The ONLY Reason You Don’t Have an
Advance Vaccine Directive (AVD) Card
In Your Wallet is that YOU are OK
With Forced Vaccination
Not OK with Vaccine Mandates?
Get Your AVD Card Here:
Vaccines. Safe? Effective? Legal?
NOT! Think Again.
Life is full of surprises.
I’ll bet you used to think vaccines are safe? Effective? Tested? Legally approved?
SURPRISE! Think again! They’re not! Not even close.
In 1986 the US Congress passed a law that required FDA to test each and every vaccine for safety and efficacy before it was approved . Not only that, FDA must submit an annual report on each approved vaccine AND make sure that each new vaccine is safer than previous ones.
Guess how many vaccines have been tested for safety? — ZERO
Efficacy? — ZERO
How many annual reports has FDA submitted to Congress as required since 1986? — ZERO
That means that EVERY vaccine in the US has been approved illegally and FDA knows it. In fact, they were forced to admit it in court recently.
That’s right! You can’t break the law and get away with it but FDA thinks it can, and does — and then it supports mandates to FORCE these unsafe, untested and illegal drugs into your body and your kid’s bodies, too.
If you believe, as I do, that nobody owns your body but you and that you can make your own health decisions (and make them for your kids, too), then join me in reining in the scoff-law, dangerous friends of Big Pharma at FDA. Here’s where you can make a difference:
Take action and share widely:
Are vaccines safe? Not according to the statistics:
Are vaccines effective? Not according to the statistics.
Clean water, sanitation, hygeine and improved diets reduced historic disease incidence, at the same rate, with or without a vaccine “for” that disease. In fact, despite the propaganda, vaccines actually spread diseases, according to both vaccine manufacturer Merck and the CDC.
Studies consistently show that unvaccinated people are healthier than vaccinated ones, but the real money is in the vaccines and the chronic diseases they cause.
Big Pharma and FDA tell us vaccines are safe
The Courts tell us that they are “Unavoidably Unsafe”
In fact, they are so dangerous that Insurers won’t touch them
Vaccines are very, very risky.
What can we do about it?
Right now we have the opportunity to force the FDA to follow the law and suspend all illegal vaxx approvals. That’s why Natural Solutions Foundation has created our First Amendment demand, the Citizens Petition, for redress of these serious vaccine grievances. But it’s a numbers game: their dollars vs our voices.
Encourage your friends and neighbors to join you in upholding the Constitution and making their voices count, too.
Do that right here, right now:
OK, so you know you need a vaccine exemption for yourself and family.
Well, I have really great news for you!
Because your right of Informed Consent is protected by national and international law, you already have the right to refuse any and all vaccines!
However, you must assert that right correctly, or it will be ignored (in legalese, it will be “deemed waived”).
We’ve done the heavy legal lifting for you at Natural Solutions Foundation by creating an Advance Vaccine Directive wallet card that does just that.
Whether it’s in a diaper bag or a backpack or a wallet, the AVD card, properly used, protects the person whose name is on it from unwanted medical intrusions , in this case vaccines.
Click the link below NOW to protect your health, your body and your freedom. And share, Share, SHARE!
Here’s the LINK –
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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