Subject: Will You Be My Friend?
A Personal Invitation from Dr. Rima to Become an
Individual or Corporate Symposium Friend & Sponsor
What: Special Symposium: Reclaiming Science:
Preventing and Reversing Genomicide
When: December 19-23, 2016
Where: Mysore, India and Online
Required: Sponsorship by Individuals and Organizations
You are invited to become a part of my exciting Symposium that will push out powerful science and solutions to the huge problems we are all facing. No cost to you! Just fill out the form here.
I will send you updates that you can share with your Community of Interest on this massively important opportunity to control the dialogue and bring new, deployable solutions to people around the world. No mainstream media censorship, no academic strangle hold. WE will decide who speaks and get the information out to the web!
By the way, feel free to share this Sponsorship opportunity with as many other people and organizations as you can! Use this link:
It’s no secret we are all facing huge problems, some of which are intended consequences of destructive acts and some of which are not. Along with our health, our freedoms are being taken from us as part of the assault. That’s why new science, new answers and new models are so urgently required if we are to both thrive and survive individually and collectively.
As a Symposium Sponsor, you will receive the latest Symposium updates so you can get them out to your supporters and friends. You or your organization will be recognized for your support in our on line and other materials and you will receive a Certificate of Appreciation.
Best of all, you will be able to make sure that your Circle of Interest knows how involved you are in making the world a better place by supporting real science and restoring the genome to its highest functional state, not the degraded and damaged condition it is being reduced to! It’s that important!
The form, by the way, has a place for donations ($25 suggested minimum) but Sponsorship is priceless so there is no cost!
By the way, if you have people you think should speak at the Symposium, please feel free to direct them to the Symposium website, or have them contact me directly at Dr.Rima@EndGenomicideCongress.
History: The venerable and prestigious Indian Academy of Social Sciences asked me to convene a Symposium from December 19-23 in Mysore India and around the world to help bring those new answers forward and I enthusiastically agreed. When I presented the opportunity to them, so did the other Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation.
General Bert and I cannot wait to have the Mysore experience but attendees and presenters can either join us electronically from the location of their choice or they can join us in Mysore, India.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Dr. Rima and General Bert
In Mangalore, India – 2015