The Politics are Getting Hotter than an August Day!
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You can always tell when Natural Solutions Foundation is probing a sore spot in the New World Order Agenda… they react by trying to censor us. It’s happening again.
We’ve joined forces with California lawyer (and father of a vaccine injured child) Kent Heckenlively, JD to file twin petitions with the Government — one at and one at Together they offer the Trump Administration both political support (the petition) and legal standing to act (the petition). So when Info Wars interviewed Counsel Ralph on Monday we were not surprised that the Call for the Moratorium began to go viral. Our thanks to Alex Jones for his enormous social media presence.
When Counsels Kent and Ralph were scheduled to appear with Dr. Rima on The Dr. Rima Truth Reports — — yesterday we should have expected interference! If you tried to listen last night, you know what we mean! Not to worry, we’re going to re-record the planned program as a podcast and send the link to everyone on the Dr. Rima Truth Reports list! You will not want to miss this important message!
Meanwhile, here is a short version of Counsel Ralph’s interview: — this video tells you how you can join in the Call for a Childhood Vaccine Moratorium. We need YOU to take this call viral and make sure the Trump Administration knows we are backing them IF they act!
Here is the Moratorium FAQs page; please share widely!
And here’s another way to fight censorship: improve your brain!
Natural Solutions Foundation Issues a Standing Challenge
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” Socrates
UPDATE: May 12, 2015. These notes are from Adam Crabb of the Crazz Files (our original posting, challenging the pro-vaxxers to debate is below). We give these examples from Australia not because American and other politicians are not as bad (example: we could fill pages with the really dumb, and hurtful, things California pols are saying in favor of abrogating our philosophical and religious Conscientious Objector Rights) but to show how persistent investigative reports like the Crazz Files can expose to the light of day the stupidity and greed at the heart of the pro-vaxx propaganda push.
Another “No” for my request to our Federal Minister to debate you guys.
“Thank you for your request to the Hon Sussan Ley MP.
Minister Ley has asked me to pass on her apologies. Unfortunately we are unable to incorporate your request into her program at this time.
Kind regards
Christina Mallon
Federal Member for Farrer
Minister for Health
Minister for Sport
02 6277 7220”
Aussie Politicos don’t know when to stop talking about their pro-vaxx views:
[13/05/15 10:1:15 PM] THE CRAZZ FILES: & what about MP Graham? He said that vaccine science is settled so I asked him on for a debate. I got a response from his secretary that he “is a backbencher & doesn’t know to much about the subject…” I asked, why then did he make the comment? no reply. Did I tell you about the health minister Jillian Skinner, she told a dying 23 year old man not to smoke cannabis because it causes lung cancer; this man has since passed away. Does any politician here have any sense?
And another from Adam: the new Green Party leader in Australia thinks the “science is settled” and will “battle” Vaccine Freedom of Choice in his own party. Oh, yes, this “Green” leader is even against Raw Milk! What Green Party? Where? See:
Here is Adam’s note to the MP:
[14/05/15 11:21:10 PM] THE CRAZZ FILES: Please read this link & let me know a good time for you to come onto our show via Skype for a debate. We will be joined by Dr Rima E. Laibow, M.D. who is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation & Ralph Fucetola JD, Counsel Fucetola has been widely recognised as a leading attorney in the Health field, receiving numerous awards. We believe in every individual’s right to say no to vaccines if they choose.
Let’s see if he responds to this!
Yes, Adam, let’s see if Mr. Di Natale is willing to debate his belief in vaxx pseudo-science.
“The science is settled: vaccination is pseudo-science that leads to foreseeable harm, including death.” Dr. Rima
1. Vaccines are safe, effective, cost effective or any combination of these
2. Vaccines offer meaningful social and individual protection
3. Vaccine benefits outweigh the risks to societies and individuals
4. Vaccine damage is rare and inconsequential
5.Vaccine Science is settled in favor of vaccination
6. Vaccine debate does not fall under free speech protections and should be suppressed
7. Forced vaccination does not violate fundamental human rights, including Informed Consent and the Nuremberg Code
Debates will be broadcast on various media venues including, but not limited to, the Dr. Rima Truth Reports Radio Show (
Natural Solutions Foundation reserves the right to record and broadcast through various means the debate, written material provided by the debate opponent, biographical and other publicly available information about the debate opponent.
All records, recordings, transcripts and other material relating to and derived from these debates shall remain the property of the Natural Solutions Foundation.
By requesting a debate, the opponent in the debate gives Natural Solutions Foundation permission to use his/her image, name, publicly available data and similar without later recourse to protest such use.
The debate format and length will be agreed upon in advance.
To request a debate time, send an email to stating your contact coordinates, topic for the debate, academic or official capacity (if any) and any additional venues that you propose to add to the distribution network.
You are looking forward to a nice crisp salad with some lovely, ripe tomatoes and a variety of leafy delights. You would rather not have them shut your kidneys down or give you cancer.
Your cup of java from the local coffee shop – mmmmm! great aroma. Savor the moment while your brain moves one step closer to neurological disaster.
Corn flakes! Crunchy, munchy, poison your genetic heritage so you’ll never have a child.
You’re looking for goodness, yet there they are: Roundup(R), the world’s best selling herbicide and 2,4-D, half of Dow Chemical’s amazing Agent Orange defiant, right there in your cereal, bowl, cup, plate.
Roundup(R), the commercial name for glyphosate, is the second deadliest non-radioactive chemical in the world. But 2, 4-D is no slouch. And they are in your food, GMO or not, if it’s not organic. That’s bad enough.
But suppose you are a farm worker in Sri Lanka or Guatemala or India and you are using these chemicals because the GMO crops you tend withstand them and you need to keep your crop protected from the super-weeds that compete with it. The plants can take it, but so can the weeds, so you use more. And more. And more. And then your kidneys give out.
Your feet get swollen, your hands do, too. You have horrible pains in your back and you have increasingly terrible headaches. You keep working until finally you collapse in the field. When you wake us in the hospital, your wife tells you that your kidneys have been destroyed. No one knows why, she says, but the levels of arsenic and cadmium in your body is matched only by the levels of Roundup(R) and 2, 4-D.
You are dying of a special kind of food poisoning: the production of MY food has poisoned you.
Your family buries you with a sorrowful contingent of other families whose husbands, fathers, sons and brothers have died of the same thing, now the largest cause of hospital deaths in your country.
What is this plague of food-borne death? Is it an accident? No. Is it a plot? Not exactly. Is it gross negligence on the part of regulators who put their own self interest ahead of the lives they are employed, and often sworn, to serve and protect? Absolutely!
What can you do about the worker in Guatemala and the genes in your body? Simple. If the FDA won’t help you protect yourself from GMOs and deadly agri-chemical poisons, you can still protect yourself.
If it doesn’t say “Organic” , it isn’t. And if it isn’t organic, don’t eat it. Period.
Kill the GMO market by not buying it from the market. Kill the pestiide/herbicide/fungicide/suicide market by buying only those foods and products that are not raised or made with chemicals.
“Natural” does not count. It has no legal meaning and companies lie.
Organic products are a lot cheaper than in vitro fertilization, cancer, MS, ALS, diabetes, birth defects, lupus and the rest.
And you must “take this Action Item viral!”
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD