Natural Solutions Foundation
Codex Report #4 Rome, July 3, 2009
Dupes, Demons and Dogs in the Manger
First a Health NOTE: The FDA recently announced that it has now criminalized the dissemination of any information that states, implies or conveys that any device, substance, supplement or herb can treat, prevent, cure or mitigate the H1N1 “Swine Flu” virus except for 1. Vaccines (proof, anyone? Nah, skip it. No proof needed) and 2. Tamiflu(c) or Relenza(c), two failed antiviral drugs (apparently the fact that drug-resistant H1N1 is rapidly emerging globally, as did H5N1, makes no ‘neverminds’ to the FDA).
First Amendment? What First Amendment? Do we have one of those? No, I did not think so.
So let me be clear: I am not, repeat, NOT talking about the “Swine Flu” virus in any way in what I am about to tell you. That would, apparently, be, well, not exactly against the law, but against the pseudo-law as laid out by the Fraud and Death Administration, arguably one of the most abusive and dangerous agencies in US history. It is an agency that Dr. Ron Paul has said engaged in “abuse of power.”
Gen. Bert and I decided to visit the Isola Tiburina (an island in the middle of the Tiber river with restaurants, shops, an outdoor cinema, etc). We used public transit and, when it was time to come back to the hotel to finish this report, were pretty confused about how to get the correct bus back to the central station. If you have ever been to Rome, you’ll understand!
Anyway, getting there we had asked directions several times and been the object of that famous Roman game “Misdirect the Tourist and Watch the Fun” Since we only asked bus drivers at the Terminal, they knew a whole lot of stuff with which to misdirect us, which they did with skill and amusement a-plenty.
Coming back, there were no bus drivers around so we chose likely looking civilians – people who looked like they might ride the bus, but might also speak English. Lots of mis-direction, some with hilarity, ensued. Finally a very helpful African street vendor who spoke very good English directed us correctly. But while he was doing so, a bit of his saliva landed on my lip. Of course, I wiped it off, but infective particles are small and persistent. I was, as you can imagine, very anxious to get back to the hotel room where my Nano silver bottle was waiting for me. I knew that if this helpful man had multi drug resistant TB, or HIV/AIDS or any other disease communicable through droplet transmission or bodily fluids, I would (in my personal opinion) be quite capable of protecting myself from it, no matter what it was.
So as soon as I came home, I wiped my lip several times with a tissue saturated with Nano silver and then I took 4 capsful in a 1/2 glass of water. I will do the same tomorrow and whatever it was that he might have been capable of transmitting, I am totally confident, because of the science that this product rests on, that I will not get his disease. Of course, it is also fully possible that he has no communicable disease at all. In that case, I have boosted my immune status without killing the beneficial bacteria of my gut, my skin and my body orifices. Good for me. Really good for me.
Where do I get my Nano silver? At I literally never leave home without it. Neither should you. And I certainly have it at home as well. Lots of it.
You know, I find myself giving it to people all the time when they get sick, so I need enough to have extra doses available, too. I advise you to do the same. Don’t even THINK about “Swine Flu” and silver! The FDA does not want you to think. The fact that it disrupts all known viruses (in vitro) is no reason to consider using it for “Swine Flu,” according to the FDA. So don’t. That’s
And while you’re at it, remember our White Paper on Your Right to Self-Shield. Have you a pandemic plan?
Let me start my Codex Report today by outlining my understanding of the cast of characters at Codex:
The delegates who come to these meetings are, by and large, perfectly ordinary, perfectly decent people. They work for their governments in mid to high level bureaucratic jobs and occasionally they occupy Ministerial posts. They are overworked, and, in the main, under-supported by scientific and technical personnel and materials, and way, way over committed so that Codex is but a minor dust cove in their array of responsibilities. They are generally badly underpaid for the time, effort and dedication they give to their jobs.
They tend to believe what they have been told: Codex is good for them and for their country, Codex knows what it is doing, Codex works as a science-based decision-making body and Codex works for the trade and health good of the world’s people. If you look at our most recent video,, you can get an idea of the propaganda (very well done, by the way) with which they are bombarded.
They also believe what they have been told about the US: that food standards in the US are the best in the world, that decisions are made in the US solely in a science-based context, that the science and food safety in the US are the best in the world and that the US is a positive influence in their future lives and health.
In other words, they have been propagandized by the best in the business: Big Pharma. Some of them come with some suspicions that all is not well in Codex land, but especially the developing world is not well equipped to deal with the situation.
They are well-meaning, like the good men and women who populate the ranks of organizations like WHO, FAO, UN, perhaps like your doctor, like so many who make the systems go round and round by believing what they are told and taught, even thought what they have been told and taught is based on lies. Lenin called them “Useful Idiots” They are, more precisely, dupes.
Mind you, they are generally bright people, frequently very well educated and, as long as they do not have personal corruption or other financial interests in the outcome clouding their judgment, are quite willing to listen and reconsider their previous beliefs with new realities presented to them through discussion, the “Nutricide” Video,, the Codex eBook,, our video for Delegates on the Codex Two Step Process,, and the opportunities available when we have time to spend with them in their own countries.
In fact, we have been invited to visit 3 more African countries and one developing former Eastern European Bloc nation for this purpose, and to help them develop sustainable, BeyondOrganic BioDynamic Zero Emissions (BOBDZE(TM) ) food production AND talk with their leaders about Health and Health Freedom.
As with the rest of us, once their eyes are opened, things fall into place and they see the world differently. And that explains why, since we are the ONLY health freedom organization in the world taking this tack, Codex fears us and chooses to interfere, to the extent that it can, with our access to the delegates at the Codex meetings. That accounts for the fact that we are, quite literally, under guard and, as one of the guards told us this week, “We were told to keep you out by the Codex people!”.
So we know we are doing good work.
Then there are the demons at Codex. There are a few people, a very few we believe, in the Codex meetings who appear to us to understand very clearly what the stakes are and what the game is. They are scary folks. Their personal energy is rather horrible and they exude a vastly unattractive mixture of confidence and evil. We have written about some of them in our previous reports. The cast of characters has not changed since our last discussion of who seems to know the score and who seems to be quite happy with a genocidal agenda. They strike us as truly evil people.
Codex is working as rapidly as it can to create a global standard for all food under the guise of somehow benefiting everyone on the planet. I cannot find a logical reason to support the idea that this makes any sense, and discussed the debate at Codex about “private standards” vs. Codex Standards in Report #2. But, leaving that aside, a change has occurred at Codex and a very dangerous one at that.
Not a murmur of dissent or question was raised by the Official Observer organization that the Codex hierarchy allows to “represent”, allegedly, health freedom.
In 2005, Codex ratified the Vitamin and Mineral Guideline which mandates global under-nutrition. At that time, the Chair of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, Dr. Rolf Grossklaus, the head of a German government Risk Assessment company called bFR, was pushing for nutrients to be treated as toxins and subjected to a toxicology technique called “Risk Assessment”. WHO was asked to provide technical guidance on how substances necessary for life itself (e.g., vitamins and minerals) could be evaluated like toxins and on January 14, 2006, if memory serves me, it did so, revising that technical report again in May of that year.
We wrote at that time about the strange conflict of interest for Dr. Grossklaus to be the head of the company that seemed to be doing risk evaluation work for Codex while serving as a Chair for one of its committees and noted that we thought that that this was both corrupt and very dangerous for global health. We believed then, and believe now, that bFR’s work is sole source contract work for Codex since we have not been able to locate any indication of any other source of risk assessment and analysis for Codex.
This year, however, the Chair person of the Codex Commission, the US’s Dr. Karen Hulebak, and others referred again and again to Codex as “A Risk Assessment body”. How did that happen? Where did that come from? Why is Codex, whose mandate makes no mention of risk assessment, now the world’s “Risk Assessment Body”?
And why did no one representing health freedom ask that question or object to the change in self-definition? More of that below. Suffice it to say here that this is a very troubling redefinition and redirection of Codex fraught with dangers for health and freedom on a global basis.
If Codex is now the world’s “Risk Assessment body”, then anything that the multinationals and their hand maiden, the US + its compliant national ducklings, decides they are not in favor of is labeled a “risk” and thus, forbidden from global trade. Example: any nutrient which can cause any measurable change in any human being. Applying this principle, nutrients and herbs are too “risky” to allow in biologically effective doses. Hence, the Vitamin and Mineral Guideline.
Real risks, however, like the toxic pesticide malathion, whose MRL, or maxiumum residue [upper] limit was increased by the Commission by 20 fold, a 2000% increase!, are not considered risks. GMO foods, which are scientifically emerging as massively dangerous, are not considered risks. Veterinary drugs, which are changing aquatic life in disastrous ways, and poisoning the environment, the animals and their consumers, are not considered risks. Entire groups of dangerous chemicals are permitted by Codex with NO upper limits — no, not a risk. Unlimited irradiation of foods at every step of their production is not considered a risk. But nutrients and herbs are evaluated as dangerous risks.
Money is king and death is the masked guest at the Codex feast.
If ever there was a time when the voice of global health freedom was needed, it is now. With every Codex session, our health freedoms, including the right to clean, unadulterated food, are being stripped away from us at an alarming rate. Then the Codex standards and guidelines are implemented as national law, as is happening right before our eyes in the horrific food and farming bills before Congress.
Click here () to protect US food and food freedom and here [ ] to make sure that you are reading our Food Freedom eJournal,, to learn how to grow your own clean, unadulterated food quickly and easily, even if you have to do it in a corner of your apartment!
MayDay! MayDay! No Signal From “Health Freedom” Picked Up at Codex!
But we have been silenced at Codex. The Natural Solutions Foundation commissioned a film in 2005 which was titled “We Become Silent” and silent we have, indeed, become. As I have been sharing with our supporters and friends in our blog Reports this week, the “Health Freedom” Observer Organization calling itself the “Voice of Health Freedom at Codex” [SIC!] has been mute, totally mute. THEY have become silent, and through them, WE have been silenced. This organization is, in fact, the Codex Dog in the Manger. They are not using the opportunity to speak out for health freedom while the quality of food is degraded world wide; they refuse to allow us to share their table or microphone and so we, the health freedom constituency, are both silenced and abandoned by the self-styled “Voice of Health Freedom”. After a 45 year history of existence we would have expected better from them.
This is clearly unacceptable. Because of this global problem, we feel that it is necessary to write an Open Letter to the leaders and activists of the Global Health Freedom Movement.
“Dear Health Freedom Movement Leaders:
Allow me to direct your attention to the problem of enforced silence at Codex. This silence is enforced, disturbingly enough, not by Codex itself, but by an organization which has been given the opportunity to serve as Heath Freedom’s voice at Codex and has chosen not to do so and not to allow anyone else to do so, either.
Whether this is through collusion with the Codex powers or not is immaterial. The effect is that Codex has silenced us totally. We must not allow this to continue.
First, a word of reassurance: The Natural Solutions Foundation, the world’s largest health freedom organization, has observed that there are territorial issues which concern various organizations in the Health Freedom arena so let me assure you that nothing in the strategy we are proposing involves any mergers, blending of groups or competition for donations or other funding. What we are proposing is limited to Codex Alimentarius activities and is a loose consortium for that purpose, NOT a fusion or blending of groups or confluence of funds, or supporter lists. It is our hope that this early clarification will ease some of the tensions which seem to fuel competitive and unproductive behaviors on the part of some in the Health Freedom world, reducing our effectiveness by dissipating our energy in strife. That helps no one, least of all the people we are trying to assist.
We applied for recognition as an Official Observer at Codex in 2006 and were turned down, but told that since there was another health freedom organization which was an Observer organization, we should work with them so we could be present and represented at the table.
The other organization, which is now totally mute at Codex meetings, did not reply directly to our requests, instead attacking us publicly for asking, again, to participate at the Codex meetings. We put this inactive organization on notice that we would be seeking redress if they once again did not allow us to participate in the Codex meeting. Their response was an actionable letter to their mailing list, but silence to us. And silence is their modus at Codex as well.
Ractopamine used in animals: silence.
Lacto peroxidase in milk: silence.
Increasing malathion levels by 20 fold: silence.
Eliminating all Maxium Residue Levels for a group of major toxins: silence.
Vertinary drug levels: silence.
Because it is clear that they have chosen silence, and thus we have been silenced, in this forum, the Natural Solutions Foundation has reapplied for a seat as an Observer organization on the basis that we are the largest and certainly one of the, or the, most effective global health freedom organizations in the world and should, therefore, be represented in the Codex proceedings.
Our Open Letter to the Codex Chairwoman and application is here:
I am an environmental physician, an MD with decades of experience in natural medicine and a qualified expert in the areas of health, nutrition and toxicity. My co-trustees are my dear husband Gen Bert Stubblebine and our good friend Ralph Fucetola JD are experts in their respective fields. We are asking for your support in this application with the following promise:
Those organizations which support our application will have a guaranteed seat at the Health Freedom table at every upcoming Codex meeting, whether we able to attend or not, and thus, organizations will be assured that their their position, their truth, their perspective at that table is articulated within the Codex forum. I cannot promise you that our clarion calls will be heeded by Codex, but I can certainly promise you that our positions will be articulated well and fully within the Codex framework and that we will educate delegates and nations to provide a meaningful framework for health freedom on a global basis.
Murray Rothbard, the brilliant Free Market philosopher, pointed out that in a social moment it is very useful, indeed, imperative, to have many different organizations attacking the opposition from many different points of view, articulating many different, but philosophically related, positions.
Natural Solutions Foundation does not need to agree with all of your positions or actions, nor do you need to agree with ours. We do need to bring as many, and as varied, voices to the table as we can marshal.
Silence is no longer an option.
Health freedom is under attack globally with degraded and industrialized food, vaccines, medical privacy, compulsory drugging, GMO “foods”, criminalization and suppression of natural medicine and accurate information about it, and a host of other threats to our ability to make our own health choices. Let’s all come together to ‘speak truth to power’ and push-back against this globalist agenda.
Codex is but one of the threats facing us, but it is a huge one. I invite you to join me in bringing health freedom’s voice to Codex.
To signal your willingness to work together to assure a seat at the Codex table, or any questions that you may have, please write to the National Solutions Foundation,, with “CODEX” in the subject line telling us the name of your organization, your URL, the issues of greatest significance to you and your contact information. We will connect wtih you to strategize our next moves. But the net result needs to be a seat at the table and a live microphone at that table so Codex will hear a voice for health freedom, since, after-all, Health Freedom is Our First Freedom.
I anticipate your positive response.
Yours in health and freedom,
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III
(US Army, Ret.)
President and Trustee
Natural Solutions Foundation
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director and Trustee
Natural Solutions Foundation
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee
Natural Solutions Foundation”
Now we will wait and see whether the Global Health Freedom movement responds to the opportunity. By the way, you can expect a flurry of disinformation when the folks who do not want us to move forward get wind of this one.
We will be able to separate the health freedom friends and the others by who attacks and who joins in.
We’ll keep you posted!
And we need your help in this global effort! Please make a generous recurring donation here If you pay taxes in the US, it is fully tax deductible since we are a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization. We have a lot of work to do and every contribution, large or small, helps to defray our costs. Our Trustees take no salary but our expenses continue, none the less. Please help to support innovation and success in health freedom. Thanks!
Our Previous Codex Reports:
#1 – Pig in a Poke and Poking the Pig
#2 – We’re Here for Your Health Freedom so They Attack Us
#3 – Bureaucrats and Lobbyists Feast in Rome
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project, Reclaiming the Production of Food, Worldwide