“You Are Under Attack! Here Are the Choices:
Defeat Agenda 21 and Live — or Die as a Slave.” – Gen. Bert
Agenda 21 Immediate Action item!
May 6, 2013 Workgroup Meeting & Archive
Archived copy of the ebook: Agenda 1 – Reservation of Rights
This web page includes the Strategies and Tactics Section of the Agenda 1: Reservation of Rights eBook, which was drafted through a series of online Workgroup Meetings (see Item #8 below).
Link to this page: http://tinyurl.com/Agenda1eBook
Related web page: www.TruthAboutAgenda21.com
Join the online Defeat Agenda 21 Advocates Forum:
Agenda 21’s Real Goal: Think Globally, Enslave Locally.
Our Response: Think Globally, Resist Locally!
Part One: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/29705675
Part Two: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/29711381
1. Take language back. This is a primary tool in their hands to bemuse and confuse us. We must redefine and redesign the language and its use. An example of an idea — a “meme” (an idea that can be widely repeated) is to take the Agenda 21 slogan, “Think Globally and Act Locally” and expose the “skull behind the smile” by changing it to “Think Globally – Enslave Locally” in recognition of the Agenda 21 Delphi tactic of using local authorities to implement global control systems through “environmentalism” and “sustainability” restrictions imposed by manipulated consensus.
Slogans, jokes, irony, sarcasm, cartoon, songs, theater, wit, dance and art are rapid response educational systems which we can use to deflate and deflect their distortions.
2. Talk it up. Stealth is their friend, the glare of public awareness is ours. Make conversation, distribute flyers, send emails, use conversations to connect the changes and subtle manipulations to the awareness of the people you interact with.
Make constant reference to the sneaky nature of Agenda 21 and its restriction of personal freedoms.
3. Civic Duty Calls. Attend meetings, raise objections, bring groups but do not sit together or meet together during the meetings. Act as if you are unconnected with other dissenters. Master the Anti Delphi techniques and USE THEM at public and civic meetings.
Organize block, town, area meetings of your own on the proposals your town is considering.
4. Like a Lawyer. Make friends with a lawyer or para legal who can help you find out what court actions are pending or have already been concluded re: Eminent Doman and changes in land use, educational policy and curriculum, etc.
5. Visit your local politicians and explain that if they do not support local and personal rights, they will face very stiff opposition in the local elections and that you will make sure that they are not elected again.
6. Really Smart Growth: Study Agenda 21’s “smart Growth” land planning restrictions and begin organizing creation of alternative principles for regulations. Urgent requirement. Sign up sheet for this task
ICDA21 Principles of Planetary Prosperity and Local Land Use (Draft)
We propose these Principles as essential for any reasonable, sustainable land use planning.
The First Rule is “Do no harm.” This means that existing land use patterns, including especially, local and organic food resources, must not be derogated. The polluting of local water sources and food resources through industrial toxins (including drug toxins and radiological waste) is a trespass on local inhabitants and their property which must not continue.
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 17. (1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
The Second Rule is: “Respect humane living conditions.” We reject the artificial concentration of populations in “stack ‘em and pack ‘em” urban control centers.
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 13. (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
The Third Rule is: “Reject ‘cookie-cutter’ regulations that ignore local needs.”
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 12. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home…
The Fourth Rule is: “Restrict use of eminent domain.” Eminent domain is costly to the public and imposes harsh burdens on the land-owner. It is tyrannical to take one person’s property to give it to political cronies, and all such takings must be banned. The limited use of eminent domain must be restricted to specifically public uses, not private gain.
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 17. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
The Fifth Rule is: “Local inhabitants must be respectfully heard by local government.” Citizens must not be subjected to “Delphi Technique” manipulation which causes them to surrender inalienable rights.
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 21. (1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country…
The Sixth Rule is: “Land use controls, where they exist, must be minimally restrictive.” Individual land-owners must be protected when making use of their property for dwelling, home commercial, gardening and husbandry purposes. People have the inalienable right to grow and consume their own food.
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 25. (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food…
We recommend these Principles to local communities, for the protection of the private and public interests of the local population.
7. Network via Agenda 21 Forum — Create national registry of Agenda 21 actions and our responses, our events and educational activities, etc. Join here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/agenda21reservation/
They win when we are isolated and ignorant of the patterns. The forum is a place to lay out the data and develop the pattern recognition that we need and to support one another as we strike out against the Agenda 21 system.
Remember that there WILL be infiltrators who WILL sow discord and confusion. Ignore them and pusue real connection for real change.
8. Workgroup Meetings – every other Monday, online. Register at: www.TruthAboutAgenda21.com