Natural Solutions Foundation – What We Stand For
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The Natural Solutions Foundation, founded in 2004, is an international NGO (Non Governmental Organization) focused on health freedom. We are active and registered in several countries and is a not for profit 501(C )(3) tax exempt organization in the United States. The Mission of the Foundation is to discover, develop, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the problems facing us and threatening our health and freedom, achieving and maintaining a healthy self, community and world. Since its founding the Natural Solutions Foundation has pursued a vigorous program on many fronts, including natural solutions to significant social problems involving health and wellness. We have over one hundred eighty thousand people on our supporter list. We consider health freedom to be part of those solutions. The threats to health and freedom are both domestic and international, as are the solutions. Individuals and other organizations are welcome to participate in our many programs and action options so that net roots and decision makers share the same information and conclusions about the solutions to problems touching us all.
- We stand for the freedom to choose allopathic and naturopathic healthcare according to individual free will.
- We seek optimal health, beyond mere symptom suppression.
- We believe that optimal health is the result of harmony involving body, mind, and heart and is only attainable when we are attentive to the underlying causes of disease.
- We observe a society suffering from the illusion of a separation between health and the intricate processes of nature. This separation is the product of a mechanistic paradigm that does not acknowledge the human being as self-healing.
- We believe that the pharmaceutical industry has provided some useful tools for acute conditions, which we value. We also believe that the misapplication of the pharmaceutical approach has lead to a culture of illness and death rather than health.
- We believe that while drugs may be effective in acute situations, they pollute both our bodies and the environment when used inappropriately and excessively.
- We observe that where there is optimal health, there are no symptoms. Truly healthy people and societies age well and do not experience the epidemic of chronic diseases that we experience in our society.
- We believe that in a truly healthy society, where we live in greater harmony with the environment, natural medicine will serve virtually all health needs, reserving pharmaceutical medicine for rare acute situations.
- We observe that the pharmaceutical industry is the largest industry on Earth with most of its drugs being useful for perpetual symptom-suppression, not cure.
- We observe that humanity is moving away from the symptom-suppression model of health, toward natural health that goes after underlying cases of disease.
- We believe that Codex Alimentarius (the World Food Code) is a deceptive program spawned by pharmaceutical and other multi-national industrial interests, with the undeniable agenda of indirectly undermining our sovereign health freedom laws (DSHEA), in order to forcibly maintain a mass market for drugs, processed foods, and pesticides.
- We observe that these processed foods and pesticides will perpetuate the need for healthcare and that Codex Alimentarius is in the process of removing all competition to the pharmaceutical/allopathic option for that care.
- We know that the Codex Alimentarius Vitamin and Mineral Guideline is unscientific since it erroneously classifies nutrients as toxins, and uses the wrong science of toxicology to determine meaningless micro-doses as “upper limits” on these essential substances. We support the Natural Solutions Foundation Alternative Vitamin and Mineral Guideline and urge that American freedom of choice in nutrients and healthcare be the model for Global Health Freedom.
- We understand that biochemistry (the science of life processes) and not toxicology (the science of poisons), is the appropriate science for assessing nutritional needs.
- We understand that nutrients are not toxins and do not behave as such, and thus cannot be treated as such if sound scientific advice is to be produced.
- We conclude that by seeking to quietly classify nutrients as toxins, the pharmaceutical industry is using the mantle of Codex Alimentarius to eliminate nutritional supplements and other natural health options from the marketplace under the deceptive veneer of “consumer protection”.
- We realize that the concept of “consumer protection” is the “Great Fabrication” of Codex Alimentarius.
- Codex Alimentarius is the greatest threat humanity has ever faced in the battle for personal choice and personal will, rather than economic interest, to determine health decisions. We view toxins in the food supply, unlabeled Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and mandated vaccinations as affronts to human dignity and fundamental freedoms.
- We understand that in America, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) is part of our legislative protection against the destructive Codex Alimentarius Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG). We know that some American politicians in Congress are working to undermine DSHEA, because without DSHEA and similar laws that classify nutrients as foods, we have no legal shield between us and Codex (which classifies nutrients as toxins).
- We perceive that the power of the people to make informed natural health choices makes Codex Alimentarius vulnerable; if we urge Congress to refrain from supporting Codex Alimentarius and anti-DSHEA bills, and instead support pro-health freedom bills, they ignore our collective voices at the peril of their positions in office.
- We know that more than 230 million Americans use natural health products and treatments in their lives. We also know that there are over 60 million people in America who care deeply about health and sustainability (the LOHAS market). They would become active when alerted to dangers to health and sustainability.
- We are committed to applying effective marketing and communication strategies to reach and inspire the LOHAS market and other communities, in order to build a massive grass-roots movement committed to promoting and securing health freedom in America.
- We understand that developing relationships with members of Congress in a spirit of respect is crucial to delivering the necessary education which will allow Congress to protect our health freedom. Congressmen and Congresswomen, individually and in their families, stand to lose as much as any other American if health freedom is lost to Codex Alimentarius.
- We choose to unite in numbers, organized cohesively thanks to the greatest communication tool ever invented: the Internet. We will organize ourselves into online and offline groups, letting our movement grow organically until our din can be heard in the halls of Washington D.C.
A listing of some of our accomplishments can be found at: