Natural Solutions Foundation
Funding the “Stop the Shot” TRO
As we’ve announced elsewhere — — FDA accepted our Citizens Petition to stay any approval of the “Swine Flu” H1N1 vaccine, but then rejected it as an “emergency” — so we are preparing to go to Federal Court for the redress of grievances we cannot get from the Agency.
I’ve just responded to an email I received criticizing the efforts of various pro-se people to go to court to try to stop any threatened forced vaccinations. I’d thought I’d share that response with you all, asking you to join our Natural Solutions “Going to the Sixes” law suit funding campaign… more about that later…
Dear D…
Thank you for your comments. I think that T… and others who are pursuing legal remedies are to be congratulated for their efforts. “Push-back” works! Just a couple days ago CNN announced that the federal authorities were scaling back their vaccine purchases due to growing public opposition* to the “Swine Flu” vaccine — and the President announced that all vaccines will be voluntary. We don’t believe that, and cite the bill pending in Massachusetts that would criminalize vaccine resistance.
However, we’ve been taking another tack on the issue of stopping the uninsurable, untested, unproven “Swine Flu” vaccine. Led by Gary Null PhD, Dr. Koren and Dr Laibow, we filed a Citizens Petition under 21 CFR 10.30 and 35 seeking an emergency stay from FDA of the vaccine approval process. After review by FDA’s chief counsel, the agency finally filed the petition… and decided not to treat it as an emergency… so we’ve exhausted our administrative remedies and are getting ready to go to the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in DC for a TRO against approval of the vaccine. [TRO = Temporary Restraining Order; the first step in getting a permanent Injunction against the vaccine approval without safety testing.]
No approval; no jabs. The “mandatory” vaccination issue doesn’t even come up.
We’ve prepared a 22 document package for our DC lawyers to bring to court, and it is nearly ready.
What we need to do now is raise the funds necessary to fund this case.
If you want to donate for this purpose, we’ve set up our “Taking it to the Sixes” donation program: just use our regular donation page, but end your donation with a “6” – $16, $56, $106 etc… and we’ll put that money aside for this case.
Gary Null is raising funds for the case; Dr. Koren’s Foundation for Health Choices is doing so, and so are we, through:
“Just remember to make your donation in an amount that ends in “6? (hence, “Taking it to the Sixes”) and you’ll be supporting the case; so donate: $6 or $16 or $56 or $106 or $1,006 or $10,006 or…..”
Of all the proposed legal actions against the vaccine, our action may have the best chance of success.
We’ve started correctly by “exhausting our administrative remedies” — we’ve gone to the federal authorities since their approval of the vaccine is a prerequisite for any mandates — and we’ve focused on the main issue: federal law requires that only “safe and effective” drugs (including vaccines) be approved by FDA where the “benefits” outweigh the “risks.”
However, in this matter, FDA threatens to approve the vaccines without adequate or any safety testing (current tests are dosage tests only of version of the vaccine without all the adjuvants… without the squalene adjuvant which has never been approved for use in a drug in the US). How can the FDA certify that the vaccines are “safe and effective” or that the benefits outweigh the risks without safety testing of the vaccines with all the proposed adjuvants?
In 2004 a similar issue came up with regard to the “emergency” anthrax vaccine that included unapproved squalene that was forced on the military. The Federal Judge handling that case stopped involuntary use of the untested vaccine. Over 60,000 soldiers were hospitalized for adverse reactions before it was stopped and many consider that vaccine the prime cause of Gulf War Syndrome. The 1976 “:Swine Flu” vaccine was a disaster; the squalene-contaminated anthrax vaccine was a nightmare. This madness must end here. And we need your help to make that possible.
So, we have the right procedure and strong law backing us; now all we need is continued public support to fund the case…
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee
The Vitamin Consultancy
All Rights Reserved . . .
PS – as soon as the papers are finalized, we will be publishing the Petition for Review and supporting documents at
—— Original Message ——
Received: Fri, 04 Sep 2009 09:57:45 AM EDT
From: “D…”
Subject: RE: Injunctions filed to stop flu vaccinations?
* Do you think the over 1,800,000 emails you’ve all sent to your national legislators and decision makers, and your state legislators, has had an impact? We do! Push Back Works and we need you to continue to push back! Continue to take action here:
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