Dr. Rima Laibow, MD Interviews
Rev. Tony Muhammad of the Nation of Islam
On July 13, 2015 I had the honor of co-hosting the Dr. Rima Truth Reports for its first international livestreamed video event in three years of online podcasting. Our two hour video broadcast was through Conscious Consumer Network — www.consciousconsumernetwork.TV while we were simulcast through the Veterans Truth Network — www.veteranstruthnetwork.com — and several associated networks; all-told, over a million people participating.
Information about our program schedule, and access to our Chat, is here: www.HealthFreedomPortal.org
Our guest was Rev. Tony Muhammad of the Nation of Islam. Brother Tony is a son of Hon. Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam. The interview was prompted by Brother Tony’s announcement that the Nation was planning a “Million Person March” (as part of the Twentieth Anniversary of the famous Million Man March held in Washington, DC during 1995) to confront vaccination misinformation during October 2015.
Brother Tony revealed to us that within the past month Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Hon. Rev. Lous Farrakhan met and reviewed the irrefutable evidence* that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of the United States Government has known for at least a decade that the Rotovirus Vaccine is linked to significant adverse reactions and that black boys are 500% more likely to have such reactions than others. He estimated that there were over 100,000 added autistic boys in the black community triggered by the vaccine during the decade since the danger was known to the Government, but not revealed to the public.
Hon. Rev. Farrakhan has charged Brother Tony with authority to reach out to the larger black and general communities to stop all mandated vaccines.
The Hon. Elijah Muhammad, Prophet of the Nation of Islam, taught in the 1930s that members of the Religion were not to vaccinate, but rather, were to achieve and maintain a healthy status through hygeine, nutrition, fasting, purification and natural means.
Brother Tony adamently rejected the notion that the Nation of Islam was opposed to other religious groupings and responded openly to Dr. Rima’s questioning about concerns regarding anti-Jewish sentiments. He reiterated that forced vaccination threatens all communities and that all people of good will need to unite to stop vaccine mandates.
Based in California, Brother Tony was particularly concerned with SB-277, the draconian forced-vaxx law recently enacted by the corrupt California Legislature and signed by the erstwhile liberal Governor of California, Jerry Brown, abrogating philosophical and religious conscientious objections to the uninsurable risks of what the US Supreme Court calls “unavoidably unsafe” vaccines. He also expressed opposition to pending bill SB-972 which would force child day care workers to be vaccinated as well; if enacted, this bill would be the first law in the nation to impose such an adult vaccine mandate.
Brother Tony asked concerned people go to a special website established to mobilize opposition to forced vaccination, www.JusticeOrElse.com
The interview can be found at the CCN archive: www.ConsciousConsumerNetwork.TV and at the VTN archive, www.VeteransTruthNetwork.com.
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee
* “Conclusion: The present study provides new epidemiologic evidence showing that African American males receiving the MMR vaccine prior to 24 months of age or 36 months of age are more likely to receive an autism diagnosis.” Brian S. Hooker, PhD, PE.
http://www.translationalneurodegeneration.com/content/3/1/16 (Please note: under pressure from the pro-vaxx lobby, the journal “withdrew” this paper after publication for technical reasons.)