Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
[All food photos from the Valley of the Moon BeyondOrganic™ Restaurant –]
I was asked about our term, “BeyondOrganic™” which I answered this way:
Thanks for asking. BeyondOrganic™ is a very carefully chosen term.
The background – As many of you know, Gen. Bert is the President and I am the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, the world’s largest health freedom organization. We are a global NGO with projects in the US, Africa and Panama.We are deeply concerned with the continuing contamination of food around the world through the use of agricultural chemicals, GMOs, irradiation, the use of synthetic fertilizers and modern food processing techniques.
As part of that concern, we are deeply troubled by the continuing and accelerating devolution of the regulatory and functional meaning of the term “Organic” — that is why we identified what is needed to be truly natural, which, in today’s world food market, means being BeyondOrganic™. That is also why we developed the Friendly Food Certification program, discussed below.
Codex Alimentarius, a United Nations Commission jointly run the WHO (which receives more than 2/3 of its funding from Big Pharma) and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and the USDA . They set the international standards and guidelines allowing food to be shipped internationally. The Organic Products Board, an agency of the USDA, has consistently succumbed to the pressures of commercial producers who make increased profits by using the USDA label and lowering their standards to increase the distance between the cost of production (down) and the cost of the product (up). The process has been continual – and totally predictable – since the NOPB (Natural Organic Products Board) was founded.
Shrimp Salad with Sour Orange
Clean food activists have struggled with the unremitting pressure on the NOPB but have, in general, the activists had lost the battles. Not always, of course, but in a steady advance downward the standards have been eroded. For example, the US now has the highest permitted level of contamination with GMOs for “organic” foods: 10%. Other countries in the world allow, variously, 0% contamination, 0.9% contamination or 0.1% GMO contamination.
The NOPB has continued to press for the approval of industrial sludge as a permitted organic fertilizer (recall that San Francisco recently tried to distribute this toxic substance free for local organic farmers to use). The toxins in this dangerous material include a variety of hydrocarbons, heavy metals of a truly appealing variety and concentration and wide array of other metabolic and environmental horrors.
Since the organic food market share increases approximately 20-24% annually while the conventional food share remains flat, the incentive is enormous to degrade the standards while maintaining the label.
Crab in Cucumber Appetizer
Internationally the situation is even worse. Codex Alimentarius (some of whose meetings around the world we attend as an Observer Organization, reporting on these issues in our daily bulletins) sets standards which are “voluntary” but which are often relied upon by the World Trade Organization (WTO) for determining whether or not trade sanctions should be imposed on nations for not observing them. In practice, unless they know about the legal option available to them which our book, the Codex eBook (available here:, presented to the Presidents, Ministers of Health and Agriculture, etc., in countries around the world, the bureaucrats who make these decisions tend to believe that Codex is a required standard which their countries must follow.
The US Government, not surprisingly, perpetuates this incorrect information since its multinational constituents profit greatly by this distortion. By the way, as anyone watching Codex knows, the US is the dominant dog in every Codex process with no second runner even close to it.
So, back to “Organic“: the standards by which the word is defined are now totally corrupted. The certification of the NOPB is, in my estimation, pretty close to meaningless.
The Codex Organic standard is also pretty close to meaningless as well. For example, it used to be that a farmer could not grow conventional crops and organic ones on the same land. Now pesticide, herbicide, fungicide agriculture can take place on the same land, using the same water, without windbreaks, distance or other protection.
Refreshing Tomatillo
For another example, a cow whose mother was treated with drugs and vaccines and fed on blood meal instead of mother’s milk before weaning, treated with drugs and vaccines itself, fed on chemically contaminated and GMO feeds, can still be brought onto a farm as “organic” cattle with the certification of a local official and a stamped piece of paper.
There is no way, in the professional opinion of our legal counsel and our strategic analysts, that the word “Organic” either has meaning now or can be reclaimed.
We therefore carefully considered many, many options and decided that “BeyondOrganic™” is the best option because it communicates the general intention – clean food without contamination, “Organic” is not good enough, there is something better, people need to think about what “Organic” means and the word “BeyondOrganic™” invites that consideration – thus the thread on the forum where the question was originally posted.
Fish Entree
The practical definition is that the food is either:
1. Plant or animal food grown BY us without any chemical input from open-pollinated, uncoated, certified organic, heirloom seeds
2. Plant or animal food grown FOR us without any chemical input from the best seeds we can find or produce
3. Plant or animal food which is internationally certified by organizations we have reason to trust as a higher standard setting organization than the USDA and NOPB
4. Last, least and minimally, when we currently have no other choices, we will source USDA Certified Organic foods.We use laboratory services to assure that our foods are clean which we source here in Panama. For example, we purchase our honey from a producer with hives way, way up in the mountains.
Chocolate Cake Coba
We know that honeybees travel significant distances, so we test the honey in a lab that uses chromatography and HPLC technology to detect herbicide, pesticide and fungicide residues. The honey tests out with no detectable residues and so we buy it.
We take this kind of care with all of our foods so that it is –
1. As free of chemical inputs as we can possibly make it, and we put a LOT of energy into it (despite idiotic rumors like “We saw guys wearing Valley of the Moon shirts in Cero Punta buying sacks of produce so the Valley of the Moon Restaurant is not organic!”)
2. Made with the diversity of individual dietary requirements in mind so that people can enjoy organic food that is veggie, vegan, non veggie, gluten-free, raw, whatever their bodies and their hearts desire
3. According to all reports, absolutely delicious!Valley of the Moon All Natural Coffee
More information? Contact us at 011-507-6618 0395 (that’s right; Panama cell phones have an extra digit) or, better yet, come eat at the restaurant and see for yourself! Open every day except Tuesday from 11AM to 9 PM, last entree order at 8 PM. for directions.
As I said above, thanks for asking what BeyondOrganic™ means. As you can see, the name has at least accomplished goal No. 3!
If you want to know what “Friendly Food Certified™” means, I’ll be happy to answer that, too!
More about that here:
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD