Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedomâ„¢
In-Depth Codex Alimentarius Information
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About Codex Alimentarius (the “World Food Code”):
- Who is Behind Codex Alimentarius?
- Codex Alimentarius is Unscientific
- How Codex is Formulated and Imposed on Nations
- Codex Alimentarius and the Napoleonic Code
- World Health Organization Chastises Codex
- Mandating No HARMonization with CODEX, Food Safety and Food Regulation
- Consequences for Human and Environmental Health
- How Codex Alimentarius Promotes Dangerous GMOs
- How Codex Alimentarius Promotes Pesticides
- Codex Alimentarius Violates Liberty
Protecting Health Freedom from Codex Alimentarius:
- What is Health Freedom?
- Legal Action Via Citizen’s Petition
- Facilitating Grass-Roots Activism
- Blogging: News & Analysis
Other Documents:
YouTube on Codex:
Dr. Laibow deconstructs Codex’s pretensions:
Counsel Fucetola explains the “Codex Two Step” – how countries can opt-out:
For a listing of our Accomplishments: