Do Not Forget Fukushima!
For Dr. Rima’s GDS Recommendations, CLICK HERE.
Please Enter Your Information Here for the GDS White Paper:
Introductory Video: What is GDS?
Natural Solutions Foundation
Dr. Rima Truth Reports: Wednesdays 9-11 PM, Eastern
Listen, Chat, Archive: www.HealthFreedomPortal.org
Welcome to Natural Solutions Foundation’s GDS Therapy page. Here we bring together Dr. Rima’s recommendations regarding nutritional and other support for your immune system, under assault from what she and Gen. Bert are calling a “Weaponized World with Genomicidal Technologies” — which includes:
Weaponized Pathogens (like the fake avian & swine flu “pandemics” or the new super-e. coli with inserted plague DNA)
Weaponized “Phude” (fake food — dangerous GMOs & degraded organic standards; the “fruit” of Codex Alimentarius)
Weaponized Vaccines (& Other Drugs) with their childhood-destroying toxins, and
Weaponized Environment (radioactive & toxic, in a vile synergistic mix)
All of this leading to Genocide via Genomicide…
Doctor Rima, General Bert and Counsel Ralph have defined the Genome Disruption Syndrome and prepared a White Paper that discusses the background, causes and remedies. The GDS therapy method is subject to a Provisional Patent, No. 61682422. The White Paper sections are:
Abstract: GDS and Your Future
Part One: General Bert – Genomicidal Technologies
Part Two: Doctor Rima – The Harms and the Remedies
Part Three: Counsel Ralph – Lawful Therapy for GDS
Part Four: Resources and Self-Evaluation and Screening for GDS
Here are four steps you can take, starting now, to respond to these threats to your health and food freedom…
FIRST, educate yourself —
Link to the Genome Disruption Syndrome Home Page:
SECOND, help us PUSH BACK by using the Action Items on this page every day —
If you have not already signed-up for our free Health and Food Freedom Action eAlert system, please do so here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?page_id=187
[Some email systems treat some of our emails as “spam” since we use words like “freedom” so you may have to “white list” our contact email of dr.laibow@gmail.com or you may have to rejoin the list periodically… sometimes achieving freedom takes some effort; but you know that and wouldn’t be here if you were not concerned!]
THIRD, learn how to protect yourself and your family —
Dr. Rima Recommends Certain Nutrients as Therapy for Genome Disruption Syndrome:
FORTH, please donate to support our efforts —
Dr. Rima Recommends
Dr. Rima Recommends Nano Silver 10 PPM
Soul, Core and Form: Whole Seed Nutrition!
We are pleased to provide these links to some of our affiliates who are offering nutrient products that might be of benefit when responding to “free radical cascades” created by the weaponized, genomicidal technologies; purchases will also benefit the Foundation. Additional beneficial nutrients include:
Emerald Sea (whole food supplement from North Atlantic sea veggies; rich in iodine and antioxidants; their glutathione-enhancing whey product is also immune system nourishing). Dr. Rima recommends these two products – https://naturalsolutions.myemeraldstore.com/store/.