Children Sentenced to Death by Clinical Trial
Helenor and Sarah: Do They Have to Die to Protect You?
By now you have probably heard about Sarah Hershberger, the 10 year old Amish girl whose parents escaped from the United States to keep Akron Children’s Hospital from administering more than two dozen experimental chemotherapy treatments to her ALTHOUGH SHE IS CANCER FREE according to several medical evaluations outside the US.
Most people are focusing on the injustice of the story, as well they might! But the story goes deeper, much deeper and, as usual, the unique perspective which the Natural Solutions Foundation brings to the issue sheds new, and vitally important light on the story. Foundation Counsel Ralph Fucetola JD has been asked by several Amish groups to protect their access to the traditional and advanced health care that is consistent with their beliefs. So we have inside information and our own perspective.
Here’s what you are not hearing!
Sarah’s parents voluntarily took her to Akron Children’s Hospital for conventional, allopathic treatment of her leukemia in spite of the fact that, as members of an Amish community, that is not the usual way illnesses are handled. They were working with an natural practitioner but apparently became concerned when natural means were not working fast enough.
They were advised that she would need 26 chemotherapy treatments. This in itself makes my ears prick up. Not 25? Not 27? Exactly 26 chemotherpay sessions? Not enough sessions to put cancer in remission? Nor enough chemotherapy to reach the point that Sarah could no longer tolerate it even if the cancer was not in remission?
Mind you, I do not recommend chemotherapy at all, but that is not the point. As a physician, I find it downright weird that the child was slated for such a precise and unyielding protocol. Unless…
Unless the protocol were set not by the needs of the child and her clinical situation, but by another party. Say, a drug company paying for a clinical trial of an experimental drug and/or protocol which required conformity and uniformity for statistical purposes. Unless the Hershberers were not told that their daughter was being enrolled in a drug trial. Unless Akron Children’s Hospital was looking out for their pay check, not their patient.
And, indeed, that is precisely what happened.
Although Mr. and Mrs. Hershberger are, understandably, reluctant to speak to the press, through the good offices of Counsel Ralph, we were able to find out the real story here.
And it is nothing short of despicable.
Akron Children’s hospital apparently stands to lose One Million Dollars because Sarah’s parents allowed her to go through a brief stint of chemotherapy and then decided that Sarah needed natural treatment, not chemotherapy.
They took her out of the treatment and out of the hospital.
The hospital says that the parents do not understand that “without the life-saving chemotherapy” [sic], Sarah will die.
It is hard to know exactly how they can say that, however, since it turns out that the drugs that they appear certain Sarah will die without ARE EXPERIMENTAL AND THEREFORE NO ONE CAN SAY WHAT THEIR EFFECT WILL BE.
You see, the hospital failed to inform Sarah’s parents that, against the law, they had enrolled her in a clinical trial for an experimental drug [wait – this gets a lot worse!] for which they were to be paid One Million Dollars IF THE PATIENT RECEIVED ALL 26 TREATMENTS.
Side note: The Helsinki Declaration is clear on this: “3. The Declaration of Geneva of the WMA binds the physician with the words, “The health of my patient will be my first consideration,” and the International Code of Medical Ethics declares that, “A physician shall act in the patient’s best interest when providing medical care.”” –
Still worse to come, I am afraid.
This case is precisely reminiscent of the tragedy of Helenor Bye. Read about her and see the exclusive video here,, in which Helenor, a 12 year old school girl, was misdiagnosed with epilepsy and secretly enrolled in a drug trial for the dangerous drug Epilin. When her parents tried to stop the drug, they were told that the State would remove the child.
Eventually, Helenor was, quite literally, killed and her body mutilated to remove all organs which could have documented that she was killed through the protocols of the secret drug trial.
Sarah’s parents got her out of the hospital and off the chemotherapy. The hospital, which did not disclose that Sarah was now part of an unauthorized experiment, sued the parents to gain medical guardianship of the child. They lost.
They appealed. They lost. Akron Children’s hospital arranged for the case to be moved from one Court District to another where they won their bid for guardianship of Sarah to compel her to keep her date with destiny and receive deadly chemotherapy for a disease which she no longer has.
Here is what the international medical norms of the Helsinki Declaration have to say about the Hospital’s retaliation against the Hershbergers: “26 …The potential subject must be informed of the right to refuse to participate in the study or to withdraw consent to participate at any time without reprisal.”
Wait! There’s more!
Secret experimentation on a child with a potentially deadly drug that she no longer has any reason to take leads to a nurse attorney, Maria Schimer, being appointed legal guardian. The legal guardian continues to seek the family’s whereabouts in order to compel both drugs to be given.
Both? Yes, both. Turns out that Akron Children’s Hospital thought they could double a “good deal” and, again secretly, they enrolled Sarah in a second secret drug trial.
Well, not quite secret.
You see, they gave the 10 year old patient a paper to sign in her parents’ absence in which SARAH SIGNS HERSELF INTO A SECOND DRUG TRIAL!
Obscene. Insane. Shameless. Bizarre. Unthinkable. Arrogant. Murderous.
Those are some of the words going through my head as I struggle to find the right word to express my horror and outrage that such a thing could happen not in the medical block at Auschwitz, but in the United States.
Another clinical trial, another juicy fee, another secret, another violation.
Did Counsel/Nurse Schimer tell the Hershberger’s about her involvement in the double experiment?
The Helsinki Declaration tells us: “26. each potential subject must be adequately informed of the aims, methods, sources of funding, any possible conflicts of interest, institutional affiliations of the researcher, the anticipated benefits and potential risks of the study and the discomfort it may entail…”
Here’s my problem, though. You see, when you watch the video with her parents, Derek and Joan, about how Helenor Bye lost her life to the greed and heartlessness, to say nothing of murderous disregard of human life and well being 35 years ago in Wales, you think, well, that was a long time ago and things like that cannot happen anymore.
And you realize that Helenor was by no means the only child slaughtered.
Then along comes the Hersberger family and you realize that it IS happening here and to… how many children and adults?
No more.
I would like you to take these actions right now.
First, click on this web form link,, and easily tell your decision makers that Sarah Hershberger must be the last person in the US experimented upon in secret.
Never again. For any reason.
Second, share the Actionable Information link,, with anyone you can reach. This touches us all in a life and death manner. We all need to stand with this Amish family if any of our families are to be safe.
Third, send a donation to Sarah’s family to keep the farm going, feed and clothe the other Hershberger family members while their parents and sister are in hiding outside the country that wants to destroy Sarah’s constitutional rights. Here’s the independent funding link:
Fourth, make another donation, this time to the Natural Solutions Foundation, so that we can continue to bring you up to the minute health Freedom information and create the steps you can take to change public policy and prevent similar atrocities from happening to you and to your loved ones:
Fifth, if you are a health care giver, join us in taking the Health Keepers Oath that we will never allow ourselves to be used by public health care institutions to abuse any person to whom we offer health care services: Health Keepers must take responsibilty for medical ethics since, clearly, institutions like Akron Hospital refuse to do so.
Please use FB and every other social media you have, plus your own email, to spread this story far and wide.
The secret clinical experiments you thwart could be the one into which you or your child were about to be secretly enrolled.
Yours in heath and freedom,
Dr. Rima