No 1 Issue? Informed Consent. No 1 Candidate? TBD.
Candidate Responses Here
Index: Open Letter / Dr Rima’s Memo / Candidate Responses
Still Waiting to Hear from Trump and Biden
Parties Contacted:
Parties on All or Nearly All State Ballots
Parties on Limited State Ballots
Few candidates for the high office of President of the United States are talking about the most critical issue of all: YOUR Right of Informed Consent. YOUR Health Freedom needs YOUR effort right now. We need each and every health freedom advocate to get the message to all the 2020 presidential candidates – and all other candidates for office. Here is a form letter you can use to contact them. At the bottom of this page is contact information for you to use. Act Now! More information here: https://tinyurl.com/InformedConsentPresident
Open Letter to Presidential Candidates
.Dear Sir, Madam, Senator, Governor, Representative, Ms, Mrs, Mr or Dr:
You want my ‘polling place love’, mu vote, and that of millions of other Americans so that you can live, for at least 4 years, in very posh, beautifully appointed public housing. You also want a role in history and a hand on the very considerable tiller of the Ship of State of this troubled and potentially magnificent country.
I applaud you for that aspiration, which I am sure you have harbored for a very long time. However, unlike an ideal mother’s love, voter love is not unconditional, as you already know.
To win my ‘polling-place love’ you are willing to offer me things, wonderful things, and programs and priorities to fill my wallet, my belly and my heart. And some of it may, actually, be your intention.
But I want something very specific from you in order to give you that election day elan. You already know that the love that politicians get is fleeting and fickle unless they actually deliver on their promises over and over and over again. I want you to break that mold on the first, foremost and most basic issue of our times (and most others).
It is an issue, however basic and essential it may be, that neither you nor any of your co-Presidential hopefuls have uttered a single word on and that frightens and depresses me.
I am totally unable and completely unwilling to offer my ‘polling place love’ to a candidate for the highest office in this land who neither knows nor cares about, and is not fiercely and diligently defending my right to Informed Consent and his/her own.
Informed consent, much like the Speed of Light, is not only a good idea, it is the law.
Any ratifying nation of the Geneva Convention, a category in which the United States fits, is bound by the legal provisions of that treaty, as it is by any other ratified international treaty. And the Geneva Convention specifically states that all persons have the right of Informed Consent, that is, the right to refuse, without pressure, punishment, overreaching or other coercion, any, repeat, ANY medical intervention.
That refusal can be for religious reasons, medical reasons, ethical reasons, imaginary reasons or for no reasons at all. It is a right, not a privilege and, as a right, may not be abridged by the State or its agents.
That means that health mandates violate national and international law. Those who violate correctly asserted Advance Health Directives or other properly expressed refusals of medical interventions are committing domestic and international crimes, commonly referred to as “Crimes Against Humanity”.
But our legislators and regulators, lured, I am afraid by shoddy and shameful corporate and personal interest have forgotten that and chosen, instead, the plunge headlong into a frenzy of health mandates, focusing on vaccine mandates by removing exemption options for school children and employees of various types of institutions, force vaccinating, sometimes under the actual threat of armed police and attack dogs (Prince George’s County, MD, for example) children and others.
Regulations like those of Rockland County, NY, forbidding unvaccinated persons to use public spaces like sidewalks are so eggregious as to be hard to believe, but they are, sadly, real.
To make matters even worse, these vaccine mandates to attend school or keep a job, for example, force upon the citizenry substances which whose approvals by the Federal agencies tasked with those approvals are universally unlawful.
FDA has admitted in Court that in the 33 years since Congress placed a statutory requriement on them to submit annually to that body a report on both the safety and efficacy of each vaccine approved in the United States and show that each vaccine was safer than previous ones, not one such report, annual or otherwise, has been produced.
That means that every single vaccine deployed with government approval is an illegal drug being illegally recommended and/or mandated.
It is, of course, self evident that illegal substances cannot be mandated by the government even if there were no such thing as the inviolable Right of Informed Consent.
So my ‘polling place love’, my support for you candidacy and your presidential aspirations rides, first and foremost, on your public acknowledgement, support and defense of my Right of Informed Consent.
Should you chose to champion this essential standard of an ethical and lawful socieity, I promise you my outspoken support of you as its champion and my grassroots passion for your campaign.
Of course, I will expect you to fulfill your promises in this area and will hold your feet to this ethical fire throughout your Presidency and subsequent political life.
Should you choose to embrace this stance and make it your own, you will set yourself well apart from the Presidential Pack and become a leader, a Statesperson and a true champion of what makes this country magnificent when she is: the clear and explicit honor of a nation ruled by just laws implemented by just men and women.
I look forward eagerly to your response, publicly and privately.
[Your name and email address].
For more information on public policy and Informed Consent, please contact the Natual Solutions Foundation
http://www.drrimatruthreports.com and its Trustees
Rima E. Laibow, MD — dr.rima@naturalsolutionsfoundation.com, and Counsel Ralph Fucetola — ralph.fucetola@gmail.com.
Share this message with this link: http://drrimatruthreports.com/open-letter-to-the-candidates/
Not one candidate for the high office of President of the United States is talking about the most critical issue of all: your Right of Informed Consent.
Without that right, you’ll find yourself under punishing mandates for vaccines and other dangerous “public health” requirements or you’ll lose your children or your job or your home or your freedom or, eventually, your life.
Fluoride is a perfect example. Did anyone ask you if you want a neuro/endocrine/sterility toxin in your water and food? No? but it’s GOOOOOOOD for you. The science is settled (in the opposite direction, as it happens).
Vaccines mandates are hard upon us, and burgeoning rapidly, as it happens, no matter what their dangers (no, correction, because of their dangers which are very, very good for the Medical Industrial Complex).
Whether you believe you and yours should be vaccinated or not, you probably do not believe that someone owns your bodyi and can make parenting and health decisions for your children and you in your stead.
But that is precisely where we are going.
We are in election season. There are a large number of people who would be President. And I want to know where each one of them stands on the issue of MY health freedom, MY Right of Informed Consent.
For that reason, I have initiated, in close and careful collaboration with my Co-Trustee of the Natural Solutions Foundation, Counsel Ralph Fucetola, #VoteInformedConsent / #InformedConsentPresident . You can read more about it at www.opensourcetruth.com/InformedConsentPresident.
And below you will find an open letter to every Presidential hopeful. Read it and then use the information provided to send it, with your name, to the candidates in whom you are interested.
And send it to your friends. Share it. Post it on social media. Get other people thinking about this.
Those other people include the current president. Go to LINK and sign the White House Petition calling for President Trump to enforce national and international law by protecting and supporting your Right of Informed Consent.
We need 100.000 signatures in a month from today: once it reaches that number or higher, the White House has said it is committed to examining and taking action on that White House Petition,
Remember: like the Speed of Light, the Right of Informed Consent is not just a good idea: it is the law!
Demand presidential candidate advocacy for this fundamental human right!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Scroll Down; Responses are in Bold
Presumptive Nominee: Donald Trump of Florida [Awaiting Formal Reply]
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 19, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – President Trump has stated that a future coronavirus vaccine will be voluntary.
On Friday, the president introduced “Operation Warp Speed,” an ambitious Manhattan Project-style initiative to fast-track the development and distribution of a coronavirus vaccine by January 2021, tapping experts and resources in science, medicine, the military, and the private sector.
Experts have warned that the plan raises serious ethical and safety questions which are of grave importance not only to pro-life citizens, but to everyone.
However, President Trump did allay concerns about a mandatory vaccine on Friday, saying that the new vaccine would be for those “who want to get it,” adding, “Not everyone is going to want to get it.”
Presumptive Nominee: Joe Biden of Delaware [Awaiting Reply]
.Nominee: Jo Jorgensen of South Carolina – https://joj2020.com/
We communicated with Dr. Jorgensen and here is her response, provided through Facebook Messenger:
“…at no time, and in no circumstance does the government have authority to require a medical procedure against your will. … We have autonomy over our bodies, what we do with our bodies, and who we choose as providers for our health and our children’s health. The government has zero business in those decisions.”
Other Responding Libertarian Candidates:Adam Kokesh of Arizona – www.kokeshforpresident.com – “Informed consent is essential to voluntary relationships because where it is needed and not provided, a fraud is being committed. Any government that can force a vaccine on you in violation of your self-ownership shouldn’t exist.”
Max Abramson of New Hampshire – www.abramson2020.org – “Thank you for contacting me. Of course, I completely support the right of individuals to decide what to put into their own bodies, as do almost all other Libertarians, and all of the candidates whom I’ve heard from. In fact, that’s pretty much fundamental to being a libertarian. As a two-term state representative, I’ve consistently voted to protect individual choice on all matters, especially healthcare and education.”
Dan Behrman of California – www.behrman2020.com – “Nobody has the right to tell you what you can, can’t or MUST put into your own body. To do so violates fundamental human rights, and sets a dangerous precedent for abuse by politicians and special interests. While some vaccines are safe and effective, to blindly trust that decision to a class of people known for their corruption is to surrender your life, your rights, and your freedom to an untrustworthy system.”
GREEN PARTY: [Awaiting Reply]
.The Green Party Platform mentions Informed Consent in this context:
“A mental health care system that safeguards human dignity, respects individual autonomy, and protects informed consent…”
Howie Hawkins (New York) [Party “Recognized” Candidate]
Youngstown School Board Member Dario Hunter (Ohio) [Party “Recognized” Candidate]
Ivan-Jan Desuasido (California)
Dennis Lambert (Ohio)
Rhett Meier (Alabama)
Robert Milnes (New Jersey)
Sedinam Moyowasifza-Curry (California)
Curt Nichols (California)
Ian Schlakman (Maryland)
Former Governor Jesse Ventura (Minnesota).
[Candidate Poll submitted to each Party through email; awaiting replies]
Adam Seaman (Massachusetts)
Presidential NomineeEnrique Ramos (Puerto Rico)
Vice Presidential NomineeCONSTITUTION PARTY:
Don Blankenship (West Virginia)
Scott Bradley (Utah)
Darrell Castle (Tennessee)
Gloria LaRiva (California)
Eugene Puryear (District of Columbia)PROHIBITION PARTY:
C.L. “Connie” Gammon (Tennessee)
Presidential NomineePhil Collins (Nevada)
Vice Presidential NomineeREFORM PARTY USA:
Lorraine Lynch (Texas)
Darcy Richardson (Florida)SOCIALIST PARTY USA:
Elijah Manley (Florida)SOCIALIST ACTION:
Jeff Mackler (California)
Presidential NomineeHeather Bradford (Minnesota)
Vice Presidential NomineeSOCIALIST EQUALITY PARTY:
No Candidates Yet IdentifiedUNITY PARTY OF AMERICA:
Eric Bodenstab (Colorado)
Felix Biederman (New York)WORKERS WORLD PARTY:
Monica Moorehead (New York)Addresses — https://politics1.com/p2020.htm
Subject: #VoteInformedConsent