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Dr. Rima on Mother’s Love
Ammunition for the Battle of All Mothers
Oxytocin is the molecule of attachment. It engenders feelings of connection in lovers… it floods the system of even a casual observer, when triggered by auditory, visual and other stimuli… it even causes a nursing mother to experience a “let-down” response or release of milk in her breasts when she hears the distinctive cry of her infant, but not that of other babies. It is the molecular link in the loving mind of all mothers.
Lovers and mothers and others do not love because of oxytocin, but they love through it: its presence creates the changes in our brains and bodies we associate with love, in all its many forms and iterations.
When a child is diagnosed as autistic, one of the hallmarks of that state is the failure to bond, to mold to a parent, to crave affectionate contact, to respond to people with attached interest and behavior. It is as if they lack from the beginning of life, or come to lack after they are vaccinated or otherwise injured, the very molecule of attachment itself, the powerful neurotransmitter oxytocin. assume
We know that the failure to bond, is a behavioral indication of an injury to the nervous system that, as its normal function, mediates attachment, love and caring. This is not unlike the injury to the gastrointestinal system that Dr. Wakefield found in connection with the MNR vaccine. In my view, and that of other physicians not affiliated with government or drug companies, every time a child is vaccinated, there is foreseeable harm to the child. We label those who have been vaccine damaged in a certain way, “autistic” but it is my professional opinion that every child ever vaccinated is injured to a greater or lesser degree. One of the subtle injuries appears to be to the normal function of oxytocin.
In fact, many autistic children do not lack oxytocin, rather, they have far, far too much of it. Autistic children, when we examine their vocal frequency structure, often have extremely high levels of frequencies associated with oxytocin, the very molecule of attachment.
They have so much of this powerful behavior-impacting molecule that the specialized receptors which respond to its presence (similar to the way insulin receptors respond to the excess presence of that vital transmitter) when there is too much most or all of the time: they become “deaf” to it. Just as people with too much insulin develop insulin resistence, I postulate, in this case, oxytocin resistance so that even these elevated levels levels trigger little or no response.
For the child with autism, high levels of oxytocin, as indicated by vocal analysis, are present constantly, leading to receptor fatigue and “deafness”. The child cannot attach to this world, its people, its communications. Lowering these levels through frequency treatment has, in my experience, resulted in phenomenal positive changes in autistic people with elevated oxytocin frequency markers.
Could it be, could it possibly be, that the introduction of high levels of a synthetic oxytocin drug, known as “pitocin” in obstetric practice, could so distort the neurotransmitter environment that this critical molecule could be over-produced following damage to brain that its introduction induced? Of course it could be.
The neurotransmitter and receptor systems of the fetus’ and infant’s brain are highly influenced by the environmental circumstances in which the fetus or baby finds itself. We know conclusively, for example, through the work of Bruce Perry! PhD, and others, that when infants are stressed, the ratio of stress transmitter receptors to pleasure transmitter receptors is dramatically altered permanently, priming the infant to grow into a person who experiences stress readily and pleasure or no stress with more difficulty. The impact on the life of the baby is incalculable.
What of the impact of a distorted ability to bond, to attach and to love? There is almost no way to capture the enormity of this impact on a life, on family and on society. No way, perhaps, except to examine the energy, money, heartache and loss engendered by an autistic family member. When I started practicing medicine in 1970 (always without the use of drugs, of course) not more than one in ten thousand children were diagnosed as autistic. Today in some highly toxic areas the ratio is far more than one in one hundred! This preventable epidemic of neurological injury can be stopped if the environmental toxins are stopped, starting with toxic vaccine, which means all vaccines!
Under normal, not hospital-make-believe-normal, circumstances, babies determine the time of their own birth. Through elegant and highly complex mechanisms they decide when it is time to stimulate the secretion of oxytocin and offer their mother’s uterus the information it has been waiting for: It is now time to contract in order to expel the baby from its warm, wet and magical container.
But hospital births take place when busy schedules allow, obstetrician’s schedules, parent’s schedules, anesthesiologist’s schedules. The baby is not consulted and, at least in any meaningful way, is not even a member of the team, just the endpoint of the exercise. (Unless, of course, the child has parents aware enough to work with midwives and physicians who can provide the type of supportive environment the child naturally needs.)
Babies who do not bond with mothers and babies with mothers who do not bond with them do not thrive. In fact, there is a potentially lethal condition called “Failure to Thrive” which can literally kill children who have not bonded because they are incapable of absorbing nutrients from their food – the GI tract does not mature without love.
Neurological development at the physical level depends on attachment between a baby and someone who loves it and consistently present in its world – brains do not mature without love. Kidney function in lambs does not begin unless the mother licks it and while human mothers do not lick their babies, they do stoke and fondle them, enhancing a huge number of functions in the baby, and in the mother.
Oxytocin impacts every organ and tissue on which it has been studied.
And while pitocin, synthetic oxytocin, might be identical atom for atom to the biological neurotransmitter, its artificial introduction is not. This is hardly a natural approach to child birth, and guarantees, from the very start, a sequence of traumatic events, adding to the trauma of circumcision and vaccination assaults on the fragile psyche and neurological system of the developing newborn.
As adults we can nourish normal oxytocin function (in ourselves and children) by offering the body what it needs: sun, pure water, radiation and toxin freed food, enough sleep, an environment free of the trespasses of what General Bert calls “the genomicidal technologies weaponizing the world against human survival…” and effective nutritional supplementation. I will be posting more information about precursor nutrients and how you can nourish love.
[Note: Those genomicidal technologies are: the uninsurable risk of nuclear power (with continuing radiation from Fukushima the worst environmental disaster in human history); the uninsurable risks of vaccination and the toxins this unproven procedure introduces into especially vulnerable children, coupled with all other drug toxins; the unpredictable risks of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) with their “novel” proteins; and the increasing level of industrial chemical toxins in the environment.]
Perhaps, just perhaps, the industry of medical birth needs to back off, restricting itself to support and enhancement of the most normal and magical of all human processes: the biological reality of love made manifest, the birth of a child. Truly, “Without love I am become as sounding brass.”
Yours, for Health and Food Freedom and Justice,
Dr. Rima
Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD
PS – I have recently been referring to what we need to do to make the future safe for coming generations as the “Battle of all Mothers.” And so it is. We have powerful biological urges on our side in this battle. And we invite all women and all men to stand with all Mothers against these clear and present dangers to our future.
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