Email Newsletter from November 1, 2009
Your Response to Our Money Bomb Brought Us to Codex and Supports Our STOP THE SHOT Lawsuit.
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Mark Your Calendar: Join Gen. Bert and Dr. Rima Live From Codex on Alex Jones Wednesday
November 4, 2009
Urgent Action Items
2. Read about the Health Keeper’s Oath :
Now take it to prevent the Medical System from becoming a tool to imprison and kill as happened in Nazi Germany. Whether you are a Health Care Worker or not, forward this information to every Health Care Worker you can reach:
General Bert and I are in Dusseldorf, Germany, for the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, CCNFSDU, thanks to your vigorous response to our Money Bomb.
This Committee is run by the infamous Dr. Rolf Grossklaus, MD. Dr. Grossklaus has a long association with the German Government’s BfR, a Risk Assessment evaluation organization. Why is this important? Because Dr. Grossklaus has presided over the transition of a world view of nutrients as necessary components of heath and life (pre-Codex) to nutrients considered as toxins which require RISK ASSESSMENT strategies designed to reduce the amounts that may be used only in doses so small that they bring about no biological change which can be detected in even the most clinically sensitive person.
When the world adopts these Codex Guidelines, it will mean literally billions of preventable deaths through mandated under-nutrition around the world. Countries will have Nutritional Risk Managers to limit and exclude nutrients from their peoples.
If the US adopts these Codex guidelines and concepts (and you recall that the FDA announced it wants to do just that on October 11, 1994 in the Federal Register, IN PREFERENCE TO US LAW AND REGULATION) it means the end of high potency nutrients, which over 90% of the US public says they value and take! It means the end of the rule of US law since the Congress passed the 1994 DSHEA legislation which says that nutrients are to be considered foods, although Codex treats them like toxins.
More, it means that the very under-nutrition that the WHO and FAO, Codex’s parent organizations, say cause the chronic, non-communicable, but preventable diseases of under-nutrition:
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Stroke
- Dibetes
- Obesity
which are the 5 leading killers (after PROPERLY used prescription drugs) in developed world (and, of course, the 5 leading money-makers there for Big Pharma) will be perpetuated to the benefit of Big Pharma and, of course, Big Medica, while helping to speed the depopulation of the planet through these nutritionally preventable diseases. Oh, by the way, these 5 diseases are the major profit centers of Big Pharma.
CCNFSDU is the committee in which we created a coalition which defeated the US’s intent to add fluoride to infant formula. It is also the committee whose feet Dr. G. has dragged in implementing the Global Strategy which could actually enhance health and save lives! We’ll be providing daily reports on the doing (and mis-deeds) here at Codex’ vitally important CCNFSDU.
Please do yourself a favor and take 65 minutes to watch “The Calling“, a video which pulls the NWO and Codex together brilliantly (and in which you will hear my voice from my 40 minute lecture, “Nutricide“,!)
The Calling
And, while you are watching videos,
please check out
Dusseldorf Video Report No. 2:
Dusseldorf Video Report No. 1:
Listen to Ron Paul discuss mandatory vaccines (approximately minute 2.5 in this 9 minute video)
And see our Counsel Ralph Fucetola JD –
One on One with the Vitamin Lawyer
You can follow us on Twitter
Swine Flu Updates: STOP THE SHOT in the US, France, Ireland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Korea, Sweden, Hungary, etc., etc.
Our Response to the Judge’s Order To Show Cause for Standing:
Hearing in Washington, DC, on November 5, 2009. You are making this suit possible! We’ll post our report on it that day. Watch for it.
1. Last week we received notification from the Judge in our Stop the Shot lawsuit against the FDA that we had 48 hours to justifify our standing in this case. Because the Commissioner of Health of New York State rescinded the 2 month old mandate for health care workers to receive all vaccinations recommended by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) (the day after it became known, by the way, that his wife was involved with the Goldman Sachs brokering of the Flu Mist sale to the US Government, by the way), the question asked by the Court was whether healthcare workers from NY State who were no longer facing the mandate were still in imminent danger of permanent harm.
Well, yes, as a matter of fact, we are since the Commissioner said that although the mandate was no longer in effect, it would be replaced by a regulation which would make the mandate permanant AND that the mandate itself could be reinstated at any time.
In addition, we added New Jersey parents to the STOP THE SHOT law suit. Their small children face the NJ State mandate that they must be vaccinated with flu vaccines on an annual basis despite the total lack of efficacy that such injection confers in the face of significant dangers.
IDIOCY ALERT: If 40% or more of the US population has already been infected with H1N1 virus as the CDC [absurdly] claims, giving them H1N1 vaccine is both useless and potentially dangerous. Another illogic, courtesy of the US Government.
“Hi, I’m from the Government and I am here to help! Roll Up Your Sleeve!”
The organizations in the STOP THE SHOT lawsuit, including the Natural Solutions Foundation, still, of course, have standing, but the question posed by the Court in its Order to Show Cause was whether the individual plaintiffs did.
We presented that document after an enormous amount of legal research and perfecting (thank you, legal team!) on time and now are getting ready to answer the FDA’s response to our Complaint.
As soon as that document is finished and has been submitted to the Court, we will post it, of course.
The real issue here, of course, is not that this or that individual is in imminent danger from the shots. The real point is that every single person in the US has been given to understand that any vaccine that is approved by the FDA is both safe and effective. Yet, in reality, none of the Swine Flu vaccines is either safe (no testing has been done) or effective (no testing has been done) and the use of the squalene adjuvants (either already in the bottle or added at the site of administration) is dangerous beyond your wildest imagination – or ours.
Add to that the fact that the flu mist nasal vaccine WILL create a widespread distribution of the disease through contagious persons shedding the virus, the same virus that the WHO and FDA say is a major threat to health and life, and you have a profound insanity and danger for every single person in the US and elsewhere.
In fact, deaths are being reported from the adjuvanted vaccine in Korea, Sweden, Hungary and elsewhere. Do a search for “Swine Flu Vaccine Deaths” and you’ll have some pretty interesting reading.
Here in Germany, my colleagues tell me that the German people are in a total uproar because the politicians and military are getting a non adjuvanted vaccine while they, the ordinary, disposable, useless eater folks are supposed to get a vaccine that IS adjuvanted.
Not only that, but the tax imposed on German doctors who do NOT give the vaccine has the medical profession in an uproar as well, as it does in Ireland, where doctors have been advised by the largest malpractice insurance company NOT to give the Swine Flu vaccines BUT the National Health Service says that they could face disciplinary charges if they do NOT give the vaccines to patients at high risk.
Hard Place
Yup, that’s the Swine Flu Vaccine Campaign, in a nutshell.
Meanwhile, the GSK vaccine, which comes already adjuvanted with squalene, is no longer permitted in Switzerland for use with children, pregnant women, the elderly and those with chronic diseases because it is too dangerous for them. Of course, those are the VERY SAME groups that are targeted fo the adjuvanted vaccines in the US.
2. Vaccine Variances
“Even though this strain of the swine flu is appearing quite mild, the creation and testing of the vaccine is taking place at a rate that calls into question the safety of the flu shot. Sharon Frey, who is leading the government vaccine testing at St. Louis University, told the Associated Press, “Typically it takes a year to do this,” adding, “We’re working at breakneck speed.”
To cut time, corners are likely being cut: inoculations may start before the speedy trials are even over, according to the head of the flu vaccination program at the CDC. Safety tests are being fast-tracked under “public health emergency” rules.
This fast-tracking is happening worldwide. Dr. Marc Girard, a specialist in medicine who is commissioned by the French courts, told France 24 in a televised interview that the vaccine could very well cause 60,000 deaths in France alone. “We are developing a vaccine under conditions of amateurism that I have never seen before,” he said, noting that the nation’s immunization program was placing the public health in grave danger. He added that the government has a duty to protect citizens from the corrupt companies pushing their vaccines, and that people who are creating hysteria about the swine flu or promoting the vaccine have other interests. The channel’s health expert agreed with him, warning of the elevated mercury levels and other toxins in the vaccine.
A lack of testing is of more than minor concern. In the United Kingdom, the government’s Health Protection Agency (HPA) sent a letter to senior neurologists warning that the new swine flu vaccine is linked to the deadly nerve disease known as Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), the Daily Mail reported in an article entitled “Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease.” The leaked HPA letter warned recipients to keep an eye open for GBS and report it immediately.“
3. Poisoning Charges Filed in France over Deadly H1N1 Vaccination Scheme
Nine inhabitants of France charged as-yet-unknown defendants with a scheme to poison the people of France with the H1N1 vaccines. Adding defendants later as facts become clear is permitted under French law.
Jean-Pierre Joseph, acting as plaintiff’s lawyer says the vaccination campaign is “A veritable attempt to poison.” He confirmed that the charges were filed at the High Court in Grenoble before the Court’s Senior Examining Magistrate. Other court cases involving other plaintiffs would appear soon, he said. The charges include “Attempting to administer substances of a nature which could result in death.”
He said, “The aim is to put a stop to what we consider to be an act of poisoning. The interest of this action is that people in France now have a means by which to express their concern as citizens by saying publically ‘Wr are aware that the vaccination campaign is a swindle.’ “
Various French polls put the number of people who do not intend to get vaccinated against Swine Flu as high as 70%.