After you’ve signed-up for Dr. Rima’s Health Freedom Action eAlert Newsletter, you need to “white list” our newsletter email address to make sure your system does not treat us as “spam”*.
Why would they do that?Because we use words like Freedom and the “system” is set-up to censor such speech. And that censorship is just as effective as if a member of the KGB (or the NSA) were reviewing each eblast before allowing it to be sent. The governing powers don’t need to use their governments to censor us directly; they have their crony email providers do it for them.
Here it is:
All you need do is go onto your email system and add to your “white list” or, if you use gmail and some others, just find our last email that was marked “spam” (search and click on the “not spam” button.
And while you are at it, join us on the social media (uh, yes, “social” is a spam word!).
* – There are lots of spam words apparently. As I was preparing the spam-free eblast that links to this page, I found out that we cannot even say we’re “not allowed” to say something! You have to stay alert and make the effort to stay connected! Doing that is, in itself, a victory over the censors! RF