A Special Message from the “World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer
Counsel on the Citizens Petition
We Support a Vax Free World
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Citizens Petition FDA-2019-P-1130-0001
Dear Health Freedom Advocate:
RFK Jr.’s FOIA victory last year resulted in a court filing confirming that the Department of Health and Human Services and the FDA have failed to provide the 1986 Vaccine Safety Law required annual Vaccine Safety Report to Congress for over 30 years.
Working with me, “The World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” – Counsel Kent Heckenlively – a growing alliance of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) filed a formal Administrative Procedures Act (APA) Citizens Petition at Regulations.gov demanding that the FDA suspend all current vaccine drug approvals.
You are well aware that the right to refuse vaccines, although legally protected under the doctrine of Informed Consent, is under massive and concerted attack through governments world-wide, using a few “atypical” (that means vaccine-caused) measles cases as a political wedge to abrogate vaccine exemptions.
Recent draconian steps by “public health” authorities such as Rockland County NY (where 27% of the children, who are #VaxFree, will be barred from school and public places) should be a sufficient warning: Act Now or Our Rights Perish! The vaxx pushers are openly defying the Nuremberg Code. Resist Vaxx Apartheid!
Like you, we are deeply concerned by this invasion of health freedom for many reasons and we are writing to invite you to join with us in a legally compelling strategy to force the removal of all vaccine approvals from the United States since not a single vaccine is legally compliant and all of them have been approved in total violation of the binding 1986 legislation which requires FDA to:
1. Provide a report to Congress each year on the safety and efficacy of every vaccine approved for sale in the United States
2. Assure that every new vaccine is safer than previous vaccines and
3. Assure that every vaccine is both safe and effective.
None of these provisions has been met in flagrant disregard of the mandates of the 1986 statute.
For that reason, we have entered a formal Citizens Petition with the FDA demanding that since no vaccine complies with US law, all vaccines approvals must be withdrawn until such time as they do comply with US law.
Under the APA law, FDA has 90 days to respond from the day this Citizens Petittion was filed, March 9, 2019.
As will all similar efforts, numbers of adherents and signatories is of critical importance to the fate of the effort.
We therefore invite you to share this information with your circles of influence and urge them to add their name to the Citizens Petition by visiting http://tinyurl.com/StopIllegalVaccines. Once they indicate that they agree with the Citizens Petition, they can add their name to it.
We also strongly suggest that people use their social networks to spread the word that informed consent is being attacked and it must be preserved in the name of individual health freedom. Ask them to share the message with their friends and contacts. Let’s go viral with the #VaxxFree message!
The social media hashtag to use — #VaxFreeWorld
These are perilous times and we are firmly committed to the belief that our united voices can change the course of decision making back in favor of Informed Consent. It has so in the past.
Please feel free to contact the undersigned with any qustions or suggestions you may have on this matter.
Thank you for your commitment to our individual and collective health freedom,
Yours in health and freedom,
Kent Heckenlively, JD
The “World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer”
PS – Don’t forget to assert your Right to Informed Consent with Natural Solutions’ Advance Vaccine Directive Card: http://tinyurl.com/AVDcard