or spread of disease. Medical treatment prophylaxis, or vaccination will typically occur in a hosptial setting but may occur in other settings as the Director deems necessary.” “Medical treatment, prophylaxis, or vaccination may occur in a hospital or other settings, including homes [Empahsis added – REL] as the Director deems necessary,… on a voluntary basis….provided that persons who refuse remain subject to quarantine until the period of incubation and communicability have passed.” 42CFR70_71-1.pdf p.13, 14 [Empahsis added – NOTE: this gives additional weight to our demand for home self-shielding – REL]
* “Medical treatment, prophylaxis, or vaccination shall occur on a voluntary basis, provided that persons who refuse remain subject to provisional quarantine.” [Empahsis added – REL] 42CFR70_71-1.pdf p.13
* “The length of quarantine shall not exceed the period of incubation and communicability” which for influenza is given as “1-4 days following exposure” and another “5-14 days following onset of illness”. 42CFR70_71-1.pdf p.14
NOTE: you can be held in “provisional quarantine” indefinitely although the quarantine itself is not to exceed the period of inclubation and communicability of the disease. Imagine, for a moment,that you are in a detention center and someone else develops a cold, cough or fever. You ALL could then be held in povisional detention for another period, and another and another…. since:
* The person in quarantine “may refuse examination, medical monitoring, medical treatment, prophilaxis or vaccination, but that if they choose to do so they remain subject to quarantine“ [Emphasis added] 42CFR70_71-1.pdf p.15
* Once Pandemic Emergency powers are invoked, you could be given the “choice” to accept a flu shot or not. If you do, whatever the consequences are, you can sue no one, and no one is liable for your damages (or death). If you “choose” not to accept the “voluntary” flu shot, you will very likely then be faced with provisional quarantine, which equals incarceration/quarantine/detention for as long as the government chooses to detain you.
Despite the legalism, I would call that mandatory vaccination, wouldn’t you?
Isn’t this just a “perfect storm”: those who submit to the vaccination have no redress and those who refuse are subject to indefinite detention.
All 50 States have legislation allowing medical exemptions for conventional vaccines. Nearly all have religious exemptions and some have philosophical exemptions. Pandemic vaccines do not, however, fall under those laws. Public health laws vary from state to state but most have adopted some version of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) which allows the 44 states and the District of Columbia which have passed some or all of this statute to:
– Take control of all roads leading into and out of cities and states
– Seize homes, cars, phones, computers, food, fuel, clothing, firearms and alcoholic beverages for their own use (without liability)
– Arrest, imprison, forecibly examine, vaccinate and medicate citizens without consent (without liability) [Emphasis added – REL]
The MSEHPA allows/requires the Governor of the State to declare a pandemic health emergency once the federal government has done so. At that point, citizens who refuse medical examination or treatment, even if there is no evidence of contamination, will be incarcerated either under a felony or a misdemenor charge (varies by State). This incarceration is for an indefinite period. What this means to you is that you will be ‘disappeared’ without recourse, legal right of appeal or control over your body or your fate.
Under the Constitution of These United States, all matters not specifically designated as government functions are left to the States and the People. Public health is not mentioned in the Constitution so it is a State matter. Thus, the MSEHPA literally OVER RIDES the Federal actions so the fact that the CDC Director would allow you an appeal (which might or might not be granted and might or might now lead to your release if granted) has no meaning if your incarceration is in a State facility. But this also means that your State can pass the legislation that we have proposed in our No Forced Vaccination Action item, restoring your right to control your own destiny and your control over your children’s bodies. And, by the way, so can the Federal Government, which is why Ron Paul is considering introducing this legislation.
Every time you submit one of our No Forced Vaccination Action Items, the Governor of your state recieves it. So do your State legislators. And your Federal legislators. And the Secretary of Health and Human Services. And the Secretary of Department of Homeland Security. And the White House.
That means that they, both State and Federal decison makers, are hearing our roar. But the roar has to be loud enough to make it clear that we will not be vaccinated against our will, not even for a phony pandemic which apparently, at least in the minds of WHO (June 11) and HHS (April 25) required a declaration of “Pandemic Emergency)” despite the fact that:
* The first alleged Swine Flu death occurred on April 14, 2009 in Mexico
* Baxter applied for the patent for its version of the vaccine in 2007
* Novartis’ Swine Flu vaccine was removed from the market in Feb, 2009
* “Swine Flu” is diagnosed wrong 90% of the time because its symptoms are indistinguishable from normal seasonal flu
* Swine Flu lab diagnosis is highly inaccurate
* Swine Flu cases are no longer being counted, per a WHO directive, [since diagnosis is so poor – REL]
* Swine Flu has caused far fewer deaths than the normal seasonable flu
* Not one person has been proven, through established forensic methods, to have ever died FROM Swine Flu although some may have died WITH Swine Flu (the fact is, even this is unclear)
On April 29, Alex Jones released the following important information:
Homeland Security Issues Alert on
Mandatory Quarantine Procedures
BATF and FBI to forcibly detain Americans despite only 7 confirmed swine flu deaths in Mexico
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Department of Homeland Security has sent out an alert to health care providers outlining how BATF, FBI, and U.S. Marshals will be called upon to impose mandatory quarantines in the event of a widespread swine flu outbreak in the U.S.
According to the report, “DHS Assistant Secretary Bridger McGaw circulated the swine flu memo, which was obtained by, on Monday night. It says: “The Department of Justice has established legal federal authorities pertaining to the implementation of a quarantine and enforcement. Under approval from HHS, the Surgeon General has the authority to issue quarantines.”
The memo states, “U.S. Customs and Coast Guard Officers assist in the enforcement of quarantine orders. Other DOJ law enforcement agencies including the U.S. Marshals, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives may also enforce quarantines. Military personnel are not authorized to engage in enforcement.”
However, a separate Defense Department planning document, DOD_Pl_Implementation_Plan_August_2006_Public_Release.pdf, on dealing with pandemics states that the Pentagon will use the forces at its disposal to assist in “quarantining groups of people in order to minimize the spread of disease during an influenza pandemic” and aid in “efforts to restore and maintain order.”
As we reported yesterday, so-called “involuntary isolation” is already being enforced in certain areas of the United States. The state’s health director in North Carolina, Dr. Jeffrey Engel, said that authorities were already involuntarily isolating patients who may have the swine flu virus. He refused to divulge the location of where the victims were being quarantined.
News reports such as this one from MSNBC are prevaricating around the contention that quarantines are a normal event that Americans should be comfortable with. In reality, there has only been one case of “involuntary quarantine” in the U.S. in the last 45 years.
“In 2007, Andrew Speaker, an Atlanta lawyer, was quarantined inside a hospital in Denver on suspicion of having extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. It turned out that the CDC was incorrect and Speaker had a milder form of the disease,” states the CBS report.
The MSNBC report also falsely claims that quarantines will solely be handled on a state/local level, when in reality, Bush’s executive order 13375 outlines a federal response, and the DHS memo lists numerous federal authorities that will have powers of quarantine.
In addition, the Bush administration’s National Strategy For Pandemic Influenza (Pandemic-Influenza.pdf) released in November 2005, states that the federal government will impose “quarantines” and “limitations on gatherings”.
Is this the most important of the crises facing us? I believe so. Can you have an impact on the outcome of this crisis? I know so. We already are having that impact. My estimate is that we need about 10 emails for every one already sent. You can make that happen!