Depopulation, Delta Worker Drones and Autism Eugenicide
This web page is the archive page for the September 11, 2013 Webinar.
Tell Decision Makers: http://tinyurl.com/DontDeltaMe
Link to the Webinar: http://tinyurl.com/ViciousVaccines
Live & Archived: September 11, 2013 on Livestream
Live Chat here: www.HealthFreedomPortal.org
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert host a webinar on Project Delta: the world effort to stop Agenda 21’s Depopulation Delta Drone Eugenicide. We discuss the causes of Autism and the political and economic reason behind this man-made pandemic. We offer Actionable Information and Hope.
Here are some background links relevant to the Webinar:
The England Hypothesis:
Two Hour Interview with Christina England:
Agenda 21: www.TRUTHaboutAgenda21.com
Agenda 21 Action Item: http://tinyurl.com/ReservingRights
May 6, 2013 Agenda 21 Workgroup Livestream Meeting & Archive