Advance Vaccine Directive Card Directions
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Thousands more people are securing an Advance Vaccine Directive Card for themselves and their family. We have just ordered several thousand new cards to send off to you.
Advance Vaccine Directive Card
Don’t Leave Home Without It!
I am getting a lot of emails asking me exactly how to assert your right of Informed Consent for yourself or your children.
Here is a detailed direction sheet. Use it and do not skip any steps: they are all important.
Counsel Fucetola and I advise that you follow the following procedure —
[1] As soon as you receive your card(s), sign and date one for each person you want to protect.
[2] Make 3 Photocopies of the front and back of each card.
[3] Bring one copy to the doctor who takes care of the signatory (or the person that you signed on behalf of) and tell the doctor that you want it inserted it into the Permanent Medical Record stating that all vaccines are refused on the basis of the legally protected Informed Consent rights under US and International law.
[4] Both you and the doctor should sign the copy of the front and back of the card.
[5] Video the entire interaction.
[6] If the doctor will not sign the copy of the card, make sure that you get a recording of the doctor refusing.
[7] A signed copy of the card should now be in the permanent record of the person whose card it is.
[ Note: If the card is for a child, go to the child’s school and repeat the process with the principal of the school, insisting that the Advance Vaccine Directive card, front and back, be inserted into the child’s record and that the principal and you have both signed it. Video the visit.]
[8] Go to the post office and mail yourself another copy of the front and back of the card which you have signed. Send it to yourself return receipt requested and put it, unopened, into your file to use later if you have to.
[9] From your email account, write a detailed email to your doctor and/or the principal detailing and memorializing the interaction you had. Scan the photocopy of the card and include it in the email.
NOTE: In the event that one or both refused to allow the video to be made, state that. If they did not insert the Advance Directive into the appropriate record, note that in the email.
IMPORTANT: This email document should be PURELY factual: no interpretation, no protest, just cold, hard facts, including date, time and location of the interaction; identify any witnesses.
[10] Send the emails (a separate email for each recipient) and then print them out and put them in your file, too. You may need this email for later documentation.
If you are dealing with an employer, you may have to take the copy of the Advance Vaccine Directive to the employer and register your intention NOT to receive vaccines. Follow the same procedure.
We would like to hear your experience, please contact me at Dr.Rima@NaturalSolutionsFoundation.com.
I look forward to hearing the good, the bad and the ugly on this vital issue.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
PS: Don’t have your card yet? Make a donation and get one at http://drrimatruthreports.com/action/donate/ to stop mandatory vaccines. Spread the word!
For further information, see our FAQs Page: http://drrimatruthreports.com/advance-vaccine-directive-card-faqs/ – REL