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Psychiatry’s 3D Shame: Deceive, Diagnose, Drug
Cassandra, the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy was cursed by Apollo, whom she offended, with always being right but never being believed. She warned her father not to open the gates to the Trojan Horse but no one listened. The horse was brought in and, the story goes, in the dead of night, its huge belly was opened and the warriors hidden within destroyed Troy. Being right did not make Cassandra happy.
Being right does not make me happy when I am writing about things like deceiving, diagnosing and drugging an entire population for the benefits of anyone but the patient.
Being right when I wrote, decades ago, that the use of psychiatric drugs, especially in children, was a disastrous, brain-damaging and insane social and medical policy. These drugs are untested, toxic and will create a society of pharmaceutically damaged people rather than ill people being well treated. Being right when I said that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals for Psychiatry were dangerous and would lead to the expansion of diagnoses and treatment to the point where there were none who dared resist and non who were not diagnosed. Being right when I wrote that Psychiatric diagnoses rested in marketing, not in science and that treating CFL (corporate financial lust) was fundamentally insane, but that the insanity did not lie with the patient.
And being right when I wrote that possible drugging would inevitably become mandated drugging, although neither the science or the treatments were any better.
Alas, like Cassandra, my predictions did not ring real when I wrote them but we have arrived where I saw us collectively headed. Dangerous drugs for everything that even smacks of real life and universal mandating just around the corner – if we turn that corner.
First, an admission: I am, by training, a Psychiatrist, encouraged by that training to treat children, adolescents and adults. But I was, I believe, saved from violating the basic ethical standard of medicine (and, with decency, every activity which involves any of us): Primum non nocere – Latin for “First Do No Harm”.
It is my considered belief, after considerable study, clinical practice and observation, that it is literally impossible to BE a practicing Psychiatrist, FOLLOWING THE PRACTICE GUIDELINES AND “STANDARD OF CARE IN THE COMMUNITY” PRACTICES, and NOT do harm, first, middle and last. That is why I have never treated anyone for anything using medication with two exceptions: a wildly psychotic 19 year old patient of mine in a State Hospital locked ward was suffering the torments of the damned (which is what he believed himself to be) as he unendingly hallucinated his inner terror. I prescribed for him enough sedation to allow him to stop screaming after 9 days of 24 hour nightmare. I was a First Year Resident at the time and knew nothing of orthomolecular psychiatry (the use of nutrients for mental relief and health), but I knew that I had to do something to help this young man by allowing him to reach into our world and us to reach into his. Once the madness-fear-madness cycle was broken, our work began. Ironically, my Chief Resident had just returned from a sojourn with the British Psychiatrist R. E. Liang, who saw schizophrenia as a glorious adventure so I had to go toe to toe with my superior and his superior and HIS superior to provide some respite for my young patient. I did and I won that battle.
Today, neither my Chief Resident, the well-known Dr. James Gordon, nor I would medicate that patient, both of us for very different reasons.
The other patient was a lady who had been addicted to Xanax(R) by her General Practitioner. I had to write a prescription for a small amount to complete weaning her from that intentionally highly addictive, and therefore highly profitable, psychoactive drug.
That takes care of my prescription history for psychiatric drugs over a 40 year career practicing medicine and psychiatry with some of the most seriously ill patients in the world. Successfully. Very Successfully.
So you can see that the article below chills me to the bone. It announces another step down the path of subservient lunacy for the disgraced profession of Psychiatry, a profession devoted to poisoning a specific target organ in the face of better, safer, cheaper, kinder and more effective options like nutrition and NeuroBioFeedback, appropriate therapies and social and health supports.
It is my considered view after 40 years of practice, that there is no place, that’s right, no place whatsoever, for psychiatric drugs. None. But, then, it is also my considered opinion that there is no place for any drugs in the Doctor’s office, although there is a place for them in the Emergency Room or ambulance while a patient is being transported there.
Psychiatrists no longer learn to talk to, and therefore, to listen to people. They are trained to look for flags that trigger this drug being prescribed or that one. The “literature” in their journals is mostly junk, paid for, authored by, and owned by the drug companies. But then, the “scientific journals” that publish them are, in reality, little more than advertising circulars for their magnificent, deceptive and callously dishonest advertisements. Just ask Marcia Angel, who resigned in protest as Editor of the [supposedly] prestigious New England Journal of Medicine because of the deep, dark and deadly corruption of the “peer review” system and the staggering lies upon which drug studies, and therefore prescription practices, rest.
In the Reuters article below you will see a future emerging in which there are no normals any more. Normal means having problems and problems are given names which suggest drug treatments. Suggest? Did I say suggest? Today, for most of us, most of the time, it is a suggestion. But it is a MUCH better business model if the suggestion is rhetorical and the requirement is absolute. More drugs sold. More side effects. More drugs added to the regimen. More side effects. More brain damage which looks exactly like the condition for which the drugs were given in the first place.
If this reminds you of the influenza shot for “protection” which turns out to be the CAUSE of the influenza “epidemic” each year which then leads to more calls for more vaccines “against” the influenza “epidemic” and drugs to “treat” what was induced by the shots: flu, cancer, autism, ALS, infertility, diabetes, etc., etc., etc., then you are paying attention. The business model is identical.
And just as the flu shot is transitioning from voluntary to mandatory, so the use of psychoactive drugs, all of them, for “diseases” and “conditions” that any decent human being would be ashamed to label another person with, let alone “treat” them for, will soon be mandatory unless we collectively say “NO!”, as we did to the Swine Flu vaccination (now included in this year’s dangerous seasonal flu shot.
Here’s you bit: Help support the Stop the Shot lawsuit against the FDA. Now that H1N1 vaccine will be added to the seasonal flu shot, the women who lost their babies after they took it are especially important plaintiffs in this case. Click here,, to set up your recurring tax deductible donation, large or small. Act now, before the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual declares caring about your life and your body a mental disorder, as caring about a healthy diet and clean food has become. There are, by the way, two names for this “disorder”:
1. “Orthorexia| from “Ortho” meaning correct and “orexis” meaning appetite
2. Complete, total and unmitigated garbage.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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Mental health experts ask: Will anyone be normal?
(Reuters) – An updated edition of a mental health bible for doctors may include diagnoses for “disorders” such as toddler tantrums and binge eating, experts say, and could mean that soon no-one will be classed as normal.
Leading mental health experts gave a briefing on Tuesday to warn that a new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is being revised now for publication in 2013, could devalue the seriousness of mental illness and label almost everyone as having some kind of disorder.
Citing examples of new additions like “mild anxiety depression,” “psychosis risk syndrome,” and “temper dysregulation disorder,” they said many people previously seen as perfectly healthy could in future be told they are ill.
“It’s leaking into normality. It is shrinking the pool of what is normal to a puddle,” said Til Wykes of the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College London.
The DSM is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and contains descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders. It is seen as the global diagnostic bible for the field of mental health medicine.
The criteria are designed to provide clear definitions for professionals who treat patients with mental disorders, and for researchers and pharmaceutical drug companies seeking to develop new ways of treating them.
Wykes and colleagues Felicity Callard, also of Kings’ Institute of Psychiatry, and Nick Craddock of Cardiff University’s department of psychological medicine and neurology, said many in the psychiatric community are worried that the further the guidelines are expanded, the more likely it will become that nobody will be classed as normal any more.
“Technically, with the classification of so many new disorders, we will all have disorders,” they said in a joint statement. “This may lead to the belief that many more of us ‘need’ drugs to treat our ‘conditions’ — (and) many of these drugs will have unpleasant or dangerous side effects.”
The scientists said “psychosis risk syndrome” diagnosis was particularly worrying, since it could falsely label young people who may only have a small risk of developing an illness.
“It’s a bit like telling 10 people with a common cold that they are “at risk for pneumonia syndrome” when only one is likely to get the disorder,” Wykes told the briefing.
The American Psychiatric Association did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The scientists gave examples from the previous revision to the DSM, which was called DSM 4 and included broader diagnoses and categories for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism and childhood bipolar disorders.
This, they said, had “contributed to three false epidemics” of these conditions, particularly in the United States.
“During the last decade, how many doctors were harangued by worried parents into giving drugs like Ritalin to children who didn’t really need it?,” their statement asked.
Millions of people across the world, many of them children, take ADHD drugs including Novartis’ Ritalin, which is known generically as methylphenidate, and similar drugs such as Shire Plc’s Adderall and Vyvanse. In the United States alone, sales of these drugs was about $4.8 billion in 2008.
Wykes and Callard published a comment in The Journal of Mental Health expressing their concern about the upcoming DSM revision and highlighting another 10 or more papers in the same journal from other scientists who were also worried. DSM 5 is due to be published in May 2013.
(Editing by Peter Graff)