Email Newsletter from August 27, 2009
Cyber Attacks Continue! Second Volunteer Forum ‘Disappears’
Featured Must Watch New Videos:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Cyber Attack Redux
2 Days… Two Forums Disappear!
That’s Their Game
2nd Volunteer Forum Disappeared from Internet
Before Her Eyes as Dr. Rima was Welcoming New Members!
Screen Shot of What Appeared While She Was Working on the NSCC Yahoo! Forum
Message: "There is no group called NSCC."
Just like that!
Dr. Rima says, "Our massed strength is really bothering … someone.
Our other forums are OK. Read about it: HERE.
New Forum ("Three’s the charm"?) here:
"…When we have more hands, we will be even more effective. You know you’re doing something right when the other side attacks! Volunteering for Health Freedom is really RIGHT!"
- FDA Petition: Stop the Shot!
- Days Left! 3 for Liberty Campaign
- Breaking News: Volunteers’ Forums Attacked!
- Be a Natural Solutions Volunteer Sponsor
Our Volunteer Forum Attacked
and Hacked… 2nd Time!
New Volunteers’ Forum
An hour ago, as Dr. Rima was approving the new members to the new forum, which we set up because our volunteer forum was removed from the internet, the new forum we had set up in response just disappeared [See Screenshot of the message she got when the forum vanished]…
Yesterday, I received an urgent Skype message from General Bert that I relayed to you all in an Emergency eBlast:
"We have to send out an emergency notice to all of our forums and an emergency Health Freedom Action eAlert blast telling all Health Freedom supporters that our Yahoo! Forum for Health Freedonm Volunteers has been hacked and attacked – in fact, actually removed from Yahoo! by stealth because what we are doing is so important!
Someone realizes that the more hands – and hearts – we have committed to health and freedom, the more powerful we are. They knew that our Wednesday calls and our volunteer program are highly dynamic, gaining members and rapidly generating excitement all over the world. Clearly, we are a significant threat to them. – ANS"
We sent out that emergency eBlast to let you know what was happening, and about 90 people (plus the couple dozen who were already on the old Volunteers Forum) joined the new Yahoo!Group forum we set up yesterday…
We have the volunteers’ email addresses and we’ll be sending each of them an email, so no lasting harm resulted other than the shock and our concern… if these Yahoo!Group forums disappear, what about our other forums, such as No GMO Food, Food and Farming, NSF-Panama and No Forced Vaccinations, with nearly two thousand members? Are we all vulnerable?
We’ve spoken to cyber security experts tonite and have changed our passwords, but we are advised that such an attack, bypassing Yahoo’s fire walls, must be coming from powerful cyber forces.
We’re ready to oppose them; we know from the large number of Volunteers that you are ready too!
Volunteers are important Perhaps we did not realize how important until now: Natural Solutions Foundation’s Volunteer Forum, NSCC has disappeared from the Internet! None of our other forums has been harmed. What message are we getting? Clearly, the more hands we have to do the work of health freedom, the more effective we will be. So what better way to attack us than to cut off our communications?
You can see all the other forum links (and more) at our Social Networking page:
While no one’s private information was jeopardized, the original Volunteers Forum housed our contact list of Volunteers, their entries in the Skills Database, the Volunteer Calendar and our accumulated Volunteer Messages, all of which we will have to reconstruct. We have emailed Yahoo demanding an investigation.
It’s something that the other side has tried before. Instead of erasing us from the map, it lets people know just how meaningful their efforts for health freedom are. Each time they try this brutal, ham-handed and primitive way of beating us back, we come back stronger each time thanks to you!
The Natural Solutions Foundation has submitted a Petition for Emergency Relief to prevent FDA from releasing pandemic vaccines that are totally without safety testing and, we believe, incredibly dangerous. Is this attack a way to make sure that the Natural Solutions Foundation cannot follow-up with the Emergency FDA "Stop the Shot" Petition? Here are the links for individuals and organizations to join in as Petitioners:
Support the Petition for Petition for Emergency Relief
Individuals sign here, once for every member of your family:
Organizations sign here (you can sign as an individual and for your organization):
We don’t give up! We know you don’t either! We are asking all of you who had joined the original NSCC forum to join our third new volunteer forum ASAP:
Like other NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) Natural Solutions depends on the work of volunteers to do all the things we do to make your Push Back possible – and to make it work! So, it is not surprising that this one forum out of nearly a dozen should be attacked.
We’ve formally notified Yahoo!Groups of what has happened and received back an emaqil acknowledgement promising a reply within 48 hours.
General Bert tells me that we need to meet this sort of attack head-on and should consider such attacks to be demonstrations of the strength and increasing ability to impact public affairs. By refusing to be intimidated; by picking ourselves up and rebuilding our Volunteer Communications, we grow even stronger.
Thank you for your continued support!
Ralph Fucetola JD
Foundation Trustee
Your donations are urgently needed. Please go to:
Join Citizens Petition to FDA:
Approval of vaccines without safety testing is illegal, dangerous, unnecessary and very bad public policy.
Individual Petition Sign-On:
Individual Petition Sign-On:
Nano Silver Special!
Save $76 on 4 Bottles; Receive Spray, Nasal Attachments Free!
FDA forbids First Amendment Right to tell you about ways to kill viruses like the Swine Flu. EPA tries to make Nano Silver illegal. Right now, it’s legal, it’s effective and it’s on sale!
24 -7 Information Online…
New Network Supports Natural Solutions
Opportunity for multi-directional support: you and the Natural Solutions Foundation
Dr. Rima’s latest video:
Health Freedom Leaders Join Forces to Stop FDA Approval of Swine Flu Vaccines Without ANY Safety Testing
Read Updated Call for Relief Here:
Take Action!
1. Say "NO!" to Forced Vaccination
Join the New Citizens Petition! Stop FDA Approval for Untested Vaccines
We are building viral support for this effective and powerful legal action with the potential to stop the FDA’s planned approval of Swine Flu Vaccines without any, repeat ANY, safety testing. Far sighted health freedom leaders continue to come together to take action to protect us all and invite your help, and your organization’s help, too.
2. Demand FDA NOT Approve Vaccines Before Completion
of Safety Testing
Remember: Take Actions 1 and 2 Once for Each Member of Your Household
3. Representatives of Organizations
Click Here:
Note: Take action 3 in addition to Actions 1 and 2 if you represent an organization
Not the signatory for your organization? Contact your organization’s leaders and urge them to participate in this democratic legal exercise. No charge, no downside – just benefits for all!
4. Mere Days Left to Save Health Freedom, Prevent Food and Medical Fascism…
Right, our 3 Weeks Nearly over. Senate Reconvenes Sept. 7. We MUST Prevent Passage of HR 2749 Equivalent Bill
We, you and the Natural Solutions Foundation, ARE the net roots of health freedom. We can – and do! – produce literally millions of emails, raising our voices high enough to push back the madness. In fact, we’ve already sent more than 1.7 million emails demanding the right to say "No!" to pandemic vaccines. Well, it is time for more of same! Can you mobilize 10 people to click on this item once for every member of their household?
Read more…
You can visit our Three for Liberty Campaign,
That is why we are asking for volunteers for the Natural Solutions Foundation and, at the same time, volunteers for our Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in Volcan, Panama –
If you are, please join us on our Yahoo! Forum –

to set up your recurring, tax deductible donation now.
Please visit our donations page and help us in any way you can; of course, recurring donations are the most important, since that allows us to plan ahead and be prepared for the Health Freedom battles to come!
3 Leaflets for the
3 Weeks to Save Health Freedom Campaign:
Must Read – Dr. Laibow’s Hard Hitting
Push Back and the Ministry of Lies
Don’t Forget to "Follow"
Us on Twitter!
For Up-to-the-Minute Developments
#selfshielf #healthfreedom #foodfreedom #pandemic
Read more…
And take a look at Dr. Rima’s latest video:
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation