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Click here: Dr. Rima discusses the new “pandemic” fungus and how to respond to this latest threat from an eco system under severe man-made stress. Yet another “weaponized” pathogen and Nano Silver…
Health Freedom Thought Experiment.
The article following this essay looks at an emerging danger, the newly virulent Cryptococcus gatti fungus. Apparently weaponized, this may be “The Next Big Thing” for the genocidalists at WHO and elsewhere. If so, we need to have a defensive strategy and an offensive one as well.
I believe that the defensive one is to have as much high quality Nano Silver on hand as you estimate you will need both for immediate use and for what comes next, and next, and next again after that. Because it appears that the plagues manufactured in laboratories will keep coming. Nano Silver, like the Silver Solution we recommend, will keep you safe if you have it and if you use it.
The offensive strategy is two fold: protect our health options and expose the genocidal agenda at every turn, making it so widely understood that the secrecy which allows it to function is shattered. Make the myth of overpopulation a thing of the past, like the myth of necessary female circumcision or a flat earth.
Let’st hink this through. What happens if we protect Nano Silver? What happens if its use in animals and humans is so widespread that it eliminates antibiotics altogether?
Physicists use “thought experiments” to guide them to new approaches when the experiment is too hard, too expensive or too novel to actually conduct. By working through the experiment in their minds, they can make [very] educated guesses about what happens next if they were to conduct the experiment in the real world.
Health Freedom can use the same techniques to conduct an important Thought Experiment. First, the propositions and assumptions:
Antibiotics and Vaccines
1. Antibiotics, vaccines and other pharmaceuticals are astonishingly profitable
2. Antibiotics are widely understood to be overused, leading to drug resistant and multiply drug resistant pathogens.
3. Vaccines have never been tested in a placebo controlled, double blind study to show that they are effective in either preventing or treating any disease. Vaccine manufacturers and regulators hold the position that it would be “unethical” to deprive the test subjects of the benefits of vaccines even though such benefits have never been rigorously documented while vaccine dangers have been.
4. 90% of all antibiotics used world wide are used in factory farming.
Nano Silver
1. Nano Silver is the Universal Antibiotic because laboratory tests show that it is effective against every disease-causing organism against which it has been tested: bacteria, mycoplasma, fungus (i.e., mold), virus. In all, It has been tested against more than 630 disease organisms and the result is the same: Low concentrations of Nano Silver kills disease-causing organisms. In addition, Nano Silver:
a. Is non-toxic to the environment and to living organisms since it leaves coalesces into larger ionic units which have no biological impact once it leaves the body
b. Leaves the body rather than accumulating in it due to its ultra-small size making overdose impossible
c. Cannot lead to the generation of new super bugs even with wide spread use since its mechanism of action does not permit organisms to develop resistance
d. Is inexpensive and has an indefinite shelf life, requires no refrigeration or other special care
e. Is self sterilizing, automatically killing disease causing organisms if it is contaminated by them
f. Is safe and effective for use in people of every age and condition and animals of all types
g. Has no known side effects
h. Does not kill beneficial bacteria leaving both gut and skin pro-biotic organisms intact while killing pathogens
i. Boosts white blood cell function, providing enhanced immune response
The Experiment: If Nano Silver were widely available, what would the results be?
1. Drug resistant organisms would no longer emerge in human or animal reservoirs
2. Resistant organisms in humans and animals would be killed off by the use of Nano Silver when they created disease. Over time, their numbers would decrease and the impact of disease from them would be either greatly reduced or eliminated
3. No new drug resistant organisms would emerge through the use of Nano Silver since its mechanism of action makes the acquisition of resistance impossible except through horizontal gene transfer. Any such organisms would be killed if they caused disease in humans or animals since they would be treated by Nano Silver.
4. Animals consumed for food would be significantly less toxic since Nano Silver, unlike the metabolites (by products) of antibiotic metabolism, does not remain in the body of either humans or animals
5. The amount of antibiotic and vaccine residue in effluent water and soil would decrease dramatically with marked environmental and health benefits since metabolites of drugs from the urine and feces of antibiotic and vaccine treated animals and humans poses and increasing health and environmental danger
6. Finely divided silver (without biological effect) would increase in effluent water and soil. This poses no known health or environmental danger.
7. The cost associated with antibiotic and vaccine therapy in humans and animals would be eliminated, to be replaced by a significantly lower cost
8. Pharmaceutical profits would drop dramatically since these two classes of drugs account for many billions of dollars of profit
9. Government and Union pension plans, as well as mutual funds, would loose value since they are heavily invested in major pharmaceutical stocks
10. Investing officers of pensions and mutual funds would seek other lucrative investments, including alternative energy and Advanced medicine options and companies, many of which have difficulty finding funding at this point because of the heavy investment in pharmaceutical and related, drug-based industries
11. Morbidity and mortality from nosicomial (hospital-acquired) infections would drop precipitously, eliminating a major health and health cost problem:
In the US in 1992, there were about 2 million nosicomial infections per year, =166,666 per month = 38,461 per week = 5,479 per day = 228 per hour =3 per minute.
Note: this equals approximately 10% of American hospital patients (CDC/NNIS 1992)
In 2004, 13% of all patients who acquired nosicomial infections died.
10. Nearly 100,000 people in the US alone would not die because nosocomial infections would be wiped out. “In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that roughly 1.7 million hospital-associated infections, from all types of bacteria combined, cause or contribute to 99,000 deaths each year.” Pollack, Andrew. “Rising Threat of Infections Unfazed by Antibiotics” New York Times, Feb. 27, 2010
11. National, local and private health care costs would drop dramatically since the costs associated with antibiotics, vaccines and health care costs for infections would drop dramatically as well. In 2007, the direct costs of nosicomial infections Applying two different Consumer Price Index (CPI) adjustments to account for the rate of inflation in hospital resource prices, the overall annual direct medical costs of nosicomial infections to U.S. hospitals ranges from $28.4 to $33.8 billion (after adjusting to 2007 dollars using the CPI for all urban consumers) and $35.7 billion to $45 billion (after adjusting to 2007 dollars using the CPI for inpatient hospital services). (Costs of Hospital Acquired Infections in U.S. Hospitals Report,The Direct Medical Costs of Healthcare-Associated Infections in U.S. Hospitals and the Benefits of Prevention PDF 835 KB/16 pages,
12. Any pandemic, plague, or epidemic, whether intentional or unintentional, would be successfully halted by the universal application of Nano Silver orally.
13. Globalist plans for depopulation would be adversely impacted since communicable disease, including weaponized viruses, bacteria, etc., would be ineffective against a population supplied with Nano Silver.
14. Vaccine deniers would increase in number since epidemic diseases would be a thing of the past.
15. Globalists and their supporters would have to resort to means other than infectious agents, deadly drugs and dangerous, immune compromising vaccines to reduce the population. The 10-15% of the population which Bill Gates stated in a recent TED lecture could be eliminated through properly used vaccines would not die.
16. The myth of over population would suffer serious damage as the world population did not devour the available resources and the false mathematical and social engineering premises upon which it is based would be visibly flawed. See “Overpopulation, the Making of A Myth”,
17. Local, clean and unadulterated food production could be instituted around the globe to enhance the health of people no longer dying from communicable diseases and parasites.
18. Chronic and deadly diseases like malaria, dengue fever, elephantiasis, tuberculosis, HIV and a host of others will become easily curable diseases.
19. Economic productivity and prosperity of poor and ill countries will rise as personal productivity increases due to decreased health care giver requirements and decreased time away from job and school.
20. Decreased overall health costs locally, nationally and internationally reversing some of the crushing burden of modern health costs through decreased hospital stays, increased infectious disease self care (fewer doctor and hospital visits and services), decreased drug and drug complication costs, less time away from job and school).
21. Increased Happiness Index, which is directly related to subjective (and, to a lesser degree, objective) measures of health.
21. Antibiotic and vaccine manufacturers will counter the loss of their market by political, propaganda and economic thrusts designed to eliminate Nano Silver. These will include
– Criminalizing and banning Nano Silver (already accomplished as of January 1, 2010 in the European Union and underway in the US)
– Deceptive science to “show” that the product is dangerous or ineffective
– Media campaigns to deride and/or demonize Nano Silver.
I think that covers most of the major impact of making Nano Silver widely and easily available. You have the good (health, autonomy, cost), the bad (pension and stock market impact) and the ugly (intentional, weaponized pandemics would be totally ineffective if they were based, as they have been to date, on infectious disease agents).
The net result? Stock up on Nano Silver, which we believe to have an indefinite shelf life.
We recommend the Silver Solution Nano Silver available at because we believe that it is of exceptional quality and utility.
But whatever Nano Silver you choose to purchase, make sure that you have a good supply on hand. The apparently bioengineered Cryptococcus gatti fungi may be upon us as the next plague. MRSA may be the next plague. The next plague may be one that we have not heard of yet, but which has been in the works for years. Who know? Well, actually, it is very likely that WHO does know. But Nano Silver simply eliminates the threat of an infectious danger, IF you have it on hand and take it when the time is ripe.
I do. I hope that you do, too.
Yours in heath and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Dr. Rima Network:
Health Freedom Virtual Mall
Valley of the Moon BeyondOrganic Coffee
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project
Mystery Disease Linked to Missing Israeli Scientist
Friday 07 May 2010
by: H.P. Albarelli Jr., t r u t h o u t | Report
(Photo: chickeninthewoods; Edited: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t)
Media outlets across the Northwest United States began reporting on April 24 that a strange, previously unknown strain of virulent airborne fungi that has already killed at least six people in Oregon, Washington and Idaho is spreading throughout the region. The fungus, according to expert microbiologists, who have expressed alarm about the emergence of the strain, is a new genotype of Cryptococcus gatti fungi. Cryptococcus gatti is normally found in tropical and subtropical locations in India, South America, Africa and Australia. Microbiologists in the United States are reporting that the strain found here, for reasons not yet fully understood, is far deadlier than any found overseas.
Physicians in the Pacific Northwest are reporting that an undetermined number of people in the region are ill from the effects of the strange strain. Physicians also say that the virulent strain can infect domestic animals as well as humans, and symptoms do not appear until anywhere from two to four months after exposure. Symptoms in humans include a lingering cough, sharp chest pains, fever, night-sweats, weight-loss, headaches and shortness of breath. The strain can be treated successfully, if detected early enough, with oral doses of antifungal medication, but it cannot be prevented, and there is no preventative vaccine. Undiagnosed, the fungus works its way into the spinal fluid and central nervous system and causes fatal meningitis.
The estimated mortality rate is about 25 percent of 21 cases analyzed. Several newspapers and media outlets in the US and overseas quote a researcher at Duke University’s Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Edmond Byrnes, as stating: “This novel fungus is worrisome because it appears to be a threat to otherwise healthy people. Typically, we see this fungal disease associated with transplant recipients and HIV-infected patients, but that is not what we are seeing.”
Microbiologists and epidemiologists studying the strain say the mystery fungus came from an earlier fatal fungus that was first found on British Columbia’s Vancouver Island in the fall of 2001, and perhaps as early as 1999. There the fungus infected and killed dogs, cats, horses, sheep, porpoises and at least 26 people. The disease spreads through spores carried by breezes and wind and when people and animals encounter infected ground where the fungus is present. A number of microbiologists say that the disease has “the potential to essentially travel anywhere the wind or people can carry it.” Reads an alarming study authored in part by Duke University’s Edmond Byrnes: “The continued expansion of C. gatti in the United States is ongoing, and the diversity of hosts increasing.”
Several researchers in California also note that the Cryptococcus gatti fungus has been researched for decades, extending back to the 1950’s, at the US Army’s biological warfare center, Fort Detrick, in Frederick, Maryland. One microbiologist at the University of California at Los Angeles recounted that the fungus was first brought to the attention of Fort Detrick researchers by British scientists experimenting with the bark of eucalyptus trees from Australia. Army biological warfare reports obtained through the Freedom of Information Act reveal that beginning around 1952 the Army mounted a huge research program involving numerous plant and fungi products, and that well over 300 long-term contracts and sub-contracts were let with over 35 US colleges and universities to carry out this multifaceted research. Examples of this early research in California included experiments and projects at Camp Cooke; Port Huemene; Harpers Lake; Oceanside, and extensive experimentation with wheat stem rust and “various spores” including “several from tropical locations” and cereal rust spores and dyed Lycopodium spores. Several Army reports reveal that private-sector corporations that participated or assisted in these projects were the American Institute of Crop Ecology; the American Type Culture Collection Inc.; University of California; Bioferm Inc. and the Kulijian Corporation.
The same microbiologist, who declined to speak on the record and who recounted extensive fungus work at Fort Detrick, also stated that researchers at Israel’s Institute for Biological Research, located in Ness-Ziona about 20 km from Tel Aviv, have worked with the Cryptococcus gatti fungus. They also report that mysterious Israeli-American scientist Joseph Moshe, 56 years old, may have conducted covert studies with the fungus while he was recently living in California. This report concerning Moshe is especially interesting because Moshe was briefly in the international spotlight in 2009 when he was the subject of a spectacular chase and arrest by the LA police department and SWAT team, assisted by the FBI, Secret Service, CIA, US Army and several other unidentified federal officials. That highly unusual arrest has never been fully explained to the media, and the whereabouts of Moshe has remained unknown since its occurrence. Compounding the mystery surrounding the Moshe case is that there is another scientist named Moshe Bar-Joseph who works in Israel and who looks remarkably like Joseph Moshe, except that he is about 20 years older.
Why Moshe was pursued and apprehended by the police is a largely unanswered question. According to the Los Angeles media, which recorded the entire incident by helicopter and ground cameras, Moshe claimed to be “a former Mossad microbiologist” who had telephoned a police dispatch number before his pursuit and had made “threatening statements about the White House and the president.” Reportedly, Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan confirmed this when he spoke with several Los Angeles reporters.
On August 14, 2009, several Los Angeles police cruisers and an unmarked armored vehicle pursued Joseph Moshe as he drove his red VW automobile several miles through downtown Los Angeles before his car’s engine was reportedly knocked out by an electromagnetic pulse. Moshe refused to exit his car when ordered several times by the police, and after the driver’s window of his VW was smashed out by a robotic arm and several rounds of tear gas and pepper gas were fired into the vehicle, he still remained behind the wheel, refusing to move. At the time, police officers on the scene were stunned that Moshe was able to withstand three tear gas shells and hosing with pepper spray without moving. Later that day, a Los Angeles law enforcement official said: “I can’t explain that; there’s no way to explain that.”
After his apprehension, Moshe was taken to the Patton State Mental Hospital and then to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles. Sometime about 60 days later, Moshe was quietly released and his current whereabouts are unknown. Since his arrest became public, reports about Moshe’s activities in the US have spread like wildfire, especially across the Internet. Many of these reports are unconfirmed, but a few come from credible sources and have linked Moshe to the grossly under-reported outbreak of flu in the Ukraine.
Other reliable sources, including two former Fort Detrick biochemists, have also linked Moshe to a mysterious disease that is becoming alarmingly common in Vermont and other states, including California. The disease is known to have killed or incapacitated at least 10 to 20 rural dwellers and farmers. This disease is said to be Morgellons disease or “a rare, mutated form of Morgellons disease.” Former Fort Detrick scientists, speaking off the record, say that the disease is one that was “experimented with intensely” in the late 1960’s at several “test sites in New England.” Morgellons causes patients to suffer horrible skin problems as well as fatigue, confusion and serious memory problems, as well as joint pain and the strange sensation that pins and needles are piercing the body or that something is crawling beneath one’s flesh. Some researchers and physicians believe that Morgellons is actually a psychiatric condition called “delusional parasitosis.” Other physicians, who are familiar with treating the disease, say it may be caused by “an airborne, unidentified spore” and that it was developed in the laboratory from an affliction that was first identified in the 1700’s. Regardless of its origin, some researchers say that Morgellons is becoming “a very real medical problem in some parts of the country.”
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