Watch it, gasp in horror — and then saddle up your Freedom Mouse. We have work to do!
It’s time for outraged, viral pushback: Like us on Facebook and then send this page to everyone you know so they can take action and send it to everyone THEY know, and so on!
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How about a little bit of pink slime on a cracker made of refried industrial sludge? Now, I know it isn’t on the menu at the White House, where one of their Executive Chefs tells us that the First Family prefers “Happy recipies, traditional foods they are more familiar with.”
I guess that means that you and I, the disposable “Useless Eaters”, will have to make do with… “Unhappy Foods”? “Happy PHUDE”?” PHUDE of Death”?
Oh, Wait!! I get it!! They get Food and we get sick! And the folks who brought us “Cooking at the molecular level” producing fake stuff in which there is, as the happy-eyed chef in the video tells us, not one molecule of meat, fish, egg, flour, vegetables, spices, oil or anything provided in its original form by nature, will bring us syntehtic PHUDE with new flavors and qualties. Like under-nutrition, perhaps free, no extra charge?
So here is my question to you: Are you OK with PHUDE that makes Soylent Green actually seem like a good option since it, at least, had some real protein from some real food animals.
No, of course I am not advocating food FROM humans, but I certainly AM advocating food, real, organic, nourishing food FOR humans and the creatures they attend. That includes pets, flocks, herds and others.
I assert, as a basic human value, that
— Food should be fresh, clean, uncontaminated and non-genetically modified;
— Food should be free of chemical residues because it is grown without vaccines, petrochemicals, synthetic fertilizers, drugs or other poisons and processed in the same pristine fashion.
I further assert, as a basic human value, that
— Practices which degrade, not enrich, the biosphere in its natural form, which damages the physical integrety of the plant in food growing, harms us all as food consumers and must stop as we convert from dangerous chemicals and genetic trickery to clean, wholesome organic, biodynamic and zero emissions food production.
OK. We assert our Food Freedom Theses. Now what?
Now We Take these Steps –
1: Click here to stop the spread of the most dangerous “PHUDE” technology ever unleashed on the planet, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).
Step 2: Like us on Facebook here:
Step 3. Send this brief article to everyone on your email list with a one sentence request to read the article and take action, with the click of a mouse, then forward it to their friends so that they can to the same. The quick link to this page is here:
Step 4: Donate to health freedom here:
Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom & Justice™ –
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“A small company is trying to bring to market a genetically engineered apple that does not turn brown when sliced or bruised… The Arctic Apple, as it is being called, could become one of the first genetically engineered versions of a fruit that people directly bite into…”
Congress About to Mandate GMOs?
The countries that follow the Civil Law tradition of the Napoleonic Code apply the Precautionary Principle to new products entering the marketplace. The marketer bears the burden of showing the safety of the product. In the Common Law countries, like the United States, the same concept, that the purveyor takes responsibility, is called “Strict Liability in Tort.” You are responsible for the safety of the products you introduce into commerce.
That laudable principle, however, fails to be followed in several key areas — notably, for our purposes here, regarding Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).
First, what is a GMO? It is not a plant or animal that is the result of selective breeding or hybridizing closely linked species. Rather than these methods, used for millenniums, GMO technology is all about the introduction of “alien” DNA into species, to “give” them traits they did not develop in nature. Such “chimera” or transgenetic entities are really new species, sometimes combining animal and plant DNA. Often producing novel proteins for which the human body has no evolutionary experience.
We do not know what “unintended” consequences may develop. There are however, disturbing reports coming from many sources (just GOOGLE “GMO risks”) warning about infertility among animals fed GMO feed and failures of mono-culture GMO crops when stressed (consider the looming failure of the GMO corn crop in the USA this year).
We find ourselves particularly concerned with the “Farm Bill” pending before Congress. We prefer to call it the “Factory Food Promotion Bill” since it just continues the “bipartisan” policy of heavily subsidizing factory “phude” production while building in new burdens on local, sustainable, organic production. In addition, it includes provisions that would mandate even greater GMO penetration of the market, without labeling.
“Three sections (10011, 10013, and 10014) tucked into the middle of the bulky bill work together to eliminate any real review of GE crops. This “Monsanto Rider” got its name from the corporation with a choke-hold on most of the country’s staple crops”
To our minds, if a company is putting something on the market that it claims is “food” it has an obligation to tell us in what way it is “food.” If it is a transgenetic chimera, a novel species with unknown risk, the public ought to know. Now the “bipartisan” policy enforced by FDA does not required GMO labeling and acutally forbids “GMO-Free” designations. However, we feel confident, if FDA ever takes any company to court because it truthfully labeled its food as “GMO-Free” the FDA would lose.
What can you do about the risks of GMO fake “phude?”
There are several steps:
1. Help us educate decision makers about GMOs!
Easily email your legislators here: Insist that “natural” food purveyors such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s take responsibility and indicate which products are GMO-Free. Your dollars count!
3. Source as much of your food as you can from Deep South (South America and Africa) sources that are Organic, GMO-Free and Low-Radiation certified. See:
4. Grow your own heritage seed, real food in your own garden (indoors if you are in a radiation risk area).
We are not helpless in the face of the crony corporatist factory “phude” system. Together, our Dollars and our Push Back can make a difference!
General Bert Stubblebine (US ARmy ret; President of the Natural Solutions Foundation) has identified four technologies that he calls the “Genomicidal technologies that are weaponizing the world against human survival.”
These are [1] the uninsurable risks of nuclear power;
[2] industrial toxins in the environment;
[3] drug toxins, especially those in the uninsurable risk of vaccines; and, of course,
[4] GMO fake “phude.” He has further identified the resulting harms as furthering the Global Elitist’ Depopulation Agenda.
This is what Natural Solutions Foundation medical Director Rima E. Laibow, MD has identified as the “Globalist Genocidal Agenda” See Dr. Rima on that topic at the School of Enlightenment:
Right now (July 2012) Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert are in the Deep South Republic of Chile sourcing low-radiation, wholesome, non-GMO food sources. Dr. Rima’s Video Blogs reporting on their fact-finding tour can be seen here:
Yours in health ^ freedom,
Ralph Fucedtola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee & Counsel
The Truth is that Genetically Modified People, as well as food, are being created by Fukushima. That’s why I am providing you this urgently important information.Can you handle the truth? The Media of Mass Deception does not think you can so they are hiding the truth about Fukusima from you. Sharp Discounts on MUST READ eBooks on Fukushima Truth (and what you CAN do about it for yourself and your family) from General Albert N. Stubblebine III, President of the Natural Solutions Foundation. Get updates fom General Bert without charge by entering your email at .
This is life-saving information and I URGE you to spread it as widely as you can!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
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Let me be perfectly frank, I need some money from you so I can fill your grocery cart, and your cupboards with food that sustains you and your family:organic and lower radiation, from the Deep South. And there is no way you can get it in your local supermarket or health food store.
General Bert and I are going grocery shopping for you in the Deep South (Chile and Uruguay) where we can source food for you that is not contaminated by Fukushima Radiation, food that is clean, organic and fair trade. The elite have their own food supply. General Bert and I live in a Low Radiation area. The only way we can eat Fukushima’s radiation is to eat food from the US and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere! But let’s face it: it’s not fair for some of us to have access to clean, low radiation food while you and your family don’t.
We are devoting a huge amount of time and effort to bring the life-sustaining foods you and your children need so that people like you with families like yours can thrive and survive. That’s why we created the Natural Solutions Foundation way back in 2004. After all, we are a Health Freedom organization. Your right to clean, unadulterated food became even more urgent TDEC, The Day Everything Changed: March 11, 2011.
That was the day the lunatics who run the nuclear power industry proved we’ve been right all along. Nuclear physicists and common sense come to the same conclusion: a technology which produces vast amounts of inconceivably deadly waste with no way to control it or keep it safe is a very, very bad idea, no matter who gets rich from it.
Despite the well-financed propaganda, the truth is that the use of nuclear power is noting short of insane: irrational, senseless, demented. And I use that word technically, in my capacity as a psychiatrist. A deadly sort of insane.
Since the lunatics have gotten loose in the nuclear asylum, we have only one logical choice: to take charge of our own survival. The Central Valley of Oregon and California produces one-third of the food you eat. It is heavily contaminated with radiation. Radiation levels continue to rise well passed legally defined hazardous levels1. The rest of the US continues to accummulate unheard of levels of Fukushima radiation2. The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation refuse to sit idly by without providing a Natural Solution for you and the people you love.
General Bert and I want you to have the same clean food we have. Frankly, organic (contaminated with radiation, that is) just won’t cut it anymore if it is produced in the Northern Hemisphere. We’re going back to Chile and Uruguay on July 19 for about a month to continue the work of sourcing clean, low-radiation food for you. We are partnering with people producing magnificent food in South America and Africa, the “Deep South”. And we’ll be bringing it to our Friendly Food Coop members at the lowest possible prices.
We don’t want to see you and your loved ones sicken and suffer, and maybe die, because of the nuclear lunatics, any more than you do.
After all that’s why we started the Natural Solutions Foundation way back in 2004 in the first place. We are dedictated to the understanding that it’s Your Health, Your Choice, Your Way!TM. We want you to have the food you and your family deserve to thrive on: NO radiation, NO poisons, NO GMOs.
By the way, you won’t be surprised to learn that creating a pristine food supply from the ground up is an expensive proposition. So we need your participation.
Your tax deductible donations will put this superb food on your table and in your cubboard. Frankly, the more resources we have to move this project forward, the quicker you can enjoy these wonderful foods.
You can embrace this opportunity to provide for your health at several different levels: Large donations will fill your cubbard faster. Small donations add up, too. And, for those who see the financial benefits, investment in the Fund for Natural Solutions is a powerful option to Make a Profit While Making a Difference!
How much is your health — and that of your loved ones — worth to you? You decide.
Now’s your chance to fill our low-rad shopping cart now and get some wonderful gifts as our way of saying, “Thank You!” Choose your level of support and your complementary gifts.
Click here to donate to support Health Freedom
[ ] $25 minimum suggested donation
[ ] $50 brings you a 14 oz bag of our outstanding Valley of the Moon CoffeeTM (shipping’s on us this time)
[ ] $100 bring you 14 ounces of our superb coffee PLUS a new, never-released, private 45 minute Video: Clean Food for Your Table with Dr. Rima and Father Godfrey Nzamajo, PhD
[ ] $500 bring you the above gifts PLUS One Year Founders Membership in the Friendly Food CoOp (a $750 value)
[ ] $1,000 brings you all of the above PLUS 3 eBooks: Dr Rima’s Nutrition eBook and both of General Bert’s outstanding Fukushima eBooks
[ ] $5,000 brings you all of the above PLUS 4 additional Friendly Food CoOp annual memberships for you to gift as you choose
[ ] $10,000 bring you all of the above PLUS a one hour consult and ½ hour follow-up consultation with Dr. Rima
[ ] $25,000 brings you all of the above plus three hours private Remote Viewing Training with General Bert
Ready to embrace the opportunity to Make a Difference While Making a Profit? Then you’re ready to invest in the Fund for Natural Solutions, Please visit the web page, fill in the brief questionnaire (required by SEC) and email it to Ralph Fucetola, JD, Minimum participation $10,000, by Private Placement Memorandum only. Larger participations welcomed.
Your generosity means a great deal to the Natural Solutions Foundation Trustees.
And, ultimately, it means even more to you and yours.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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Natural Solutions Foundation
The Global Pesticide Resistant Apocalypse On Its Way?
Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning for years about the dangers of GMO “phude” (looks like food, may even taste a bit like food, but it isn’t). Dr Rima E. Laibow, Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, has pointed out that the human body has no evolutionary experience with the novel proteins in these “Frankenphudes,” thus the risk of cancer, dementia, infertility and other health problems. The threat, however, is not just to the harm caused to our bodies and our health. So our bodies fail under the burden of GMO PHUDE. So, in fact, does the entire farming system, perhaps the entire ecosystem.
Now it appears that GMO crop failures are growing. Do we face the risk of famine as well?
In 2009 the South African Corn Crop Failure was linked to GMO seeds(1). “On January 17 [2010], internationally recognized plant pathologist Dr. Don Huber, wrote a letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack warning of the discovery of a new pathogen and a possible link between Roundup Ready® (GMO) corn and soybeans and severe reproductive problems in livestock as well as widespread crop failure.”(2)This past March, scientists with the Natural Society called for immediate action to stop the GMO crop failure threat(3). The USDA did nothing. Just recently, the widespread failure of the GMO corn crop in middle America has been blamed on everything except the fake corn itself; even Alex Jones reported today, “All over America the corn is dying. If drought conditions persist in the middle part of the country, wheat and soybeans will be next.”.(4)
During the Cold War there was a standard joke about Soviet Crop Failures and how “drought” and “heat” had caused 75 years of crop failures; the system was never questioned. We believe that is what is happening here in the USA today. The Biotech system, that provides through “user fees” most of the FDA and USDA budget, can never be questioned.
Could it be, though, that GMO cloned monoculture itself is to blame? Are these chimeric species failing when they face stressed conditions? Could it be that these unnatural species, that are “new and unique” and thus patentable, but according to the Federal Govt, “significantly equivalent” to real food, so not requiring safety testing, are the cause of this Summer’s crop disaster? The Price of Corn is up 41% already.
And all of this, as the effects of Fukushima’s continuing irradiating of America’s croplands continues unabated. One well-known organic farm in Portland has stopped production since it cannot guarantee low-radiation output any more.(5)
Natural Solutions Foundation President, General Bert Stubblebine tells us that we must acknowledge the “facts on the ground” — in this case, mass crop failure — and then think strategically in order to develop tactics to respond to the threat.
Some suggest that we all need to focus on mandatory labeling of GMOs. Others want to agitate for a complete ban. Still others call for a boycott. We certainly favor all of these approaches. If someone is labeling something as “food” then it is fraud to sell “phude” instead. But even if the label said, “WARNING: GMO Contents” offering the stuff would still be selling poison to an unsuspecting public.
Yes we agree that action must be taken to rid our world of GMOs. Through our “Educate Decision Makers” system we’ve set up an automated email you can easily send your representatives telling them to not just label GMOs, but ban them as well. We need to demand redress for our grievances, starting with labeling.
You can send your emails here:
Yes, we need to PUSH BACK here in the USA and around the world. But that’s not enough. GMOs literally invade natural species and infect them with “alien” DNA. We need to rid the planet of these dangerous species that could lead to famine if not checked.
In addition to educating decision makers, you need to protect your family and loved ones by sourcing low-radiation, non-GMO, organic or better food. We’re working with a group of health-conscious companies to bring you high potency nutrition, to better survive the threats emanating from GMO crops and from the ruined reactors at Fukushima. And we’ve created the Friendly Food CoOp — — where you can learn about those companies and where, over the next few months, we will be sourcing low-rad, high quality food for you from South America and Sub-Sahara Africa.
Together we can take the two steps that will matter: (1) Pushing Back with Decision Makers and (2) sourcing the best nutrition we can find for you, from the safest parts of this planet. Will America face famine? If so, it will have been produced by the extraordinary failures of Big Ag Biz and their cronies in Big Govt.
If we work together, we can overcome these threats; we can not only survive in trying times, but we can thrive on the wholesome nutrition we need.
General Bert